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1、- 1 -语法系列复习专题-代词代词的分类1.人称代词:有主格、宾格、所有格(含形容词性和名词性两种所有格)2.反身代词:myself ,yourself ,himself ,herself ,itself ,ourselves ,yourselvesthemselves3.指示代词:this ,that ,these ,those4.疑问代词:who ,whom ,what ,which5.相互代词:each other ,one another6.不定代词:some ,any ,all ,both ,none ,one, each ,either ,neither ,other ,anot

2、her,something ,anything ,nothing ,anyone ,anybody , someone ,somebody ,nobody7.关系代词(用于定语从句):who ,whom ,whose,that ,which ,as 代词用法注意点1.名词性所有格代词可作主语、宾语、表语,可用于双重所有格。例如:This isnt my book. Its his. Mine is in the bag. /Is she a friend of yours ?/Do you think this bag of mine beautiful ?/She lost some pen

3、cils of hers.2.反身代词可用于某些固定搭配。例如:(all)by oneself 自己单干,独立干:The boy usually finishes his homework by himself.of oneself 自动地,自行地:Mary will correct her mistakes in the exercises of herself.for oneself 替/为自己:You have to choose for yourself.3.指示代词 this/these 一般用来指时间和空间上较近的人或物;that/those 常指时间和空间上较远的人或物。进行比较

4、时,that 可代替不可数名词或单数名词以避免重复;those 可代替复数名词以免重复。例如:- 2 -The water of the well is cleaner than that of the river./The Christmas cards are much better than those you bought yesterday.4.相互代词 each other ,one another.前者通常指两者之间的“相互”,后者侧重三者或三者以上的“相互” ,也可指两者之间的“相互” 。5.不定代词some 多用于肯定句;any 多用于否定句,疑问句或条件句中。另外 some

5、 可用于表示请求、提议或者希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,修饰可数名词,表示“任何、无论哪一个”例如:If you have any ink ,please give me some.Edison became quite expert at it and could find work in any town he went to.all 与 noneall 表示“三者或三者以上全部” ,可以修饰可数、不可数名词。none 用于表示对三个或三个以上的人或物的否定,意思是“没有什么人,没有什么东西” ,可作主语和宾语。none of后的谓语可以是单数或复数形式。none 可以简略回答以 How m

6、any 或 How much 开头的疑问句。 例如:None of them have/has failed. How many books are there on the desk ? None.注意:no one (nobody)不同于 none ,作主语时只能跟单数谓语,不可跟 of 短语连用, 回答以 who 开头的问句,不能回答 How many/much 开头的问句。例如: Who is in the room ? no one(Nobody).Is there any oil in the glass ? None.other ,another ,the other ,othe

7、rs ,the others other 表示“没有范围的,其他的” ,与名词复数连用。如:other books/boys/another 泛指很多中的“另一个” ,可作代词或形容词用,代替或修饰单数可数名词。- 3 -如:I dont like this hat ,please show me another.the other 可作代词或形容词用,指已知的事物或人中的“另一个” ,或另一方中的“全部其他的” 。如:I have two sisters.One is a student and the other is a worker./I can see only two teache

8、rs in the office.Where are the other teachers ?others 泛指其他的人或物;the others 特指其余的人或物。others 常和 some 对比使用。 例如:Thirty students in our class are boys ,the others are girls.Some are carrying water ,others are watering the trees.one 作为不定代词,泛指“任何人” (包括说话人在内) ,还可用来代替上文出现过的可数名词(指人或物) ,并有复数形式 ones。例如:I have bo

9、ught a new bike.My old one doesnt work./One must do ones duty.注意:one ,that 都可代替前面出现过的单数名词,但这样用时,one 可被前置或后置定语修饰,that 只能被后置定语修饰。例如:This book is the one that is needed by him. My seat is next to that of our teacher.代词考点分析1. When shall we meet again ? Make it _ day you like;its all the same to me.(96 年

10、高考题)Aone Bany Csome Danother- 4 -析: 此题答案为 B。若选 A,one day 意“过去/将来的某一天” ;若选 C,some day 意“有朝一日” 、 “将来某一天” 、 “迟早” ;若选 D,another day 意“改日” 、 “又/另一天” ;选 B,any day 意“随便哪一天” 、 “无论哪一天” ,显然它适合此题。2.Im reading a new book these days ,_ in English.A.it B.that C.one D.which析: 排除 A 选项 it 的原因是因为 it 前或后都不可放定语;若选 B 项

11、that,则因其不能替代同一事物,也可排除;至于 D 项 which,因其是定语从句引导词,在此明显不合用。只有 C项 one 一方面它可有前置或后置定语,另一方面它可以替代前面出现的名词 a book,故是正确答案。3.There were two boys who called and I gave an apple to _.A.every B.all C.either D.each析: 由题干内容可知有两个孩子在叫喊,故 all(指三者或三者以上)不可选;every 表“两者中任意的一个” ,在此不符合情景之需要。只有 D,each(两者中的每一个)填入空白才合题干内容。 4.We d

12、ont know _ of the visitors here;we only know some.A.everyone B.every one C.anybody D.each one析: 因为 everyone ,everybody ,anybody 等不定代词一般不带限定语(此处不能与 of 短语连用) ,故 A、C 选项可排除。若选 D 项,因 noteach 结构表全否定,与下句“we only know some”不合,故不能成立。只有选 B 时,notevery 表半否定,与下句意相合。5.Young people may grow quickly in some ways an

13、d more slowly in _.(上海题)A.the other B.some other C.others D.those other析: 根据 in some ways(在某些方面) ,可知空白处要选表达复数意义的词,据此可排除A、B;又因为没有 those other 这样的词语,故可排除 D。根据 some 常与 others 相呼应使用规律,可定 C 为正确答案。 6.The question is too difficult and we found _.A.it not easy to answer it B.it was not easy for us to answer

14、 itC.its not easy to answer D.it not easy to answer析: 根据时态一致规律,we found 后不可跟 C 选项;要表达“那个问题不容易答。 ”这一意思时,应说 The question is not easy to answer.要表达“我们发现那个问题不容易答。 ”- 5 -这一意思时,应说 We found the question (was)not easy to answer.据此可排除 A、B 选项;只有 D 才是唯一正确选项。7.The hairdresser now cuts _ mens and womens hair.A.a

15、ny B.each C.both D.either析: 根据题干 mens and womens hair ,可知应选与两者有关的代词,于是立即可排除A。由于 each 和 either 不可直接修饰复数名词或复数名词所有格(应说 each of ,either of),故又可排除 B、D 选项。只有 both 才能与其后的 and 构成 bothand结构。故正确答案是 C。8.Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other end ?If you keep still ,you can sit at _end. (NMET)A.neither B.each C.either D.any 析: 一条船只有两头,any 是指三者或三者以上,在此不合用。neither 是“两者都不”,填入空白处意思不对;each 意“两者或三者,三者以上每个人都” ,若填入此题空白,不合语境,因为一个人不能同时坐船的两头。只有选 either(两者之一)才合此题情景。9.Have you finished your report yet ?No ,I


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