九年级牛津英语unit1 star signs第一课时学案

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1、九年级牛津英语九年级牛津英语 Unit1Unit1 StarStar signssigns 第一课时教学案第一课时教学案 (杨淑华)(杨淑华)UnitUnit 1 1 welcomewelcome toto thethe unitunit一一 教学目标:教学目标: 1.了解星座的相关知识 2.辨别不同星座的标志,学习标志名称。 3.讨论不同星座的人具有不同的性格特征。 教学重难点:words phrases sentences 教学过程:教学过程: 一自学质疑一自学质疑: : 重点短语重点短语 1.Let1.Let sbsb dodo sth.sth. 2 2 .worry.worry abo

2、utabout sb/sth/doingsb/sth/doing sthsth 3.3. either.or.either.or. 4.4. neither.nor.neither.nor. 5.5. both.and.both.and. 6.6. 1212 starstar signssigns 7.7. HaveHave lotslots toto eateat andand drinkdrink 8.it8.it sayssays 词组翻译词组翻译 1.1. 十二个星座十二个星座 2.2.或者在工作方面或者在娱乐方面或者在工作方面或者在娱乐方面 3 3HaveHave lotslots

3、toto eateat andand drinkdrink 4.4.挨饿挨饿 5 5 两个都两个都 6.6.十二生肖十二生肖 7 7对对熟悉熟悉 8.8.担心不吃早饭担心不吃早饭 9 9 可能真实可能真实 10.10.它写道它写道/ /说道说道 二合作探究合作探究 【自学检测自学检测】根据汉语或首字母写出正确的单词。根据汉语或首字母写出正确的单词。 1.I felt even _ (饥饿饥饿) after the long walk. 2.Ill be luck _at work _at play. ( 或者。或者或者。或者) 3.Sandy doesnt worry about not h_

4、 lunch. 4. Kate wants to know her_ (同班同学的同班同学的) star signs. 5.The notice s_, “Look out”. 【课堂教与学】语言知识语言知识 1.完成课本完成课本 P7 Part A., Part B 然后全班交流答案。然后全班交流答案。 2. 听磁带,回答下列问题。听磁带,回答下列问题。P6 What does Eddie want to do when Hobo is reading the newspaper? What does Eddie think of the stars on the newspaper? Wh

5、at does the newspaper say about Eddies stars? What does Hobo think of the words on the newspaper? 三、展示评价:三、展示评价: 1猜谜语猜谜语 (1). It lives in rivers and uses its fins and tail to swim. (2) It is a large, yellow and brown animals of the cat family, mainly living in Africa and parts of Southern Asia. The

6、male has long, thick around its neck. (3) It is a creature in ancient Greek stories, with a mans head, arms and upper body on a houses body and legs. (4) It is a sea creature with a shell, eight legs and two large pointed arms forcatching things. It moves sideways on land. 2学生两人一组练对话,彼此询问属相和生日,然后引出各

7、自的星座名称。学生两人一组练对话,彼此询问属相和生日,然后引出各自的星座名称。Eg: S1: How old are you? S2: Im sixteen. S1: Whats your animals sign? S2: The pig. S1: When is your birthday? S2:Its on 10th February. S1: Oh, youre an Aquarius. 3. 重点讲解重点讲解 1. It says Ill have lots to eat and drink today.在当主语是书面材料或者可见的东西时,如 letter, notice 等,sa

8、y 意为“写道”“显示”。如: The notice said “Keep out”. 告示上写着:“禁止入内”。2. Well, you neednt worry about your breakfast then. worryworry /worry/worry aboutabout /be/be worriedworried aboutabout worryworry n.n. 烦恼烦恼, ,忧虑忧虑, ,苦恼苦恼 . .令人发愁的事令人发愁的事( (或人或人) )Mothers illness was always a worry to me.1.及物动词及物动词 vt.vt. 使担心

9、使担心, ,使发愁使发愁Nothing worries me 我没有什么可担心的。2. .不及物动词不及物动词 vi.vi. Dont worry about the matter, take it easy. 别担心那件事,轻松一点。 worryworry about/about/ bebe worriedworried aboutabout 是担心。是担心。, ,其中其中 aboutabout 为介词为介词 ,经常使用的结构为,经常使用的结构为 worryworry aboutabout /be/be worriedworried aboutabout doingdoing somethi

10、ng.something.I am worriedworried about your mothers health!I I worryworry aboutabout youryour mothersmothers health!health!3.It3.It sayssays thisthis monthmonth IllIll bebe luckluck eithereither atat workwork oror atat play.play. Either.or.Either.or.或者。或者。要么。要么。不是。就是。或者。或者。要么。要么。不是。就是。4.4. butbut ne

11、itherneither MillieMillie nornor I I believebelieve it.it.NeitherNeither .nor.nor.既不。也不。既不。也不。. . NotNot onlyonly .but.but also.also.不仅。而且。不仅。而且。Either.or.Either.or.或者。或者。谓语动词都是就近原则或者。或者。谓语动词都是就近原则5.Both5.Both KittyKitty andand I I knowknow a a littlelittle aboutabout them.them.Both.and.Both.and.两个都

12、。谓语动词常用复数两个都。谓语动词常用复数四四 巩固深化:巩固深化:( 用用 BringBring / / taketake /worry/worry /worry/worry aboutabout /be/be worriedworried about)about) 填空。填空。1.1. DontDont 。youyou areare thethe bestbest studentstudent . .2.2. wewe allall mymy grandpasgrandpas health.health. 3.She3.She _ herher littlel

13、ittle brotherbrother toto mymy birthdaybirthday partyparty yesterdayyesterday 4.4. ItsIts nicenice ofof youyou toto b b meme thethe beautifulbeautiful presentpresent . .5.5. YouYou havehave todaystodays newspapernewspaper .what.what doesdoes itit s s . .6.6. DontDont worryworry aboutabout notnot h h breakfastbreakfast . . 7.7. LilyLily LucyLucy maymay gogo withwith youyou becausebecause oneone ofof themthem mustmust staystay atat home.home. A.A. NotNot only;only; butbut alsoalso



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