8b unit 4词汇复习资料

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1、8B Unit 4 词汇复习资料词汇复习资料8B Unit 4 词汇复习资料8B Unit 4一【精选词汇】 重点短语 1 hld a irphne 拿着麦克风比较:The hst ae n stage ith a irphne in his hand 2 ngratulatins!祝贺你!ngratulatins 在向别人表示祝贺、祝福时常用复数。(p60) 3 be hsen t be/as the hst f a harit sh be hsen t be/as被选作 知识链接be hsen t d sth 被选做某事,eg Hepburn as hsen t pla the lead

2、rle 4 fund-raising ativities fr harities 为慈善机构筹款的活动,advertise n the Internet 在网上做广告advertise n TV/in the nespaper/in the agazine 在电视上/报纸上/杂志上做广告,rganize a harit sh 组织慈善演出,sell bs t raise ne 卖书筹款 (p61) give ut leaflets 发传单giveut 分发,动词副词结构,give it/the ut。 6 return t shl 重返学校return 回到 return t地点 return

3、 sth t sb 把某物归还某人 知识链接return tg ba t回到return sth t sbgive sth ba t sb 归还 Hng ng returned t hina in1997 I reebered returning the b t the librar 7 help prtet rivers and laes in hina 帮助保护中国的河流和湖泊help (t) d sth 帮助做 8 hst a harit sh 主持慈善演出,start ring n the sh 开始着手演出工作 (p62) 9 have a lt f supprt fr lal bu

4、sinesses 得到当地企业的许多支持 知识链接have supprt fr sbhave sbs supprt 得到某人的支持,eg have parents supprt business n企业;商行 事情ind ur n businessIts nne f ur business 不关你的事。n business 因公;公干 He has gne t Beiing n businessbusiness hurs 营业时间 用法拓展be bus ith sth 忙于某事 be bus (in) ding sth 忙于做某事(联想记忆:因为忙的时候人在做事,所以 be bus 之后用动词

5、的 ing 形式) as bus as a bee 极忙碌地 10 perfr n the stage 在舞台上表演perfr v perfrer n 表演者perfrane n 表演 11 n the side dr 在侧门上,at bth sides f the stage 在舞台的两侧,in the iddle f the stage 在舞台的中间,in the fur rners f the shl hall 在学校礼堂的四个角落里 (p67) 12 design the pster 设计海报,set up the stage 搭建舞台,as friends and failies t

6、 e (p70) 13 ae a sentene 造句ae a sentene ith用造句,eep silent 保持沉默,fr n n 从今以后(用于将时),sine then 自那时起(用于完成时),da and night 日日夜夜,first f all 首先;最重要的是,are re abut多关注are re abut the peple in need,are nl abut只关心,are abut在乎, 关心 (p72) 14 ae/d a speeh 演讲freed f speeh 言论的自由 (p73) 词汇解析 1 中国的慈善机构:Pret Hpe 希望工程,Sprin

7、g Bud Pret 春蕾计划,Pret Green Hpe 绿色希望工程,Save hinas Tigers 拯救中国虎 2 TV aeras 摄像机,TV statin 电视台hinese entral Televisin StatinTV 3 rise vi 上升,(太阳、月亮)升起反义词 set,eg The sun rises in the east and sets in the est 太阳东升西落。The urtain rse (水)涨高 eg The river rse after the rain (物价)上涨 eg Pries have risen surprisingl

8、 物价上涨得很惊人。 用法拓展riserserisen vi 上升;升起 raiseraisedraised vt 举起;升起,筹集 二【重点句型】 1 nl if u sleep less during the da 只要你白天少睡一些觉 (p60) 知识链接nl if只要就;只有才 2 There are an as t raise ne fr harit 为慈善筹款有许多方式。 3 A lt f r needed t be finished, s I dnt have uh free tie (p62) 知识链接主语是事物时,need t be dneneed ding 主动形式表示被动

9、。 ur lthes are s dirt The need ashing/The need t be ashed (SeeUnit 3 语法详解) 4 It as b t intrdue eah star 我的工作是介绍每一个明星。 知识链接当主语是 b, dut, gal, purpse, ai, drea, ish 等时,动词be 之后用动词不定式作表语。eg Her dut is t lean the street His drea is t be an explrer I uldnt sleep at all that night beause I as s exited ill i

10、t be a suess? I ept asing self 知识链接ntat all 根本不;一点也不ept ding sth 反复做某事 be a suess 成功be suessful,be a big/great suess 非常成功 6 N tie t be nervus an re This is it! 没有时间再紧张了。就这样吧! 知识链接(There be) n tie t d sth 没有时间做某事。eg Theres n tie t have breafast 7 The fans f the pp stars ere aing a lt f nise, s I had

11、t spea ludl 知识链接ae a lt f nise 大声吵闹 ae a nise 吵闹;发出响声 spea ludl 大声说话 read alud 朗读(动词副词结构),read it/the alud 8 Everthing seeed t happen s fast, and n it is all ver 知识链接see ad 好像;似乎see (t be)形容词l形容词 see (t be) happ Sb sees/seeed t d sthIt sees/seeed that sb d sth 好像/似乎某人做某事,Everthing seeed t happen s f

12、astIt seeed that everthing happened s fast It sees t e that sb d sth 9 A lt f ne has been dnated t Pret Green Hpe have/has been过去分词 知识链接dnate sth t sb 向捐赠某物sth be dnated t sb 某物被捐赠给 eg Peple have dnated tens f illins f uan t Pret Hpe sine it as funded in 1989 10 I hpe re events lie this ill be rgani

13、zed t raise ne fr harit and I thin re peple shuld be invited t tae part in the re events lie this 更多像这样的活动 知识链接invite sb tsb be invited t应邀到某地,invite sb t d sthsb be invited t d sth 应邀做某事,eg Last night the ere invited t As birthda part tae part inin in 参加attend 出席,eg an iprtant persns attended the n

14、ferene 11 I as glad t reeive ur e-ail It as great fun t be a hst, asnt it? (p69) 12 Se hildren in pr areas d nt have ne t g t shl, s Pret Hpe pa fr their eduatin 知识链接pa fr sth 付的款,pa se ne fr sth 买某物付钱 13 ur lass held a eeting t tal abut hlding a harit sh hld/have a eeting开会 知识链接tal abut sb/sth 讨论、谈

15、论某人或某事,tal abut ding sth 讨论、谈论做某事 14 e have arranged r ang the students 我们已在同学中分配了工作。(p71) 知识链接arrange vt 安排;筹备 rearrange vt 重新安排;重新排列,arrange arrangeent,rearrange rearrangeent。eg The arranged a fareell part fr the exhange students ang 在中(两者以上) beteen 在中(两者) eg There is a den huse ang the trees English is idel used fr business beteen untries 1 I hpe that ur sh ill be held at the shl hall I hpe a lt f pp stars an be invited t the sh 知识链接hpethat 引导的一般将时或含有情态动词 an 的从句。hpe t d sth 希望做某事。英语里没有 hpe sb t d sth,必须改为hpethat 从句。 用法拓展ant/ish t d sth 想做某事,ant/ish sb



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