美丽的微笑(beautiful smile)

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美丽的微笑(beautiful smile)_第1页
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《美丽的微笑(beautiful smile)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《美丽的微笑(beautiful smile)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、美丽的微笑美丽的微笑(Beautiful smile)the pr are ver nderful peple ne evening e ent ut and e pied up fur peple fr the street and ne f the as in a st terrible nditin,and i tld the sisters: u tae are f the ther three i tae are f this ne h led rse s i did fr her all that lve an d i put her in bed, and there as su

2、h a beautiful sile n her fae she t hld f hand as she said ust the rds than u and she died i uld nt help but exaine nsiene良心befre her and i ased hat uld i sa if i as in her plae and anser as ver siple i uld have tried t dra a little attentin t self i uld have said i a hungr, that i a ding, i a ld, i

3、a in pain, r sething, but she gave e uh re-she gave e her grateful lve and she died ith a sile n her fae as did that an h e pied up fr the drain阴沟、下水道, half eaten ith rs, and e brught hi t the he i have lived lie an anial in the street, but i a ging t die lie an angel, lved and ared fr and it as s n

4、derful t see the greatness f that an h uld spea lie that, h uld die lie that ithut blaing anbd, ithut ursing anbd, ithut paring anthing lie an angel-this is the greatness f ur peple and that is h e believe hat esus had said: i as hungr, i as naed, i as heless, i as unanted, unlved, unared fr, and u

5、did it t ei believe that e are nt real sial rers e a be ding sial r in the ees f the peple, but e are reall nteplatives修行者、沉思冥想的人 in the heart f the rld fr e are tuhing the bd f hrist tent-fur hursand i thin that in ur fail e dnt need bbs and guns, t destr, t bring peae, ust get tgether, lve ne anth

6、er, bring that peae, that , that strength f presene f eah ther in the he and e ill be able t vere all the evil that is in the rldand ith this prize that i have reeived as a prize f peae, i a ging t tr t ae the he fr an peple h have n he beause i believe that lve begins at he, and if e an reate a he

7、fr the pr i thin that re and re lve ill spread and e ill be able thrugh this understanding lve t bring peae be the gd nes t the pr the pr in ur n fail first, in ur untr and in the rld t be able t d this, ur sisters, ur lives have t be ve ith praer the have t be ven ith hrist t be able t understand,

8、t be able t share beause t be ven ith hrist is t be able t understand, t be able t share beause tda there is s uh sufferinghen i pi up a persn fr the street, hungr, i give hi a plate f rie, a piee f bread, i have satisfied i have reved that hunger but a persn h is shut ut, h feels unanted, unlved, t

9、errified, the persn h has been thrn ut fr siet-that pvert is s full f hurt and s unbearableand s let us alas eet eah ther ith a sile, fr the sile is the beginning f lve, and ne e begin t lve eah ther naturall e ant t d sething美丽的微笑英语作文译文:穷人是非常了不起的人。一天晚上,我们外出,从街上带回了四个人,其中一个生命岌岌可危。于是我告诉修女们说:你们照料其他三个,这


11、竟能说出那样的话。他那样地死去,不责怪任何人,不诅咒任何人,无欲无求。像天使一样这便是我们的人民的伟大之所在。因此我们相信耶稣所说的话我饥肠辘辘我衣不蔽体我无家可归我不为人所要,不为人所爱,也不为人所关心然而,你却为我做了这一切。我想,我们算不上真正的社会工作者。在人们的眼中,或许我们是在做社会工作,但实际上,我们真的只是世界中心的修行者。因为,一天 24 小时,我们都在触摸基督的圣体。我想,在我们的大家庭时,我们不需要枪支和炮弹来破坏和平,或带来和平我们只需要团结起来,彼此相爱,将和平、欢乐以及每一个家庭成员灵魂的活力都带回世界。这样,我们就能战胜世界上现存的一切邪恶。我准备以我所获得的诺贝




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