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1、1 Unit 1 Sample iBT Question (Track 1-01) All right, are we ready to begin? Good. Last class we left off with, um, an introduction concerning the dolphins ability to communicate with one another. As you know, dolphins are often regarded as one of the most intelligent animal species on earth, but it

2、is hared to say just how intelligent dolphins are. This is because of, um, this mammals ability to communicate by using a variety of clicks, whistles and other vocalizations. Now lets talk about the different ways dolphins communicate. OK, the first of these communication methods includes a form of

3、echolocation; where dolphins locate an object by producing sounds and then listening for the echo. It works like this: um, broadband clicking sounds are emitted in a focused beam towards the front of a target. As the object of interest is approached, the echo grows, um, louder; and the dolphins adju

4、st by decreasing the intensity of the inter-click interval and their emitted sounds. Basic Drill A Listen to part of a conversation, and answer the question. ( 1. A 2. C 3. A) 1. What is the conversation mostly about? (Track 1-02) Script: W1: Wow, its getting late. Weve been studying in the library

5、for a long time now. W2: Youre right. Its already dark outside. Im kind of nervous about walking back to the dorm in the dark. W1: Oh, well thats not a problem. We can call campus security to walk us back. Hey, they might even drive us. W2: Really? I didnt know they did that. W1: Yeah, its a really

6、great service. Hey, with the tuition were paying, we should get walked back in the dark. W2: Hey, Im okay with paying tuition if it means safer campuses. This campus security thing is great! Listen again, and circle the words or phrases you hear. library long time campus security back to the room bo

7、oks dark outside crime getting late back to the dorm street lights safety tuition 2. What is the conversation mostly about? (Track 1-03) Script: W: All right, the first thing you need to do is register for your meal plan. M: Where do I do that? W: Theres an office at the main dining hall on campus.

8、Take your student identification card and a credit card. The meal plans are expensive! M: but what if I really dont eat that much food? W: That doesnt matter. All first year students are required to get a plan for at least two meals a day. So it would be a really good idea if you ate at the dining h

9、all for at least two meals a day. That way, you would actually get your moneys worth. M: So how much is this meal plan going to cost me? W: Im not sure because it changes from semester to semester. Theyll have a pricing guide at the dining hall office.2Listening again, and circle the words or phrase

10、s you hear. making plans meal plan price guide required register main dining hall expensive two meals a day expense getting full two meals per day pricing guide 3. What is the conversation mostly about? (Track 4) M: Oh man, Im running so late! I have to be at the Biology Building in five minutes! W:

11、 Oh, well you had better hurry then. You cant take the usual path from here you know. You have to detour. M: Detour? Why would I do that? W: Dont you remember? Theyre building a new wing on the Chemistry Building. The path is going to be closed due to construction all semester. You have to go around

12、 the astronomy lab to get to the Biology Building. M: Oh thats right! I completely forgot. Okay, I really have to run then. Ill see you later! Listening again, and circle the words or phrases you hear. running so late detour closed due to construction determine running so slow Chemistry Building clo

13、sed owing to construction Biology Building Geology Building around the astronomy lab B. Listen to part of a lecture, and answer the question. (1. C 2. D 3. B) 1. Which natural disaster does this passage detail? (Track 1-05) The earth has many natural disasters. Natural disasters are acts of nature t

14、hat create havoc among the planets creatures. One kind of natural disaster is a tsunami. A tsunami is a giant tidal wave that starts in the ocean. It causes major flooding where it hits. It can even sink entire islands so that they no longer can be seen from the surface of the water. One reason why

15、a tsunami happens is underwater earthquakes. These quakes create a disturbance in the water and cause a large swell. This swell creates a wave, which moves until it hits land. Listening again, and circle the words or phrases you hear. natural disasters create chaos major flooding underwater earthquakes continents tsunami underwater volcanoes disturbance in the water create havoc sea floor natural resources large wave 2. Wha


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