做人应该诚实(it pays to be honest)

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做人应该诚实(it pays to be honest)_第1页
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《做人应该诚实(it pays to be honest)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《做人应该诚实(it pays to be honest)(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、做人应该诚实(It Pays to Be Honest)1 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象2 诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实it pas t be hnestnadas peple are trubled ith ass f dishnest behavirs in siet teahers get anned hen the ath students heating n exas; nsuers get hurt hen the unfrtunatel bu se fae prduts; hildren are isled hen the see their parents tell lies

2、s as t evade the respnsibilit the shuld taeh d peple heat? the ain reasn prbabl lies in iediate interest the a btain b heating fr exaple, a pan, hih anufatures fae prduts, a see t in fr a ent beause it an iniize its anufature st b ding s this ind f businesses, hever, ill be driven ut f the aret in t

3、he lng run fr the nsuers after getting t n the pr qualit f the prduts ill nt bu the anrethe sae is true f individuals dishnest peple dare nt tae n the respnsibilit f life the heat in lass, in ffie, at he and s n but the truth an hardl be ased the ent the truth es ut the ill lse their redibilit, hih is easier t destr than t rebuild nsequentl, these dishnest ill suffer a lng tie beause f their heating behavirs in nlusin, n ne an affrd t be dishnest in a ivilized siethnest is the pillar f a siet peple ill benefit fr being hnest in the lng run thats h e sa it pas t be hnest


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