互联网对儿童来说是危险的(is the internet dangerous to children)

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互联网对儿童来说是危险的(is the internet dangerous to children)_第1页
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《互联网对儿童来说是危险的(is the internet dangerous to children)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《互联网对儿童来说是危险的(is the internet dangerous to children)(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、互联网对儿童来说是危险的(Is the Internet Dangerous to Children)as far as i n,nadas an shls dnt lie their students t surf n the internet even re parents thin f the internet as a bad influene in their hildrens lives,hih is all beause there are an exaples f students h have given up their studies r even bee bad as

2、a result f having gt int the habit f surfing n the internetfr pint f vie,the internet is nt dangerus t hildren generall speaing,the ar reasns f pinin an be listed as flls t begin ith,the internet plas a ver iprtant rle in the dernizatin f ur rld in a rd,if e annt use the internet ,e annt eep up ith

3、the pae f the e-tiein the send plae ,the internet an help us a lt in ur r and studies if prperl used last but nt the least ,the internet an entertain us ith funn stries,gaes ,literature and s n as relaxatin ,thus e an bine stud ith n the basis f thse fats abve ,e an reah the nlusin that the internet is nt dangerus t hildrenin vie,i suggest that parents shuld install sftare in partiular t prevent hildren fr prn ebs and led language and i hpe there ill be re and re hildren aing the st f the internet ,fr the internet is a histri dnai,revlutinar fre


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