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1、四级写作,一、论说文的基本框架,论点论据论证,论点,要求1.观点正确2.鲜明、集中(concise),论据,事实、数据、名人名言、专家见解,科学原理和定义等。convincing to the point typical,论证,1.归纳法2.演绎法3.驳论法,二、论说文的基本写作策略和步骤,提纲式论说文段首式论说文,1. 列提纲,写各段的主题句2. 写扩展句3. 扩句成段4. 通读全篇,修改语法、拼写和标点,三、论说文的基本类型,1.对立观点型2.问题解决型3.说明利弊型4.阐述主题型,对立观点型的论说文,模式,引出话题 - 一种观点认为-另外一种观点认为- 我的观点,历年考题,Cet4 19

2、96.6Reading Selectively or Extensively?1.有人认为读书要有选择2. 有人认为应当博览群书3.我的看法,Cet4 1995.1Can Money Buy Happiness? 1.有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness) 2.另外一些人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of evil) 3.我的看法,1998.6 Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Luck?1. 有人认为某些数字为带来运气2. 也有些人认为数字与运气无关试说明你的看法,对立观点型论说文常用句型 I. 点明主题的常用句型,1. has becom

3、e a hot topic among people, and opinions to it vary from person to person.2. When it comes to , different people will have different opinions.,3. When being asked about, different people will offer different answers. 4. The issue of whether or not has been widely argued/ debated about.,II. 具体介绍两种对立观

4、点的常用句式1. Some people suggest/ hold the opinion that But / However/ Nevertheless/ other people hold a different point of view,they think,2.Some people are inclined to think thatOn the contrary, there are many people who wont agree, and they claim3. Now it is generally accepted /believed that But I do

5、ubt whether,III.陈述自己的观点的常用句式1. In my eye/ view/ As to me/ To the best of my knowledge/ As far as I am concerned,2. Im in favor of/ I am on the side of/ My favor goes to the former/ latter opinion to some extent. The main reason is that Furthermore3. There is probably some truth in both arguments, bu

6、t,4. In my opinion, both sides are partly right. When we we should take into consideration all aspects of the problems and then make the right decision.,模版1 Recently there has been a heated debate on whether or not _.(点明主题),Some claim that_(赞成的观点). To start with, . (理由一)Furthermore, _(理由二),Others _

7、(反对的观点). They maintain that _ (理由一). Besides, _(理由二). As a result _(进一步具体说明).,For all these negative aspects, I prefer the former opinion. The main reason is that _(支持第一种观点的原因之一). Whats more, _(原因之二).,模版2 The issue of whether or not has been widely debated about. Some people hold an opinion that A i

8、s superior to B in many ways. Others, however, contradict A. Personally, I would prefer A because I think A has more advantages.,There are numerous reasons why _, and I would like to explain a few of the most important ones. The main reason is that_. It can be given a concrete example-_.,Another rea

9、son why I advocate the attitude of A is that_. Furthermore, _. Of course , choosing B also has advantages to some extent_.,Taking all these factors into consideration, the advantages of A greatly outweigh that of B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that_.,Is the

10、 College English Test Band 4/6 Necessary?1. 有人认为大学四六级考试很有必要2. 但也有人对此持不同的看法3. 我认为,Is the College English Test Band 4/6 Necessary Recently there has been a heated debate on whether or not the national College English Test Band 4 or 6 is necessary.,Some students and teachers are in favor of it. To star

11、t with, they maintain that it is an effective way to raise the level of English in our country. Furthermore, they argue that it may not only inspire teachers to improve their teaching, but,also urge students to attach more importance to English so as to improve their communicative skill. Others hold

12、 an opposite point of view. They maintain that this kind of test doesnt help improve,the students actual ability in mastering the language although it may help them acquire some approach to dealing with the test. Besides, it only makes learning and teaching test-oriented. As a result, only such stud

13、ents with high scores but low abilities are turned out.,For all these negative aspects, I prefer the former opinion. The main reason is that thanks to CET Band 4 or 6, the overall English level of college students has been greatly promoted. Whats more,both teachers and students now place much emphasis on comprehensive learning skills, including listening, speaking, reading and writing.,Assignment The Objective of Study1. 有许多大学生认为学习的目的是拿到文凭2. 也有一些人认为大学的学习应是以发展个人的兴趣的培养特长为目标的3. 我的看法,1998.6 Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Luck?1. 有人认为某些数字为带来运气2. 也有些人认为数字与运气无关试说明你的看法,Thanks for your attention!,


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