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1、1. 儿童绝不应为了支撑家庭或者辍学去工作。 A child should never work to support his family or go to work instead of school. 2. 被动吸烟是位于主动吸烟、涉酒类疾病之后的第三类最可预防的死因。 Passive smoking is the third preventable cause of death after active smoking and alcohol- related smoking. 3. 传统的完全按照分数录取学生的做法需要进行重新评估。 The traditional system of

2、 accepting students purely on the basis of their grades needs to be reevaluated. 4. 尽管开展了一项新的广告宣传活动,但他们仍在亏本。 Despite a new advertising campaign, they were suffering from falling sales. 5. 现在十几岁的青少年偏爱呆在电视机或电脑前,而不是和朋友在一起。 Teenagers now prefer spending time with the TV set or the computer rather than w

3、ith their friends. 6. 大多数技术史学家把黑色火药的发现归功于中国人。 Most historians of technology credit the Chinese with the discovery of the black powder. 7. 这种对机动车的依赖已经引起重大的问题,包括环境污染、石油资源枯竭、交通阻塞 以及安全问题。 This dependence on motor vehicles has given rise to major problems, including environmental pollution, depletion of

4、oil resources, traffic congestion and safety. 8. 当学生学习感到疲倦,希望有机会放松、和朋友在一起的时候,他们可以参与一些娱 乐活动。 When students are weary from study and want the chance to relax and enjoy themselves with friends, they can participate in a number of recreational and activities. 9. 显然,某些疾病在医学进步面前正在退却。 Clearly, certain dise

5、ases are beating a retreat in a face of medical advances. 10. 随着家庭和农业需求也在增加,供水系统的能力面临越来越大的压力。 With domestic and agricultural demands also increasing, the capacity of water supply systems is under growing strain. 11. 尤其在商业领域,人们往往利用不诚实的手段来损人利己。 Especially in business, people often use dishonest techni

6、ques in order to benefit materially at the expense of others. 12. 一些俄罗斯科学家声称小孩子在接触紫外线之后会学习得更好。 Some Russian scientists claim that children learn better after being exposed to ultraviolet light. 13. 此表提供了 1999 年澳大利亚男性和女性在毕业后的继续教育方面获得不同层次文凭的 信息。 The chart gives information about post-school qualificat

7、ions in terms of the different levels of further education reached by men and women in Australia in 1999. 14. 火箭的发明和“黑色火药”的发明密不可分。 The invention of rockets is linked inextricably with the invention of “black powder”. 15. 中国社会环境的变化一部分还可以归因于年轻人对做这些事情缺乏兴趣。 Part of the changing social situation in China

8、 can also be attributed to the lack of interest young people have in pursuing these kinds of activities. 16. 许多特征,比如身高智力,不仅是基因作用的结果,而且也是基因与环境之间相互作用的结果。 Many characteristics, such as height and intelligence, result not from the action of genes alone, but from subtle interactions between genes and the

9、 environment. 17. 两百年前,拳击比赛在英国非常流行。 Boxing matches were very popular in England two hundred years ago. 18. 自从那个时期以后,火箭技术已经取得了巨大发展。 Since then, there have been huge developments in rocket technology. 19. 国际贸易正在惊人的速度增长。 International trade is growing at a startling pace. 20. 我们希望在出发去野餐之前雨就已经停了。 We hop

10、e it will have stopped raining before we set off for the picnic. 21. 到本月底,他驯马的时间就满 20 年了。 By the end of this month, he will have been training horses for twenty years. 22. 他们刚刚谈了只有五分钟,这时一个陌生人走了进来。 They had only been talking for five minutes when a stranger stepped in. 23. 史密斯先生离开学校的时候,已经教了二十五年的学了。 B

11、y the time Mr. Smith left school, he had taught for twenty-five years. 24. 七点钟之后不要给我打电话,因为那时我正在图书馆自修。 Dont call me after seven because Ill be studying at the library. 25. 也许等我们赶到火车站,火车已经开走了。 Maybe by the time we get to the station the train will have already left. 26. 到他们允许我们进去时,我们已经等了三个小时。 We had b

12、een waiting for three hours when they allowed us to enter. 27. 牛津已经被汽车工业毁了。 Oxford has been ruined by the motor industry. 28. 传统技艺和生活方式通常被保留几百年而只有极少的改变。 Traditional skills and ways of life are often maintained for hundreds of years with few alterations. 29. 这种短期增长是以巨大、沉重的组织管理上的损失为代价的。 Such short-sho

13、rt term increases are obtained only at a substantial and serious cost to the organization and management. 30. 药物治疗被很多人视为最后不得已的手段。 Medication is regarded by many as a last resort. 31. 随着更多的人成为大型消费者,有更多的垃圾正在被制造出来。 More rubbish is being produced as more people becoming big consumers. 32. 在整个世纪,最大的水量是用于

14、农业目的。 Throughout the century, the largest quantity of water was used for agricultural purposes. 33. 在巴西,大量的水用于农业,这种情况在每人的水消费量的数字中得以反馈。 A huge amount of water is used in agriculture in Brazil, and this is reflected in the figures for water consumption per person. 34. 体育工资并不是由考虑一个人给社会做出多少贡献或他(她)负有的责任大

15、小程度来 决定的。 Sport salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds.35. 对小孩子来说,电脑技能所带来的明显好处不能被否认。 The obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied. 36. 可以回收的纸张其数量有技术限制,有些纸产品不能被收集重新利用。 There a

16、re technical limitations to the amount of paper which can be recycled and some paper products cannot be collected for re-use. 37. 在未来电脑将被用来创造更大、甚至更复杂的电脑。 In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. 38. 在这两万人中,将近两千人正受着雇主的剥削和虐待。 Of these 20,000, just under 2,000 are being exploited and abused by their employers. 39. 我被房东告知,最好给家具和其他个人财产上保险。 I was told by the landlord that it would be a good idea to get some insurance for the furnit



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