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1、新概念英语第二册重点词组(148)1. go to the theatre2. go to the movie3. interesting adj.4. interested adj.5. get angry6. turn round=turn around7. angrily adv.8. pay attention to9. notice vt.10. in the end=at last=finally11. none of your business12. get up13. stay in bed14. notuntil15. What a day!16. just then17.

2、visit vt.18. public gardens19. teach sb. sth.20. lend sb. sth.21. on the last night22. make a decision23. receive a letter from sb.=hear from sb.24. a great number of=many25. fly to26. send sth. to27. be five miles from+地点28. cover vt.29. in three minutes30. up to now31. a great many32. spare part33

3、. onethe other34. in this way35. move to36. knock at37. ask for38. a glass of39. in return for40. stand on ones head41. go away42. call at+地点43. call on sb.44. once a month45. twice a month46. three times a month47. at the airport48. try to do49. try doing50. while 51. keep guard52. to ones surprise

4、53. to ones excitement54. be full of=be filled with55. enter for56. win vt.57. on Wednesday evening58. a crowd of59. the minute hand60. the hour hand61. the second hand62. refuse to do63. at that moment64. belong to65. allow sb. to do66. a friend of my fathers67. a lawyers office68. borrow sth. from

5、 sb.69. pay back70. pay for71. across the Atlantic72. set out73. plenty of+可数 /不可数74. say goodbye to sb.75. be away76. be proud of77. take part in78. a group of79. at present80. at the station81. during this time82. give a performance83. as usual84. have a difficult time85. keep order86. on.occasion

6、87. drive on88. on the way89. wave to90. ask for a lift91. as soon as92. say good morning to93. apart from94. a few+可数名词95. few+可数名词96. neither97. feel nervous98. look up99. look sth. up in the dictionary100. can/could afford to do101. in a weak voice102. a traffic policeman103. welcometo104. fail t

7、o do105. No parking!106. at least107. in spite of108. in a dress109. grow up110. look for111. have a good meal112. pay the bill113. give back to114. at any moment115. hurry to116. sell out117. What a pity!118. at once119. might/may as well do120. instead of121. give up doing122. a waste of time123.

8、be interested in124. drive sb. mad125. night and day126. for some reason127. come into use128. drive away129. knock down130. a sum of money131. a large sum of money132. be determined to do133. dread of/about134. a piece of135. think of136. ten months later137. write to sb.138. each other139. decide

9、to do140. have/receive a letter from sb.=hear from sb.141. next year142. get a surprise143. in the country144. It looks strange.145. feel upset146. complain about147. a knock at the door148. arrive in/at=reach=get to149. at last=in the end=finally150. the way to151. not onlybutas well=not onlybut=no

10、t onlybut also152. neithernor153. a lot of=lots of+可数名词/不可数名词154. in the same way155. of course156. better than157. whetheror158. for a moment=for a while159. upside down160. put up161. in the middle of162. as soon as163. smell good164. tell a story165. sing a song166. by the campfire167. put out168

11、. sleep soundly169. wake up170. wind its way171. believe in172. because of+名词/代词173. have an effect174. turnto/into175. unusual adj.176. fromto177. since then178. on the roof of179. on another occasion180. as usual181. call out to182. so+ adj./adv. that183. fall into184. in sight185. out of sight186

12、. run away187. throw back to188. tell sb. about sth.189. used to do190. be used to doing/sth.191. at that time192. make spare parts193. employ vt.194. the long road to success195. in his twenties196. as+ adj./adv. +as197. not asas=not soas198. than ever before199. a well-dressed woman200. hand sth.

13、to sb.201. wrap up202. than usual203. asas possible204. find out205. be able to do206. set out207. be caught in a storm208. on arriving at the shore209. notany more210. pick up a stone211. pick sb. up212. pick up an American accent213. call at+地点214. call on sb.215. the local police216. be worried21

14、7. most surprised=very surprised218. wake up219. wake sb. up220. a short while ago221. regret to do222. regret doing223. see sb. do224. see sb. doing225. drive at226. such+ n. that227. shortly afterwards228. set up a new world record229. set out230. be sure to do231. intend to do=be going to do232.

15、every two hours233. on the coast234. in four years time=in four years235. a great many+可数名词236. by the end of237. look forward to238. return to239. dream of240. play to do241. settle down242. no soonerthan=hardlywhen243. complain about244. even though=even if245. as if246. in the end=at last=finally

16、247. think of248. more than he could bear249. in hospital250. ask sb. to do251. refuse to do252. ask for253. inquire about254. allow sb. to do255. next to256. look up at257. take a seat=sit down=be seated258. be busy (in) doing259. in despair260. ones eyes/attention be fixed261. say to sb.262. look at oneself in the mirror263. in front of264. at once265. neednt have said that266. remind sb. of267. have a walk268. have a rest269. after a time=after a while


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