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1、六人行各集中英文标题第 1 季六人行 第 1 季 (共 24 集) 集 标题(英文) 标题(中文) 播放日期01 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate 试播 1994-09-2202 The One With the Sonogram at the End 参加助产训练班 1994-09-2903 The One With the Thumb 飞来横财 1994-10-0604 The One With George Stephanopoulos 乔治史特喷那彼拉斯先生 1994-10-1305 The One With the East Germa

2、n Laundry Detergent 洗衣服 1994-10-2006 The One With the Butt 屁股秀 1994-10-2707 The One With the Blackout 停电 1994-11-0308 The One Where Nana Dies Twice 娜娜死了两回 1994-11-1009 The One Where Underdog Gets Away 气球飞了 1994-11-1710 The One With the Monkey 猴子 1994-12-1511 The One With Mrs Bing 宾太太 1995-01-0512 Th

3、e One With the Dozen Lasagnes 十二碗面条 1995-01-1213 The One With the Boobies 看胸脯 1995-01-1914 The One With the Candy Hearts 情人节糖果 1995-02-0915 The One With the Stoned Guy 大麻客 1995-02-1616 & 17 The One With Two Parts 双胞胎两部曲 1995-02-2318 The One With All The Poker 玩扑克 1995-03-0219 The One Where the Monke

4、y Gets Away 猴子被送走 1995-03-0920 The One With the Evil Orthodontist 风流牙医 1995-04-0621 The One With The Fake Monica 假莫妮卡 1995-04-2722 The One With the Ick Factor 倒人胃口的约会 1995-05-0423 The One With the Birth 本出世 1995-05-1124 The One Where Rachel Finds Out 瑞秋恍然大悟 1995-05-18第 2 季六人行 第 2 季 (共 24 集) 集 标题(英文)

5、 标题(中文) 播放日期01 The One With Ross New Girlfriend 罗斯的新女友 1995-09-2102 The One With the Breast Milk 母乳 1995-09-2803 The One Where Mr Heckles Dies 海先生之死 1995-10-0504 The One With Phoebes Husband 菲比的丈夫 1995-10-1205 The One With Five Steaks and an Eggplant 五块牛排和一根茄子 1995-10-1906 The One With the Baby on t

6、he Bus 宝宝落在巴士上了 1995-11-0207 The One Where Ross Finds Out 罗斯发现瑞秋对他有意思 1995-11-0908 The One With the List 清单 1995-11-1609 The One With Phoebes Dad 菲比的爸爸 1995-12-1410 The One With Russ 罗斯的翻版 1996-01-0411 The One With the Lesbian Wedding 同志婚礼 1996-01-1812 & 13 The One After the Superbowl 超级杯 1996-01-28

7、14 The One With the Prom Video 高中舞会录影带 1996-02-0115 The One Where Rachel and Ross. You Know 罗斯和瑞秋你知道的 1996-02-0816 One Where Joey Moves Out 乔伊搬走了 1996-02-1517 The One Where Eddie Moves In 艾迪搬入 1996-02-2218 The One Where Dr Ramoray Dies 拉莫瑞医生之死 1996-03-2119 The One Where Eddie Wont Go 艾迪赖着不走 1996-03-

8、2820 The One Where Old Yeller Dies 猎狗之死 1996-04-0421 The One With the Two Bullies 两个小流氓 1996-04-2522 The One With the Two Parties 一个头两个大 1996-05-0223 The One With the Chicken Pox 出水痘 1996-05-0924 The One With Barry and Mindys Wedding 巴利和明蒂大喜之日 1996-05-16第 3 季六人行 第 3 季 (共 25 集) 集 标题(英文) 标题(中文) 播放日期01

9、 The One With the Princess Leia Fantasy 莉亚公主 1996-09-1902 The One Where No-ones Ready 没人准备好 1996-09-2603 The One With the Jam 果酱 1996-10-0304 The One With The Metaphorical Tunnel 战胜自我,不再害怕承诺 1996-10-1005 The One With Frank Jr 菲比的弟弟小福兰克 1996-10-1706 The One With The Flashback 时光倒转,昔日重现 1996-10-3107 T

10、he One With the Race Car Bed 赛车床 1996-11-0708 The One With The Giant Poking Device 戳他一下 1996-11-1409 The One With The Football 六人橄榄球比赛 1996-11-2110 The One Where Rachel Quits 瑞秋辞职 1996-12-1211 The One Where Chandler Cant Remember Which Sister 钱德想不起勾搭了乔伊的哪个妹妹 1997-01-0912 The One With All The Jealous

11、y 嫉妒 1997-01-1613 The One Where Monica and Richard Are Friends 莫妮卡和里查德只做朋友 1997-01-3014 The One With Phoebes Ex-Partner 菲比的旧搭档 1997-02-0615 The One Where Ross and Rachel Take A Break 罗斯和瑞秋分手 1997-03-1316 The One The Morning After 次日清晨 1997-02-2017 The One Without The Ski Trip 滑雪之旅 1997-030618 The On

12、e WithThe Tape 催眠录音带 1997-03-1319 The One With The Tiny T-shirt 小小 T 恤 1997-03-2720 The One With The Dollhouse 玩偶屋 1997-04-1021 The One With A Chick And A Duck 小鸡和小鸭 1997-04-1722 The One With The Screamer 尖叫的汤米 1997-04-2423 The One With Rosss Thing 罗斯长了怪东西 1997-05-0124 The One With The Ultimate Figh

13、ting Champion 终极搏击比赛 1997-05-0825 The One At The Beach 在海滩 1997-05-15第 4 季六人行 第 4 季 (共 24 集) 集 标题(英文) 标题(中文) 播放日期01 The One With The Jellyfish 水母惊情 1997-09-2502 The One With The Cat 转世灵猫 1997-10-0203 The One With The Cuffs 手铐游戏 1997-10-0904 The One With The Ballroom Dancing 社交舞 1997-10-1605 The One

14、With Joeys New Girlfriend 乔伊的新女友 1997-10-3006 The One With The Dirty Girl 灰姑娘 1997-11-0607 The One Where Chandler Crosses a Line 钱德横刀夺爱 1997-11-1308 The One With Chandler in a Box 钱德到箱子里过节 1997-11-2009 The One Where Theyre Gonna PARTY 参加派对 1997-12-1110 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie 帕基普希来的姑

15、娘 1997-12-1811 The One With Phoebes Uterus 菲比被“借鸡生蛋” 1998-01-0812 The One With The Embryos 受精卵 1998-01-1513 The One With Rachels Crush 瑞秋坠入情网 1998-01-2914 The One With Joeys Dirty Day 乔伊臭臭的一天 1998-02-0515 The One With All The Rugby 橄榄球 1998-02-2616 The One With The Fake Party 假派对 1998-03-1917 The On

16、e With The Free Porn 免费成人电影 1998-03-2618 The One With Rachels New Dress 瑞秋的新装 1998-04-0219 The One With All The Haste 忙中出错 1998-04-0920 The One With All the Wedding Dresses 婚纱 1998-04-1621 The One With The Invitation 邀请 1998-04-2322 The One With The Worst Best Man Ever 史上最不称职伴郎 1998-04-3023 & 24 The One With Rosss Wedding 罗斯的婚礼 1998-05-07第 5 季六人行 第 5 季 (共 24 集) 集 标题(英文) 标题(中文) 播放日期01 The One After Ross Says Rachel 罗斯说漏嘴以后 1998-09-2402 The One With All


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