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1、Fortune January 15, 1996, p.105. (Thomas A. Stewart哈佛商业评论总编托马斯斯图沃特 ) 炸掉你的人力资源部 意译Taking On the Last BureaucracyPeople Need People-But Do They Need Personnel? Its Time for Human Resources Departments to Put Up or Shut Up.Nestling warm and sleepy in your company, like the asp in Cleopatras bosom, is a

2、 department whose employees spend 80% of their time on routineadministrative tasks. Nearly every function of this department can be performed more expertly for less by others. Chances are its leaders are unable todescribe their contribution to value added except in trendy, unquantifiable, and wannab

3、e terms-yet, like a serpent unaffected by its own venom, thedepartment frequently dispenses to others advice on how to eliminate work that does not add value. It is also an organization where the averageadvertised salary for professional staffers increased 30% last year.I am describing, of course, y

4、our human resources department, and have a modest proposal: Why not blow the sucker up?【在你的公司中存在着一个暖洋洋的、昏昏欲睡的,就像是科洛巴特拉(古埃及艳后,用毒蛇自杀)胸脯上的毒蛇一样的东西,这个东西就是你公司中的一个部门。这个部门所属雇员 80的时间都用在了日常性的行政管理事务上。该部门的几乎所有的职能都可以让其他部门用更少的时间却更为熟练地去完成。更要命的是该部门的领导人无法描述出他们对公司的价值增值所作出的具体贡献是什么,而只能用一些流行的、无法量化的和苍白无力的语言来为自己辩解 然而,正如毒蛇

5、不会收到自己的毒液感染一样,这个部门竟然还常常向其他部门提建议,告诉他们如何精简那些不会给公司带来价值增值的工作。不仅如此,从招聘广告上看,在这个部门中工作的专业人员的平均薪资水平去年竟然上升了30。我所描述的当然就是你们公司的人力资源管理部门,因此我想给你一个小小的建议是:为什么不把你的人力资源管理部门炸掉算了?】I dont mean improve HR. Improvements for wimps. I mean abolish it. Deep-six it. Rub it out; eliminate, toss, obliterate, nuke it; give it the

6、 old heave-ho, force it to walk the plank, turn it into road kill.Why not?Consider what HR does and whether it should do it. Start with payroll, since thats a subject dear to the hearts of HRs clientele. Outside providers now cut an estimated 25% of all paychecks issued in the United States. Their b

7、usiness boometh. The employers services division of Automatic Data Processing of Roseland, New Jersey, the biggest business in the field, grew 13% in 1995 and has been growing at double-digit rates for years. The reason, says Fred Anderson, ADPs chief financial officer: As companies move off mainfra

8、mes, they are taking a look at what applications are strategic to them. When they decide that payroll and human resources functions are not strategic, they outsource them. Back in the office, HRs contribution to payroll administration comes down to keeping enough forms on hand for new hires to fill

9、in and holding checks for people who were out of town on payday and havent yet signed up for direct deposit.薪酬(支付):牵涉到 HR 所服务群体的核心利益,外部服务提供商已负责了全美 25%的工资偿付业务。该行业增长趋势明显,领头羊企业在 1995 年增长率 13%(以保持多年的两位数增长),其 CEO 认为正因为薪酬偿付及 HR 职能对于企业来说没有战略意义,所以进行了外包。【人力部门总是给大量的表格给新雇佣员工填写,或者替暂时无法领取工资的员工保管支票】The same thing

10、 is happening with benefits administration. Johnson & Johnson is just one company that has turned entirely to outside vendors to run retirement, health, and other plans. In a 1995 survey of 314 large American companies, the Conference Board found that 26% had outsourced benefits administration, but

11、that overall number hides how many farm out at least part of the job. As defined-contribution pensions like 401(k)s replace defined-benefit plans, for example, companies are more than twice as likely to turn to outsourcing, according to another Conference Board survey-fully 87% outsource record keep

12、ing and 59%, administration and service. Got a question about your 401(k)? Dont call us: Call Fidelitys 800 number. The good news is that you can call at night and reach someone who can actually help you rather than simply take notes (inaccurately) and get back to you (belatedly).福利管理:1995 年全美 314 家

13、大企业中,26% 的企业将福利管理外包出去了(退休、员工健康等),而这个数字还无法体现将福利管理部分外包出去的情况。由于 401(k)s【著名的固定缴款养老金计划】等取代了“固定收益养老金计划”,企业更倾向于将其外包了。外包的业务中 87%的数据记录在案,而企业内行政及服务数据只有 57%被记录留档。【有问题就打电话给外包的 call center,比问人力部门能更及时、准确地沟通和解决问题。】In an outstanding study of the changing role of human resources departments, the Corporate Leadership

14、 Council, a Washington, D.C., group that conducts research for 500 member companies, concluded that four big dollops of HR work have significant potential to outsource fully: benefits design and administration; information systems and record keeping; employee services such as retirement counseling,

15、outplacement, and relocation; and health and safety (workers compensation, wellness programs, drug testing, and OSHA compliance). None, the Corporate Leadership Council noted, have much potential to produce competitive advantage for a company that does them especially well in-house; all offer econom

16、ies of scale to outside suppliers; and for several, outsourcing reduces risk by offloading exposure to liability or regulatory claims.To their credit, HR departments have seized the opportunity to outsource. Under pressure to cut costs, they have jettisoned administrative bureaucracies like drug dealers tossing hemp into the sea when a Coast Guard cutter heaves into view. The ten biggest employee benefits consulting-and-outsourcing firms earned over $



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