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1、1九年级英语试卷时间: 90 分钟 满分:120 分 计分:_一、单项选择。20 分( ) 1.More than a month _ since the foreign friends came here.A. has passed B. have passed C. has past D. have past( )2. Nobody except Mr. Zhang and his children _ to London before .A. have been B. has been C. have gone D. has gone( )3. If you_ her tomorrow,

2、 please ask her if she _ to work on the farm with us.A. see, goes B. will see, goes C. will see, will go D. see, will go ( ) 4. Amy is _in English.A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests ( )5. He asked me _ during the winter holidays.A. where I had gone B. where I had been C. where had

3、 I gone D. where had I been ( )6. I guess she taught herself Japanese, _ ? A. dont I B. did she C. do I D. didnt she( )7. The pictures have been on show for _ hour and _ half.A. an, an B. a, a C. an, a D. a, an ( )8. - Would you like some coffee?- Yes, please. By the way, do you have any milk? I pre

4、fer coffee _ milk. A. from B. with C. to D. for ( )9. This book _ Lucys. Look! Her name is on the book.A. may be B. cant be C. must be D. mustnt be ( )10. Most of us will spend most time _lessons.A. study B. to study C. studying D. studied( )11. We are going to have _ holiday next month. A. a two we

5、eks B. two week C. a two-week D. two weeks( )12. If you dont know the word, you may _ in the dictionary.A. look it up B. look up it C. look for it D. look it for( )13. There _a pool in the park, but now it is gone.A. used to have B. used to beC. will be D. must be( )14. In our class_ of the students

6、_ girls.A. three fifths , are B. three fifth, are C. three fifths, is D. three fifth, is( )15. This kind of skirt looks _ and _ well.A. nice , sells B. nice,sell C. good, are sold D. good, is sold( )16 My watch doesnt work well, Ill go and _ tomorrow.A. have repaired B. to repair C have it repaired

7、D. have it repair( )17. - She didnt come to school yesterday, did she?2- _, though she was not feeling very well.A. No, she didnt B. Yes, she didnt C. No, she did D. Yes, she did( )18. The baby was _ by me last night.A. made laugh B. made cry C. making laugh D. made to laugh( )19. Shes asked a few f

8、riends to her home for supper, _ she?A. is B. hasnt C. has D. isnt( )20. The number of the students _ growing_.A. is, lager and larger B. is more and more C. are, more and more D. are larger and larger二完形填空(共 10 小题,计 20 分)The most positive (乐观的) person I have ever seen is my dad! He is so positive t

9、hat I do not 21 hearing a single word from him which is related (相关的) to hopelessness!Unlike most moms and dads, my dad never says things that make me feel 22 . He is always there to give me encouragement and help. 23 I do wrong things, he always tells me whats right in a positive way. For example,

10、if I am in 24 , he often tells me to open the books he bought me. Then he asks me to read the 25 that can help me with the problems Im facing. After that, we have a 26 together. Even though Im not always a good kid, my dad 27 shouts or gets angry with me. I know that hes 28 a daya day when I grow up

11、 and understand things in my life. I can see the reason that he is so positive is because he believes in 29 . And he believes that whatever 30 , it is under control. So we have nothing to worry about. Be positive!( )21. A. mind B. keep C. like D. remember( )22. A. good B. bad C. rich D. poor( )23. A

12、. When B. Until C. Before D. Since( )24. A. fear B. trouble C. surprise D. danger( )25. A. titles B. orders C. stories D. questions( )26. A. discussion B. practice C. meeting D. review( )27. A. usually B. ever C. sometimes D. never( )28. A. look ing for B. worrying about C. waiting for D. thinking a

13、bout( )29. A. itself B. myself C. himself D. yourself( )30. A. m oves B. happens C. appears D. develops三阅读理解(共 25 小题,计 50 分)AMr. Baker worked in a big factory. He was busy all the time and had little time to rest. One summer, he decided to go to the sea to spend his holidays.One afternoon, it was ve

14、ry hot. Mr. Baker came into a restaurant, sat at a table and wanted to drink. Just then, an old man came up to him and said, “How do you do, sir?” “How do you do?” Mr. Baker asked the old man to sit next to him. “Could you drink something with me?” “Thank you,” said the old man. “Have you been here before?” “No, I havent.” “You look lonely, dont you?” said the old man. “Lets have a bet, shall we? ”It interested Mr. Baker. “But what shall we bet on? ” “I can bite my left eyeball,” said the old man, “I can bet you five dollars.”3Mr. Baker didnt believe and put $5 on the tab


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