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1、2016 学年度浦东新区高三英语口试试卷(9 月份月考)(共分三个部分 满分为 10 分)Section A (共 1 题,满分 2 分)Directions: Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read.In the midst of a downpour, a young girl in a blue shirt held an umbrella for a traffic police officer. The scene was phot

2、ographed, posted and widely reposted.The officer, Zhao Lixin, explained that the incident occurred around 6 p.m. on July 21. It was raining heavily during rush hour, so the road was crowded and vehicles were moving very slowly. Although he was wearing a raincoat, his hat was already quite wet.“The t

3、raffic light changed and I turned around. When I looked up, a girl stood behind me, holding an umbrella. I was astonished. The concrete island in the middle of the street was really only big enough for one person to stand on.” Zhao recalled. “I told her to leave because it was dangerous. I had a rai

4、ncoat, but she still refused to leave. She said my hat was wet and she would hold an umbrella for me.”朗读段落评分标准(2 分)2.0:发音清晰准确,语调自然正确,文章断句合理,没有生词,朗读流利。1.5:发音较为清晰准确,语调较为自然正确,文章断句有个别不合理之处,有个别生词发音错误,朗读较为流利。1.0:部分发音不够清晰准确,语调不够自然正确,文章断句不够合理,有部分生词发音错误,朗读不太流利。0.5:发音不准确,语调不自然,文章断句错误较多,生词较多,使人理解困难。0.0:发音不清,语调

5、错误,只能朗读文章的个别词句或没有朗读。Section B (共 2 小题,满分 2 分)Directions: Ask two questions about the situation given below. At least one special question should be asked about the situation.Question 12: Your cousin has been admitted into a famous university. Ask your cousin two questions about the university.情景提问评分

6、标准(1 分)1.0:能根据情景提出适当的问题,问句结构完整,语言结构正确。0.5:能根据情景提出问题,问题不够合理,问句结构不够完整,语言结构有错误,但不影响意义的表达和理解。0.0:问题与情景无关,重复第一个问题,或不能提出问题;提出两个一般疑问句,第二个问题得 0 分。Section C (共 1 题,满分 1.5 分)Directions: You will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk about the following pictures in at least five sentences. Begi

7、n your talk with the sentence given:Last Saturday morning, Dave and Jane went shopping together.I did.Reference:Last Saturday morning, Dave and Jane went shopping together. They walked along the street, talking happily. They didnt notice a woman who was close behind them. Suddenly the woman put her

8、hand into Janes bag and stole her purse. Jane didnt feel anything but a man nearby saw the pickpocket and shouted to the couple. Jane and Dave ran after the pickpocket. A policeman saw them and joined them immediately. Just then, a little old lady stood in the way and stopped her. When Jane, Dave an

9、d the policeman arrived on the scene, Jane thanked the old lady and gave her all the money in her purse as a reward.看图说话评分标准(1.5 分)1.5:能有条理地、完整地叙述一个主题,内容与图片相符;表达清楚,叙述连贯流畅;语言结构和用词符合交际要求,语音正确。1.0:能较连贯地叙述一个主题,内容基本与图片相符;语言结构与用语有错误,但不影响整段意义的表达和理解,语音基本正确。0.5:能讲述几句,但主体不清楚,内容不连贯,与图片关系不大,叙述中大多数语言结构混乱,用词不正确;语

10、言错误严重,使人理解困难。0.0:没有答题或答题内容与图片内容无关。Section D(共 2 小题,满分 2 分)Directions:In section A, you will hear 2 sentences. Make quick responses to the sentences you have heard.1. The movie is okay, but I dont like the actors.(Im afraid I cant agree with you. / I quite agree with you. / I think so.)2. I lost your

11、 dictionary. I should have been more careful.(Oh, forget about it. Never mind, Its not your fault.)快速应答评分标准(1 分)1.0:能作出准确合理的应答,语音正确,语言结构和用词符合交际要求。0.5:应答较为准确合理,语音基本正确,有个别语言结构或用词错误。0.0:没有答题或应答不准确合理,不符合交际要求。Section E(共 2 小题,满分 2.5 分)Directions: In Section B, you will hear a short passage. The passage w

12、ill be read twice. After you hear the passage, answer the first question with the information you have heard and the second in your own opinion with at least 3 sentences. For the first question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare and 30 seconds to talk. For the second question, you will have one mi

13、nute to prepare and another minute to talk.Even since the invention of computers, technology has done more and more of the job of the average worker. From mathematical calculations to mailing lists, computers have become more efficient, in more areas, than their human colleaguesAlthough some argue t

14、hat computers will never replace people, others are concerned about the advanced robotic technology. Indeed, it is likely that the use of more and better robots will someday result in fewer jobs for humans. Obviously, robots can replace humans in certain less-skilled jobs now. They might, for exampl

15、e, be able to perform routine tasks. Some robots work is almost equal to that of humans. In fact, some computers are so well-designed that it will soon be possible to talk with them almost endlessly before realizing that they are not humans. A computer even won the game show not long ago. These comp

16、uters are clearly capable of more than simple tasks.However, some say that it is morally wrong to replace human beings with robots. They argue that it is unethical to deprive real people of their jobs, merely for the sake of efficiency.Increasingly, employers will need to decide when and how to replace human workers with computers. This decision is not easy, and a robot will not always be the right answer.1. What will possibly happen if robots are used in different


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