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1、12012 年全国职称英语押题卷(命中率高)理工类第 1 部分:词汇选项(第 115 题,每题 1 分,共 15 分)下面共有 15 个句子,每个句子中均有 1 个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的 4 个选项中选择 1 个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。1. The local authorities will take measures to deal with noise pollution in the area.A. power B. controlC. learning D. government2. Hundreds of cyclists

2、 assembled in Central Park in Pudong this morning to take part in the event.A. appeared B. walkedC. met D. combined3. In case of emergency, please follow the orders of the ship crew.A. post B. transferC. confirm D. obey4. They ate in the kitchen as they normally did.A. usually B. partlyC. highly D.

3、fully5. He likes swimming, but I like going out for a walk.A. how B. whatC. while D. why6. There is less come now; it seems that there is a fall in the crime rate.A. descent B. inclineC. decline D. slope7. We were so greatly attracted by the beauty of the West Lake that we decided to visit Hangzhou

4、again the next year.A. fascinated B. disturbedC. fooled D. surprised8. During the construction of skyscrapers, cranes are used to lift building materials to the upper floors.A. toss B. towC. hoist D. hurl9. In the United States it is customary for families to gather on Thanksgiving Day.A. entertain

5、B. assembleC. feast D. worship10. The town is famous for its magnificent church towers.A. ancient B. oldC. modern D. splendid11. There are a limited number of books on this subject in the library.A. large B. totalC. small D. similar12. Dont hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do for y

6、ou.A. pause B. refuseC. reject D. wait13. Merge the following two short sentences into one new sentence.A. Split B. Combine2C. Break D. Divide14. Color changes in chameleons seem to be caused by environmental temperature as well as by other external stimulus.A. have B. appearC. ought D. used15. Thei

7、r sole fault was a failure to recognize all the factors involved.A. initial B. maximumC. usual D. only第 2 部分:阅读判断(第 1622 题,每题 1 分,共 7 分)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出 7 个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断。如果该句提供的是正确信息,请在答题卡上把 A 涂黑;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请在答题卡上把 B 涂黑;如果该句的信息在文章中没有提及,请在答题卡上把 C 涂黑。Eruptions of Mount Saint HelensOn March 27,

8、the U.S. Government scientists made a decision after they predicted the eruption of Mount Saint Helens. They telephoned all states and local officials in the area and told them that a serious eruption was possible at any time. Roads were closed to everyone except scientists and forest keepers strugg

9、led to keep curious visitors away from the mountain.Shortly after noon on March 27, Mount Saint Helens erupted for the first time in 123 years, People living north of the mountain heard a loud boom that shook their windows, and airline pilots flying near the volcano soon afterwards described a thick

10、 black column of ash and steam shooting more than 2,100 meters into the sky.Later, scientists found that the explosion had made a new crater(大坑)in the top of the mountain, not far from the old crater. The north side of the peak now had a huge bulge(凸出部分)where rock and ice had been pushed out by the

11、eruption.A second eruption shook the mountain on March 28. It, too, sent up a column of black ash high into the sky. By March 29, scientists flying over the mountain saw that a second crater formed about 9 meters from the first one. Strange blue flames flickered(闪烁)inside the crater and sometimes ju

12、mped from one crater to the other.By April 1 the mountain had erupted several more times and the snow on the north slope of the peak was black with ash. Ash carried by the wind had fallen on towns as far as 240 kilometers away from Mount Saint Helens.During the first week of April, Mount Saint Helen

13、s gave scientists something new to worry about harmonic tremors(震动) recorded by scientists showed a big eruption would happen. All during April and into May Mount Saint Helens continued to shudder(震动)and shoot out ash. By April 8, the two craters had merged to form a vast hole nearly a half of a kil

14、ometer wide and 250 meters deep.Scientists main worry during this time was the growing bulge of rock and ice on the north face of the mountain. By May 7 scientists feared the worst. Their warnings led Washington Governor to set up safety zones around the mountain. The inner red zone was open to scientists only. The outer blue zone was open onl



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