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1、1. 关于荚膜,下列说法错误的是(2.0 分)A.与细菌的致病性有关 B.处于细菌细胞的最外层 C.可抵抗有害物质的作用 D.与细菌的黏附无关2. CASE: A 13-year-old girl was admitted to a healthcare facility with a 5-hour history of diarrhea(腹泻) and vomiting(呕吐). On patient interview, the physician suspected it to be an infection by contaminated food. The physician rec

2、ommended diagnostic tests to be done for the patient. Microscopic examination of the stool on Gram staining revealed Gram negative bacilli. The microbiologist discovered short, slender(瘦长的) rods during microscopic examination and suspected the organism to be Escherichia coli. Which among the followi

3、ng media helps in differentiating E. coli from other genera of enteric bacteria? (2.0 分)A.Sheep blood agar (SBA) B. Eosin methylene blue (EMB) agar C. Chocolate agar plate D. Liquid media3. The antibiotic recommended by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for treatment of gonorrhea (淋病)is(2.0 分)A. Pen

4、icillin B. Ceftriaxone (头孢曲松)C. Erythromycin (红霉素)D. Tetracycline (四环素)E. Aminoglycosides(氨基糖甙类)4. An elderly woman was admitted to the hospital for a septic wound treatment on her lower abdomen which developed after a colon operation. Her wound was 1.5-cm open, and oozing(渗出) a yellow exudate(分泌液).

5、 Which is the best way of sterilizing(消毒) the sheet of the bed(床单) contaminated with the septic wounds secretion?(2.0 分)A. Using anionic agent solvents (阴离子溶剂)B. Using nonionic agent solvents (非离子型表面活性剂的溶剂)C. Dry heat sterilization (干热灭菌)D. Autoclave sterilization (湿热灭菌)E. Radiation(辐射)5. 1. A Gram

6、stain has been performed on a bacterial isolate taken from a sheep blood agar plate. Upon observation, the cells appear to be red to pink rods. The organism is presumptively identified as Citrobacter koseri (克氏柠檬酸杆菌) . The most likely reason for the red color of the cells in the stain is that the (2

7、.0 分)A. Peptidoglycan(肽聚糖) layer of the cell wall is relatively thin B. Peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall is relatively thick C. Organisms in this genus have a lipopolysaccharide(脂多糖) outer membrane D.Organisms in this genus have only a cytoplasmic membrane E. Capsule(荚膜) tends to capture the saf

8、ranin(盐基性红色染料,番红精) from the Gram stain reagent6. A sexually active 18-year-old man attends a genitourinary medicine clinic(泌尿生殖医药门诊) with a complaint of painful urethral discharge(尿道排出物) . After appropriate studies, a diagnosis of gonorrhea(淋病) is made. Which of the following would most likely be fo

9、und on a smear (涂抹)of his discharge? (2.0 分)A.Gram-positive rods B. Gram-negative rods C. Gram-positive cocci (球菌)D. Gram-negative cocci E.Acid-fast bacilli(抗酸细菌)P877. Biologic(生物学的) actions of Protein I associated with gonococci include (2.0 分)A. Antiphagocytic actions (抗吞噬作用)B. Formation of surfac

10、e pores (表面空隙的形成)C.Attachment to human cells like epithelium of vagina (阴道上皮细胞)D. Hydrolysis of -lactam ring in penicillin E. Iron binding8. DPT vaccine contains(2.0 分)A.Toxoid for diphtheria(白喉) and tetanus (破伤风)and heat killed organisms for whooping cough (百日咳)B.Toxoid for tetanus and heat killed

11、organisms for diphtheria and whooping cough C. Toxoid for whooping cough and tetanus and heat killed organisms for diphtheria D. Toxoid for diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough E.Heat killed organisms for diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough 9. Although primary tuberculosis (肺结核)is of the greate

12、st concern to most physicians, some patients who have been previously infected with Mycobacterium(分支杆菌) tuberculosis may experience secondary or reactivation disease. The most likely explanation for the reactivation of this disease in patients is (2.0 分)A.There is a local activation of the humoral i

13、mmune response and a concomitant (伴随的)activation of the complement system that initiates the breakdown of older, calcified lesions(钙化病变) in the lung, leading to the reappearance of symptoms B. Because of the continued exposure (连续暴露)of the etiologic agent to long term therapy with multiple antituber

14、culosis drugs, secondary disease emerges when antibiotic resistant strains of M. Tuberculosis reach a critical mass in a dormant lesion and then break through to reinitiate symptoms C. The influence of pulmonary disease other than tuberculosis, such as bacterial pneumonia, promotes a B-cell response

15、 that initiates the breakdown of the calcified lesions in the lung D. The recrudescence of dormant foci from the primary infection is associated with a local breakdown of the cellular immune system by factors such as age, diabetes mellitus, or obstructive pulmonary disease. Because of the hosts hype

16、rsensitivity to the tuberculoprotein, the localized lesion becomes necrotic and undergoes liquefaction E.The dormant(休眠的) foci throughout the lungs undergo a natural aging process whereby changes in the ultrastructure of the calcified lesion initiate a leakage of organisms. Generally, the recrudescence is not influenced by the immune status of the host10. Which of the following group of Escherichia coli is the common cause of diarrhea in infants and is implicated in outbreak


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