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1、Comment IU1: 来到, 偶遇, 给人印象深刻,不期而遇,交付,这里的意思可以是在报纸上看到,不经意见看到。这是个很好的写作开头,大家不仿可以借鉴一下。Comment IU2: 华夫饼干的意思 北美人居然吃这个当早饭,能吃饱呢?后来在网上查了下,惊奇的发现美国人的WAFFLE居然做工很讲究的,而且营养价值绝对高,我看到有 20多种不同配方的 WAFFLE制作方法。其实美国的早餐真是丰富啊,有大家熟悉的Cereals,就是那种谷物颗粒装的,需要冲牛奶吃的,国内也有买的,不过价格不费,一顿早饭那么奢侈。有个网站不错,想了解美国人早餐吃些什么,这里都有说明和制作方法,http:/ - 1 -

2、1X01: PILOTOriginal Airdate on ABC: October 3, 2004 OPEN ON: EXT. WISTERIA LANE - MORNING (A school bus drives up the road. Friendly Good Morning are exchanged between neighbours. A woman pushes a baby carriage along, while a car pulls out of a driveway and drives down the road. GABRIELLE jogs past

3、a fence on the sidewalk. Pan to:(EXT.YOUNG HOUSE - FRONT YARD) (MAR, and smells a flower, smiling faintly.) NARRATOR: My name is Mary Alice Young. When you read this mornings paper, you may come across an article about the unusual day I had last week. Normally, theres never anything newsworthy about

4、 my life. That all changed last Thursday. Of course everything seemed as normal at first. I made my breakfast for my family. (Cut to:MARY ALICE, carrying a plate of waffles to the breakfast table, where PAUL and ZACH are sitting. She passes the plate to PAUL.) MARY ALICE:Here we are. Waffles. NARRAT

5、OR: I performed my chores. (Cut to:MARY ALICE, flipping a switch on the washing machine, and then lifting a basket of clothing off the machine. )NARRATOR: I completed my projects. (Cut to:MARY ALICE, stirring a paintbrush in a can of paint and painting a garden chair) NARRATOR: I ran my errands (Cut

6、 to:MARY ALICE picking up the dry-cleaning, then retrieving the mail from the mailbox.) NARRATOR: In truth, I spent the day as I spend every other day - quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection. (Cut to:MARY ALICE, straightening a photo frame on top of the piano. She

7、 sighs with satisfaction, a contented smile on her face.) NARRATOR: Thats why it was so astonishing when I decided to go to my hallway closet to retrieve a revolver that had never been used. (Cut to:MARY ALICE takes a box off a shelf in the closet. Looking worried and distraught, she shakily puts a

8、revolver to her temple. We see a finger pulling the trigger, and a loud shot is heard. The camera stays on the YOUNG family picture, as the blurred reflection of MARY ALICE is shown in the frame of the picture falling to the ground.) (Cut to: MRS. HUBERS HOUSE - KITCHEN) (MRS. HUBERs finger dips int

9、o a pool of red sauce (resembling blood). She licks the sauce on her finger, as she turns her head towards the She licks the sauce on her finger, as she turns her head towards the YOUNG house, puzzled by the sound shes heard.) NARRATOR: My body was discovered by my neighbour, Mrs. Martha Huber, who

10、had been startled by a strange popping sound. Her curiosity aroused, Mrs. Huber Comment IU3: 埋葬 当女主角埋葬后,她的邻居们来看往她的家人,美国人送礼不需要太贵重,可以是一瓶超市买的普通的酒,可以是自制的小饼干,或者任何自己做的食物。在别人结婚的时候,你收到邀请函的同时有时候会看到一张列表,上面会有新人需要的东西,你可以根据上面的东西来选择做为你赠送给他们的礼物,其实美国人很实在,他们缺什么,你就送他们什么,不象我们国内送起东西来绝对是浪费,尤其是在那些领导干部收礼。听力课堂,开放式外语学习平台!Ti

11、ngC声明:本资料由听力课堂网站收集整理,仅供英语爱好者学习使用,资料版权属于原作者。 - 2 -tried to think of a reason for dropping in on me unannounced. After some initial hesitation, she decided to return the blender she had borrowed from me 6 months before. (MRS. HUBER takes a blender labeled Property of MARY ALICE YOUNG off a shelf, and

12、hurries next door to ring the doorbell. Hearing no answer, she hurries to the side of the house, where she peers inside the window and sees MARY ALICEs dead body lying on the ground, a pool of blood next to her. She screams. We see MRS. HUBER hurry back to her own house.) MRS HUBER: (on the phone) I

13、ts my neighbour. I think shes been shot, theres blood everywhere. Yes, youve got to send an ambulance. Youve got to send one right now! (MRS. HUBER hangs up the phone. She stands in the kitchen, lips trembling, fighting tears.) NARRATOR: And for a moment, Mrs. Huber stood motionless in her kitchen,

14、grief-stricken by this senseless tragedy. But, only for a moment. (MRS. HUBER turns her head sideways, noticing the blender sitting on the kitchen counter.She rips the label off the blender, and puts it back on her shelf.) NARRATOR: If there was one thing Mrs. Huber was known for, it was her ability

15、 to look on the bright side. (MRS. HUBER shuts the cupboard door.) OPENING CREDITS CUT TO: EXT. WISTERIA LANE - DAY (Residents wearing black clothing and bearing plates and baskets of food are walking towards the YOUNG household) NARRATOR: I was laid to rest on a Monday. After the funeral, all the r

16、esidents of Wisteria Lane came to pay their respects. And as people do in this situation, they brought food. (Pan to:LYNETTE, holding a plate of fried chicken with one hand as she walks.) NARRATOR: Lynette Scavo brought fried chicken. Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken. (Flashback to: LYNETTE talking animatedly in a conference room as sh


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