Module 3 introduction and reading精品课件 外研版必修5

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1、Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema,1.What different types of book can you find in our daily life?,martial arts romanticadventurethrillerscience fictioncomedy,crimebiographyfantasyhistoryautobiographycartoon,Now look at the words which all describe the types of books. Please match them w

2、ith their meanings,adventurebiography crime fantasy historythriller,The story of somebodys lifeA story which has no connection with realityA story in which there is lots of actionAn extremely exciting story, which is often frightening A story in which a detective tries to solve a problem, such aside

3、ntifying a murdererA true account of the past,thriller,Can you guess the type of book by the cover?,history,biography,detective story,crime,adventure,fantasy,Lets look at some books and say whether you like to read it and why.,Now answer the three questions:1.Which book would you like to read? Why?2

4、.What is the book about?3.What type is the book of?,The book I like best is the third. It tells about life and works of Mark Twain. Mark Twain is one of Americas greatest writers. He did various kinds of jobs, traveled many places, read a lot of books, had rich experiences & had very creative abilit

5、y. He wrote many world-famous books. So I admire him very much and want to know all about him. I think this book is a biography.,THES I N G U L A R M A R K T W A I N FRED KAPLAN,I would like to read the second book. It tells us it is Chinese that discovered America first. I like reading this book be

6、cause I like history and this book is a true account of Chinese past.,I like the first best. It is written by the famous writer - Stephen King. “Wol-ves of the Calla” is the last one of the five novels written by Stephen King - “The Dark Tower” series. It is about a mysterious exploration story. I t

7、hink it is an adventure and a very exciting book.,Now read the passage in activity 4 on P.21. Say what type of book it describes.,Adventure,Reading,Pre-reading:,Look at the picture . Think about what Huck and Jim will do.,They will hide themselves in someplace near the strange thing and observe what

8、 it is.I think they will go ahead bravely and see what on earth the strange thing is.,Maybe they will just pass by./ They will go into the steamboat and see what happened. ),Fast Reading: Read the text and number the events in the order they happen.,a.Huck sees three men in a cabin.,b. Huck and Jim

9、climb onto the steamboat.,c. The short man suggests leaving the man on the floor,d. Huck and Jim see the steamboat.,f. The tall man is pointing a gun at the man on the floor.,g. Jim runs back to the raft.,h. Huck has a plan.,2,4,6,1,8,5,3,7,e. Huck and Jim take away the mens boat.,The rain poured do

10、wn.,steamboat,They sailed straight towards the steamboat.,Part ReadingRead the first paragraph and answer the Questions,1.What was the weather like that night?2. What did they see as they were sailing down the river?3. What did they do then?,He wanted to paddle over and climbed on to the steamboat.,

11、“ Oh please boys, dont kill me! I wont tell anybody”,Read paragraphs 2-5 and answer the following questions.,1. What did Huck want to do?2.What did they hear after they got on the steamboat?,The tall man,The short man,They left him in the steamboat which will sink in a couple of hours.,Questions for

12、 Paragraphs 6-8,1.What did the men on the steamboat do with another man?2. How did they decide to kill him?,He crawled along the deck, found him.,to find their boat and take it away,He didnt want all three men to die,Read paragraphs 9-11 and answer the following questions,1.What did Huck decide to d

13、o after he heard they would leave the man on the steamboat?2. What was the idea Huck told to him?3.Why did Huck feel bad about what he had done?,Careful Reading: Read the passage carefully and then fill in the table.,board a sinking ship,they might find sth useful,agreed,a light,shout,you are lying,

14、paddled,climbed on to,as quiet as mice,panicked,frightened,curious,lying,tied up,a gun,die of fright,a beard,terrified,courageous,crawled,persuaded,tied,ReadingAnswers to Activity 4:,To rain heavily. _ 2.something which protects you from bad weather. _3.a sort of flat boat usually made from tree tru

15、nks lose control because you are frightened _5.the feeling of being interested in something _ and wasting to know tell someone you are going to cause them harm _,pour down a shelter a raft panic curious threaten,ReadingAnswers to Activity 5:,1.The stream is only two meters wide. I can _ across it.2. Youre out of breath. Why have you been _.3. Ive never _ in my life. Im afraid of aeroplanes.4. Youve got plenty of time to get to the lesson. You can _.,


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