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1、学年论文封面学 年 论 文题目 一汽大众品牌网络营销策略分析学生姓名: 张 维 指导老师: 王 晓 红 专业/班级: 电子商务 2 班 学 号: 2011110453202 成 绩: 2012 年 6 月 8 日北京联合大学 学年论文 -1-摘 要随着全球经济和贸易的迅速发展,我国汽车产品网络营销必将成为 21 世纪营销的重要形式之一。经销商的竞争格局正在向立体化、多元化方向发展,汽车销售市场除了要求产品具有良好的性能、时尚的外观和可靠的质量以外,还需要完善且灵活的销售模式作为支撑,一个具有竞争力的营销渠道将为汽车销售企业获得较高的竞争优势创造更大效益的可能。伴随汽车行业的发展变革,这也正促使

2、着汽车营销模式的巨大革新和不断完善。立足市场、面向将来,建立一个适合我国国情的营销渠道已成为汽车销售企业乃至整个汽车行业健康稳定发展的必要保证。正确认识我国汽车网络营销的优势与劣势, 提出适合我国国情的汽车网络营销的产品策略、价格策略、促销策略、渠道策略和营销集成策略具有重大的现实意义。本文将以一汽大众品牌网络营销模式为例,通过一汽大众网络营销的现状分析,以及一汽大众品牌网络营销与市场营销效果指标对比分析,提出了针对一汽大众品牌网络营销的改进建议。关键词:一汽大众 汽车 网络营销 策略北京联合大学 学年论文 -2-AbstractWith the rapid development of gl

3、obal economy and trade, China automotive product marketing network marketing will become one of the most important forms of twenty-first Century. Distributors of the competition is to three-dimensional, diversified development, the auto sales market demand in addition products with good performance,

4、 stylish appearance and reliable quality, also need to perfect and flexible sales model as the support, a competitive marketing channels will provide car sales enterprises to obtain higher competitive advantage to create greater the possible benefits. With the development of automobile industry chan

5、ge, this also is to the automobile marketing mode innovation and constantly improve the great. Based on the market, facing the future, to create a suitable for Chinas national conditions of marketing channel has become the automobile sales business and even whole auto industry healthy and stable dev

6、elopment of the necessary guarantee. A correct understanding of Chinas automotive marketing advantage and inferior position, put forward to fit our country national condition of the auto network marketing product strategy, price strategy, the promotion strategy, channel strategy and marketing integr

7、ation strategy is of great realistic significance. This article will FAW-VW automobile brand marketing network model as an example, through the FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Network marketing present situation analysis, as well as the Volkswagen brand marketing and network marketing effectiveness index

8、contrastive analysis, proposed in view of FAW Volkswagen brand network marketing suggestions.Key Words:FAW Volkswagen Auto Network marketing Strategy北京联合大学 学年论文 -3-目录摘 要 .1Abstract .2目录 .3引 言 .51 研究背景及意义 .61.1 网络营销的概念及特征 .61.1.1 网络营销的概念 .61.1.2 网络营销的特点 .61.2 汽车行业的网络营销现状 .71.3 研究意义及目的 .72 一汽大众网站介绍 .82.1 主营业务 .82.2 产品定位 .82.3 盈利模式 .92.4 网站栏目 .92.5 竞争对手分析 .113 一汽大众品牌网络营销现状描述 .143.1 营销方式 .143.1.1 人人网 .143.1.2 开心网 .153.1.3 土豆网 .163.1.4 Think Blue .163.1.5 大众自造 .173.2 营销渠道 .



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