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1、前 言温州地处中国东南沿海,土地面积 1.18 万平方公里,海域面积 1.1 万平方公里,户籍总人口 790 万,辖鹿城、龙湾、瓯海 3 区,瑞安、乐清 2 市,永嘉、平阳、苍南、洞头、文成、泰顺 6 县,人杰地灵,山川秀丽。特别是经过改革开放 30 年的发展,温州具备了比较坚实的物质基础和较高的知名度、美誉度,并已经进入加快推进科学发展的新阶段,是一个充满商机的城市,是一个值得各位倍加关注的地方。温州具有旺盛的经济活力。改革开放以来,温州率先推进市场取向改革,大力发展民营经济和区域特色产业,走出了具有自身特色的发展路子,创造了“温州模式”。温州是市场的代名词,是改革的代名词,是创新的代名词。

2、温州先后被评为全球最具活力城市 和中国十大最具经济活力城市 之一。2007 年,温州全市实现生产总值 2157 亿元,比上年增长 14.3%;全社会固定资产投资完成额 737.03 亿元,增长 14.2%;社会消费品零售额 906.46亿元,增长 16.3%;实际利用外资 6.18 亿美元,增长 33.5%;外贸进出口总额 122.48 亿美元,增长 23.8%;财政总收入 293.26 亿元,增长21.6%;城市居民人均可支配收入 24000 元,增长 12%。三次产业比重为3.3:54.2:42.5。温州具有坚实的产业基础。经过多年的发展,温州已形成鲜明的产业特色,相继建成“中国鞋都 ”、

3、“中国电器之都”35 个全国性的生产基地,获得中国驰名商标和中国名牌产品 118 个,不少产品在全国乃至全球享有美誉。同时,商贸、物流、金融、会展和创新中心等现代服务业快速发展,为进驻我市的外资企业提供良好的服务。目前,已有多家世界 500 强企业和国际行业龙头企业入驻温州,与我市的民营企业合资合作,前景看好。温州具有可贵的人文优势。温州是一座有着 1680 年建城历史的文化名城,区域文化特色鲜明。独特的地理环境和文化观念,造就了温州人敢为人先、恋乡不守土的开放意识、世界眼光和生存创业取向。哪里有市场,哪里有商机,哪里就有温州人。200 多万在外创业的温州人,架起了温州与海内外交流合作的桥梁,

4、形成了遍布国内外各地的营销网络,有力地带动了温州区域经济的发展。温州具有良好的投资环境。温州是中国东南沿海的交通枢纽城市,拥有海陆空齐全的对外立体交通网络,铁路、机场交通十分便捷,高速公路四通八达,温州港是中国 25 个主枢纽港之一。温州又是风光秀丽、气候宜人的中国优秀旅游城市。全市旅游景区面积占国土面积的四分之一,拥有雁荡山、楠溪江、百丈漈飞云湖等 3 个国家级风景名胜区和乌岩岭、南麂岛等 2 个国家级自然保护区。温州中心城区设施完善,配套齐全,人居环境良好。“亲商、安商、富商”是我们的追求。如今的温州,正掀起新一轮大开放、大改革、大发展的热潮,机遇难得,商机无限。温州正敞开宽阔的胸怀,欢迎

5、各界朋友前来投资兴业。一个风光秀丽、人杰地灵的温州,一个蓄势待发、充满活力的温州,一个大气开放、走向世界的温州,一定不会辜负朋友们的厚望,一定会让每一个客商满载而归。温州市对外开放工作领导小组办公室二 00 八年五月十八日PrefaceLocated in Chinas southeast coast, Wenzhou covers a land area of 11,800 square kilometers and a sea area of 11,000 square kilometers. It has a total registered population of 7.90 mil

6、lion and has jurisdiction over three districts(Lucheng, Longwan and Ouhai), two cities (Ruian and Yueqing),six counties(Yongjia, Pingyang, Cangnan, Dongtou, Wencheng, Taishun). Wenzhou is at once a place with glory brought by the birth of talented people and a place with beautiful mountains and rive

7、rs. With the three decades of Chinas reform and opening-up, Wenzhou has achieved a sound material basis and meantime has been enjoying broad recognition and high reputation. It has now stepped on a new phase of scientific development and it merits much attention with the many business opportunities

8、it has to offer. Wenzhou flourishes with a vigorous and dynamic economy. Since Chinas reform and opening-up, Wenzhou was the first to push forward the market-oriented reform in China and has been striving to develop the private sector and industries with regional features ever since which earns its

9、development path with the widely recognized name of Wenzhou Model. Wenzhou is justifiably the synonymy with market, reform and innovative spirits and it has been rated one of the Most Dynamic Cities in the World and one of Chinas Top 10 Economically Vibrant Cities. In 2007, Wenzhous total output val

10、ue was 215.7 billion yuan, investment in social fixed assets reached 73.703 billion yuan, retail sales totaled 90.646 billion yuan, foreign investment in actual use was 618 million US dollars, total sum of foreign trade reached 12.248 billion US dollars, total financial revenue topped 29.326 billion

11、 yuan and per capita dispensable income of urban residents amounted to 24 thousand yuan, which was a increase of 14.3%, 14.2%, 16.3%, 33.5%, 23.8%, 21.6% and 12% from the previous year respectively. The ratio of primary, secondary and tertiary industry was 3.3 : 54.2 : 42.5.Wenzhou boasts a sturdy i

12、ndustrial foundation. Over years of development, Wenzhou has formed its distinctive industrial features. 35 national-level production bases have been set up, such as Chinas Capital of Shoes and Chinas Capital of Electrical Equipment. 118 Chinas Famous Trademark and Chinas Brand Product have been awa

13、rded to Wenzhou. Many products are well-known in China and enjoy good fame in the world as well. Meanwhile, modern service industries like business and trade, logistics, finance, exhibition and innovation are developing rapidly which provides newly-established foreign-funded enterprises with all-rou

14、nd services. Up till now, quite a few World Top 500 Companies and leading international industrial giants have established operations in Wenzhou and have set up joint ventures with local private enterprises in Wenzhou which enjoys bright prospects. Wenzhou enjoys a fine and distinctive cultural trad

15、ition. As a city with a history of 1680 years, Wenzhou houses an abundant cultural heritage with characteristic local features. Thanks to its unique geographical location and cultural mindset, Wenzhou people have fostered a pioneering spirit with open-mindedness and a global vision with entrepreneur

16、ship. Wenzhou people can be found wherever market potentials and business opportunities exist. At present, there are more than 2 million Wenzhou people making their fortune throughout China and overseas, bridging exchanges and cooperation between Wenzhou and other places both at home and abroad. Their endeavors help set up a wide-reaching domestic and global marketing network which greatly contribute to the regional economic development of Wenzhou. Wenz


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