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1、Module61. take place 发生 (同义: happen )2. stay in bed 卧床 3. clap ones hands 拍手4. play a piece of Irish music 演奏一段爱尔兰音乐5. at this time of day / night/ year 每天/每晚/ 每年的这个时候6. worry about sth./ doing sth. 担心某事,担心做某事 (动词词组, 表动作) sth worry sb 某事使某人感到担忧( be worried about . 形容词词组, 表状态)7. be awake 醒着的 (反义: be

2、asleep/ fall asleep 睡着的/刚刚入睡) 比较: wake (up) 醒来; 叫醒 sleep 睡觉 be sleepy 困乏的 8.cheer (sb) up (使某人)高兴起来,振作起来9.plenty of 大量, 许多 (+可数或不可数名词均可)同义: a lot of/ lots of (+可数或不可数名词均可)但 many (+可数名词) , much(+不可数名词)10. look after(well) (把)照顾好 同义 : take ( good ) care of11. the reason for 的原因e.g. Whats the main reas

3、on for her visit? 她参观的主要原因是什么 ?12. be famous for+特产 /景点 因而著名13. be famous as+身份/ 职业/头衔 作为而著名14.be popular with(among) sb 在中受欢迎15. act well in the film 在电影中演得好16. face to face 面对面, come face to face with sth /sb 面临某事/某人17.look dangerous 看起来很危险18. in ones opinion 在某人看来, 依某人的观点19. advise sb. to do sth.

4、 建议某人做某事 20. come out 上映,出版,开花e.g. I didnt see the film when it first came out. 这部电影第一次上映时我没看.21. look for 寻找 22. stay together 呆在一起23. be pleased with sth.对满意 be pleased to do sth.很高兴做某事Module 71.climb up to 爬到 上去2.more than 多于, 超过 (反义: less than 少于)3.the rest of 剩余的 (+不可数)e.g. the rest of her life

5、 她的余生 the rest of his money 他剩余的钱4. suggest doing sth. 建议做某事 (同义: advise sb. to do sth.)5. hardly 几乎不 反义: almost 与 nearly 几乎6. 辨析 cross 与 across cross=动词+acrosscross 是动词(v.) , 而 across 是介词(prep.)cross the bridge = go across the bridgecross the river = swim across the river7.get better 好起来 (尤指身体 )8.

6、make plans to do sth. 计划做某事 ( 同义: plan to do sth.)9. protect the environment 保护环境 10. shout at sb. 对某人大喊大叫11. get (from.) to (从某处)到某处 12. hurt oneself 伤住某人自己13. get dressed 穿衣服 (反义: get undressed 脱掉衣服)14 off : away from work or duty 不工作, 休息15 make phone calls to sb. ( = ring sb up ) 给某人打电话16. square

7、 平方; 正方形 ; 广场 square kilometer 平方公里17. look like 看起来像 18. camp by a small lake 在小湖旁露营19. as if 好像 20. wake (sb) up vt. 唤醒某人 vi. 醒来 21. take a cable car 乘坐缆车辨析 take a bus / take a car / take a plane 与 by bus / by car / by planee.g. He takes a bus to work every day. 动词词组He goes to work by bus every da

8、y. 介词词组21. hope 希望1) hope for +名词 盼望 ,希望2) hope to do sth. 希望做某事 (注意没有 hope sb to do sth.的结构, 此结构是错误的.)3) hope (that)+从句22. wish 希望 wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事23. be happy with 对满意 (同义: be pleased with)24. during her visit 在她参观期间25. climb over rocks 攀爬岩石 49. on top of 在的上方put up / set up / pitch a ten

9、t 搭帐篷, 扎营26. It was raining hard/heavily. 雨下得很大.27. put sth away =put away sth 把收拾起来28. believe in sth/sb/doing sth 信任29. on the one hand 一方面 on the other hand 另一方面Module81. a public holiday 公共假期 take a vacation 过假期, 度假2. on that day 在那天 most of+ 代/ the 名 绝大多数的3. in the countryside / country 在乡村 (反义

10、: in town 在城镇 )4. the holiday/vacation season 假日聚集的一段时间5. make plans for 为制定计划6. be close to 离近 the closest Monday to May 1st 离五一最近的星期一7. have/take a day off 休息一天12.go camping 去露营( 类似的表达有: go swimming, go skating, go fishing, go boating, go sightseeing, go cycling )13.get warmer/cooler/better/worse

11、变热/冷/好/ 糟14.as soon as 一就 ( 引导时间状语从句, 也遵循主祈 从现 、主将 从现 或主情 从现 )15.(日期的写法)You write: 1st January or January 1st (日期的读法)You read: the first of January or January the first16.be busy doing sth. / be busy with sth. 忙于做某事17.the start/beginning of 的开始 (反义: ending n. 结尾, 结局)18.not all 不是所有的 (部分否定 ) 区别于 none

12、 (全否定 )19.in the same way 用同样的方式.on the same date/day 在同一天. at the same time 同时20.depend on sth/doing sth 依靠 (: independent adj. 独立的 independence n. )21.sing traditional songs 唱传统歌曲22.count down (from) (从倒数) 23. shout to sb (loudly) 对某人(大声)喊 (没有情绪)shout at sb. 对某人大吼大叫 (有情绪)24. Out with the old year

13、and in with the new! 辞旧迎新25. get together 聚在一起 26.write down sth. 记下, 写下27.a list of 一列 e.g. a list of names 名单make a/ones list 列个单子 make a shopping list 列个购物单28. help (sb) out 帮助(某人)解决困难29.promise to do sth. 保证做某事, 允诺做某事30. say goodbye/hello/sorry to sb. 跟某人说再见/ 你好/抱歉31. be lazy with the school wor

14、k 学习Module91. look forward to sth./doing sth. 盼望 期望2. dont/wont have to do sth. = neednt do sth. 不必做某事3. on ones own 独立地, 单独地, 独自地 ( = alone / by oneself )4. right now = at the moment 现在, 此刻 5. right away = at once 立刻, 马上 6.ust now = a moment ago 刚才7.make excuses 找借口8. the thought in my head 我脑中的想法9

15、. imagine doing sth. 想象做某事 10. not bad for 对来讲不错 12. come up 出现, 发生 13. get back to some place 回到某地14. What happened (to sb)? 某人出了什么事 ?15. join the army 参军 16. give ones life to sth/doing sth. 献身于 17.take medicine 吃药 18. local government 当地政府18.operate a machine 开机器 operate a factory 经营工厂operate on sb. 对某人做手术 operating theatre 手术室operation n.操作,运转 perform operations 实施手术19. in spite of sth./doing sth. ( = despite sth./doing sth. )尽管 ,虽然比较 although / though / even though +句子20.in the end 最后



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