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1、人教版高一英语必修 3 词汇复习讲解Unit 11.mean doing sth. 意味着;mean to do sth. 打算或企图做某事;mean sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事 intend for sb to dobe meant for 打算作用; 为而有 be intended for-be intended to doEg. -You should have thanked her before you left.-I meant _, but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhere.A. to do B. t

2、o C. doing D. doing soKey: B2.take place 发生;举行 When will their wedding take place?happen 发生,指无计划、偶然发生的事;碰巧 Those terrible traffic jams usually happen Christmas.I happened to know him.break out 灾难、疾病、战争等突然爆发 A fire broke out last night.take sb.s place / take the place of sb. = replace sb.代替No one cou

3、ld take the place of his mother in his heart.=take his mothers place= replace his motherShe didnt attend the meeting, so her assistant took her place (replaced her).注意: take place, happen, break out 无被动3.sth of all kinds =all kinds of sth 各种各样的-主谓一致看 of 前的名词Questions of that kind are -that kind of q

4、uestions is4.starve to death 饿死 be starved of 缺乏,starve for sth, starve to do,渴望- long for/ to do; hunger for; be eager for5.plenty of 大量; 充足+可数 /不可数 days/years/ land.of plenty 富裕的日子/年月6.be satisfied with 感到满意 to ones satisfaction 感到满意是 satisfactory7.do harm to sb.=do sb. harm 伤害某人= be harmful to sb

5、 = be bad for sb do bad to sb8.in the shape of 呈的形状,以的形式 in honor of / in search ofin memory of/ to the memory of sb.纪念某人 =memorizing 10.dress up 穿上最好的衣服 ;打扮,化装 Dress sb/oneself in +衣服 =be dressed in/ as. 11.award sth.(to sb.)和 award sb.sth.(for sth.) 给予、颁奖reward sb. for sth. 因 奖赏某人;reward sb. with

6、sth.用某物酬劳某人 reward sb for sth 因为.as a reward=in returnShe _herself with a cup of coffee after a whole mornings hard work. 12. admire sb. for sth 在某方面钦佩某人We all admire him for his courage and bravery. 13.hold ones breath 屏住呼吸 lose ones breath 喘不过气来be out of breath 气喘吁吁,上气不接下气 breath-taking adj. 令人吃惊的

7、The 1000-meter run left Bill out of breath. The scene was breath-taking.14,feast sb. on sth. feast ones eyes on sth. 宴请She will feast us _dumplings. Our reporter feasted his eyes _ the beautiful scene of Venice.The evening party was a real feast for music lovers.大饱耳福The book is a feast for the mind.

8、 这是一本给心灵带来真正快乐的书。15. turn up.来;出现;把(收音机等)音量开大些 turn down 拒绝; turn off 关掉; turn on 打开; turn out 结果是. turn to sb. for help 向某人求助16keep ones word 守信用;break ones word, 失信 17It be obvious that they will the election.显而易见;一目了然 = Obviously .they will win .18set off 动身, 出发; 使(地雷、炸弹)爆炸; The old photos set of

9、f my homesick 这些旧照片勾起了我的思乡之情 The burning cigarette set off an explosion 燃烧的香烟引起了爆炸. set up 建立,创立 ; set down 写下,记下 set out to do = set about doing sth.着手做= get down to doing19. arrival: The new arrival was a large healthy baby boy. 到达的人或物The arrival of the train has been delayed. 到达,抵达On/upon ones ar

10、rival at/ in.一到达=on/upon arriving at/ in .20.* _ to you _ your great success!A. Celebration; for B. Celebrations; on C. Congratulation; for D. Congratulations; on*Comrade Lei Feng will for ever be _ a good example to all.A. celebrated for B. congratulated for C. celebrasted as D. congratulated askey

11、s: D, C congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺某人某事 congratulations (to sb.) on sth. 祝贺某人某事Celebrate sth 庆祝 赞颂 in celebration of 为了庆祝.21. offer:1). vt.offer sth to sb. 向某人提供某事 offer sb. Sth.(主动)提供做某事 offer to do sthWe offered him the house _ $2,000. We offered him $2,000 _ the house.He offered _ (help) me with

12、my English.2). n. They made an offer of $20 million for the new plane.offer sb. Sth. = offer sth. to sb. provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.Supply sb. with sth. = supply sth. to/for sb.22. as though 和 as if 从句用虚拟语气,还是用陈述语气。完全根据具体情况而定。如果从句表示的意思与事实完全相反,或者纯粹是一种假设, 通常用虚拟语气。虚拟语气(从句所用的时态比前面真实句所用的

13、时态倒退一个时态.)The child talks as if she were an adult. 那孩子说话的样子好像她是个大人。She loves the boy as if she were his mother. He behaved as if/ though nothing had happened.He talks as if/though he knew everything. He looks as if he were ill.2. 陈述语气(表示很可能的事实就用陈述语气)It looks as if/ though it is going to rain.*as if

14、还可用于省略句中 如果 as if 引导的从句是“主语系动词”结构,可省略主语和系动词,这样 as if 后就只剩下名词、不定式、形容词(短语)、介词短语或 分词 。如: He acts as if (he was) a fool 他做事像个傻子。 Tom raised his hands as if ( he was going) to say something 汤姆举起手好像要说什么。 She left the room hurriedly as if (she was)angryUnit 21.a healthy diet 健康饮食; a balanced diet 平衡的饮食 be/

15、 go/ on a diet put sb on a diet2. benefit n. 利益,恩惠,益处 (u/c) 具体的好处(c)Did you get much/a lot of /little benefit from your holiday?The new factory will be a benefit to the town.Rebuilding the canal has already brought many benefits to our national economy. (be) of benefit to 对有益 be beneficial to The book was not of much benefit to me.for sb.s benefit 为帮助某人,为某人的利益 = for the benefit of sb.The money is to be used for the benefit of the poor.vt. 对有益;得到利益benefit from / by 从中受益Ninghai Middle School benefits us a lot.I benefited a lot from his advice. You will benefit by a holiday.3. combi


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