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1、 二 一 五 年 一 月本科毕业设计外文文献翻译 翻译翻译学校代码: 10128学 号: 内蒙古工业大学本科毕业设计外文文献翻译1The Test Library Management System of Framework Based on SSHThe application system features in small or medium-sized enterprise lie in the greater flexibility and safety high performance-price ratio. Traditional J2EE framework can not

2、adapt to these needs, but the system application based on SSH(Struts+Spring+Hibernate) technology can better satisfy suchneeds. This paper analyses some integration theory and key technologies about SSH, and according to the integration constructs a lightweight WEB framework, which has integrated th

3、e three kinds of technology ,forming the lightweight WEB framework based on SSH and gaining good effects in practical applications. IntroductionGenerally the J2EE platform27 used in large enterprise applications, can well solve the application of reliability, safety and stability, but its weakness i

4、s the price high and the constructing cycle is long. Corresponding to the small or medium enterprise applications, the replace approach is the system framework of lightweight WEB, including the more commonly used methods which are based on the Struts and Hibernate. With the wide application of Sprin

5、g, the three technology combination may be a better choice as a lightweight WEB framework. It uses layered structure and provides a good integrated framework for Web applications at all levels in minimizing the Interlayer coupling and increasing the efficiency of development. This framework can solv

6、e a lot of problems, with good maintainability and scalability. It can solve the separation of user interface and business logic separation, the separation of business logic and database operation and the correct procedure control logic, etc. This paper studies the technology and principle of Struts

7、 and Spring and Hibernate, presenting a proved lightweight WEB application framework for enterprise. Hierarchical Web MechanismHierarchical Web framework including the user presentation layer, business logiclayer, data persistence layer ,expansion layer etc, each layer for different function, respec

8、tively to finish the whole application. The whole system are divided into different内蒙古工业大学本科毕业设计外文文献翻译2logic module with relatively independent and mutual, and each module can be implemented according to different design. It can realize the system parallel development, rapid integration, good mainta

9、inability, scalability. Struts MVC Framework To ensure the reuse and efficiency of development process, adopting J2EE technology to build the Web application must select a system framework which has a good performance . Only in this way can we ensure not wasting lots of time because of adjusting con

10、figuration and achieve application development efficiently and quickly. So, programmers in the course of practice got some successful development pattern which proved practical, such as MVC and O/R mapping, etc; many technologies, including Struts and Hibernate frameworks, realized these pattern. Ho

11、wever, Struts framework only settled the separation problem between view layer and business logic layer, control layer, did not provide a flexible support for complex data saving process. On the contrary, Hibernate framework offered the powerful and flexible support for complex data saving process.

12、Therefore, how to integrate two frameworks and get a flexible, low-coupling solutions project which is easy to maintain for information system, is a research task which the engineering staff is studying constantly. Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a popular design pattern. It divides the interactive s

13、ystem in threecomponents and each of them specializes in one task. The model contains the application data and manages the core functionality. The visual display of the model and the feedback to the users are managed by the view. The controller not only interprets the inputs from the user, but also

14、dominates the model and the view to change appropriately. MVC separates the system functionality from the system interface so as to enhance the system scalability and maintainability. Struts is a typical MVC frame32, and it also contains the three aforementioned components. The model level is compos

15、ed of JavaBean and EJB components. The controller is realized by action and ActionServlet, and the view layer consists of JSP files. The central controller controls the action execution that receives a request and redirects this request to the appropriate module controller. Subsequently, the module

16、controller processes the request and returns results to th内蒙古工业大学本科毕业设计外文文献翻译3e central controller using a JavaBean object, which stores any object to be presented in the view layer by including an indication to module views that must be presented. The central controller redirects the returned JavaBean object to the main view that displays its information.Spring Framework technology Spring is a lightweight J2EE application development framewor



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