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1、高二英语(下)词语荟萃Unit 131. compare notes with sb on sth2. fit the puzzle ( the lock)3. learn sth. by oneself4. get along with5. all through ones lifethroughout ones life6. be content to do sthbe content with sth7. receive/get/take a doctors degree8. lead to sth/doing sth9. receive worldwide praise for10.

2、win the Nobel Prize for11. take American nationality12. make music13. work out14. stick to sth/ doing sth15. be respected as16. take sides ( in ) take the side of sb17. further educationUnit 141. feel like doing2. so/as far as I know3. have sth on ( He has sth on every day. 他每天都有事。 )4. once every mo

3、nth5. in space6. the lighter the better7. in this way = by this means = with this method8. Its likely/ probable/ possible that ( sb./sth. is likely to do)9. in the next day or two10. keep out of11. dozens of12. carry out13. with the help of14. look intoUnit 151. personal affairs2. see to3. mean to d

4、o ( compare: mean doing )4. make a note of5. make a plan for6. Its time (that) did ( Its time I went to bed. )7. be famous/ well-known as; be famous/ well-known for8. pay sb a visit/pay a visit to sb9. no matter = never mind = It doesnt matter.10. do some building repairs11. have little furniture12.

5、 keep pets13. have no idea = dont know14. Theres no doubt about it. / Sb. has no doubt about sth.15. long before ( compare: before long )16. in silence17. strike a match18. break into19. from now/today/that time/then on20. be supposed to doUnit 161. do well ( in )2. leave school = graduate3. make up

6、 ones mind to do4. take a deep breath/ breathe deeply5. be made up of6. by the day/week/month. ( compare: by weight/volumn )7. stay clean = keep clean8. natural springs9. on (the) average10. at a time11. beg ones pardon12. a variety of animal life13. provide sth for sb. = provide sb with sth14. feed

7、 on = live on; feedon15. three meals a day16. cross out17. leave out18. sth occur to sb19. force the door openUnit 171. the majority of people2. be out of work3. persuade sb to do sth = persuade sb into doing sth4. make a decision/ choice/ change5. throughout the world/ all over the world6. in (the)

8、 future7. the growing conditions of vegetables8. as well as9. speak into the telephone10. turn on the heating11. carry out ones instructions12. labour force/workforce13. in the fields of education/health/research14. play an important part in15. computer skills16. information records17. computer prog

9、rams18. search for; search sp for sth/sb19. at present20. be against/for21. satisfy / meet the needs/ demands of22. medical care23. take sth for example/as an example24. get/fall/be taken ill25. keep fit/ healthy26. developed countries; developing countries27. vote for28. less and lessUnit 181. a pl

10、ay on words2. a large collection of jokes3. lay the table4. by accident = by chance5. be on vacation = be on holiday6. light a cigar7. get a coffee/get two coffees8. move from side to side9. get talking = start talking10. have sth in common11. make an announcement12. pay attention to; take notice of

11、13. get in touch with; keep in touch with; lose touch with14. or rather15. be up to16. on ones own (compare: of ones own)17. turn up ( = appear )18. in the direction of19. be determined to do20. think of ; think highly of .21. knock .off22. enjoy a long life23. treat sth as a joke24. work permit25.

12、be angry with sb; be angry about sth26. a couple of hoursUnit 191. want equal rights2. demand better housing and jobs3. join in 4. put sb in/into prison; send/take sb to prison; throw sb to prison5. in bad condition6. set sb an example = set an example to sb7. achieve ones goal8. in ones lifetime9.

13、across the country/throughout the country10. hold important jobs in government11. share a ride12. give in13. be in danger14. separatefrom ( separate sections )15. win a nationwide support16. side by side; shoulder to shoulderUnit 201. turn out2. dream of3. come true4. What time is it by your watch?5

14、. achieve success6. in ones personal lives7. play music8. have attitude to/ towards sb9. as a matter of fact = in fact = actually10. end up with ( begin/ start with )Unit 211. sb. be familiar with sth.2. sth be familiar to sb.3. earn/ make ones living4. learnby heart5. in praise of6. passers-by ( lo

15、okers-on )7. from generation to generation = from one generation to another8. pass down9. dance to music10. a bathing cap/suit 浴帽/泳衣11. an operating table 手术台12. a weighing machine 秤13. a racing bicycle 赛车14. a packing case 货箱15. drinking water 饮用水Unit 221. let in2. in peace3. fall in love with4. ma

16、ke sure of5. suffer from6. in public7. burn to the ground8. sentence to death9. do a good deed10. call for help11. take up ones guns12. a chemists shop = a drug store13. the coming week14. set fire to sth / set sth on fireUnit 231. get together2. all the best3. have a word with=have a talk with sb(compare: have words with sb = quarrel with sb)4. connect with5. in other words6. free of charge7. dial



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