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1、保密类别 编 号 XX 大学 XX 学院毕 业 论 文体验营销与冲动性购买行为的关系研究系 别 专 业 年 级 学 号姓 名 指导教师 XX 大学 XX 学院年 月 日2摘要在国际棉花协会公布的“2004 全球时尚检测调查”中的结果显示:中国内地的消费者对于冲动性消费是有很强的倾向性,有将近 53%的消费者表示,他们在对服装购买时很少有特别的机会,是较容易冲动的,这在调查的国家与地区中仅次于德国和英国,排行第三。在调查中还显示:随着社会经济的不断发展、人民收入的增加、零售业态的飞速发展,中国的消费者会更加倾向于冲动性购买。除此之外,在通过了解实际生活中消费者冲动性购买的行为之后便可以发现,消费


3、,对任何事物都不会抱有很高的忠诚度而且多数都有非常强烈的冲动性购买力。Dittmar、Beattie 与Friese 的研究发现,在很多发达国家中,产品消费是作为一种现代化或者后现代化的意蕴的,由此可以获得与表现自我认同的意识。因此,消费者的购物行为已经演变成了一种以休闲娱乐为主的,用来反映生活方式的一种活动,在现在我们要以一种全新的独特的视角来审视它。关键词:体验营销、冲动性购买行为、关系研究3Experience marketing relationship with impulsive purchase behavior researchABSTRACTIn the internatio

4、nal cotton association released 2004 global fashion detection investigation of the results showed that the mainland consumers there is a strong tendency for impulsive consumption, nearly 53% of consumers said they are in the clothing there are few opportunities in particular, when buying is more imp

5、ulsive, this in the investigation of countries and regions after Germany and the UK, ranking the third. In the survey also showed that: with the continuous development of social economy, peoples income increases, the rapid development of retail formats, Chinese consumers will be more tend to impulse

6、 buying. In addition, through the understanding of real life after the consumer impulsive buying behavior can be found, the experience of consumer activities for impulse buying behavior is has a great influence, for example, when you buy mobile phones, computers and other electronic products, often

7、when you see other types of products, would be interested in it, after its function in the experience, will have a very strong emotion, so under the condition of without fully considering the purchase immediately; Or in the mall, I suddenly feel a certain piece of clothing is very beautiful, after t

8、ry on feeling is very appropriate also, immediately bought it. Therefore, from the perspective of the consumer research experience impact on impulsive purchasing behavior will be has the very strong practical 4significance.With the continuous development of society and the continuous improvement of

9、living standards, consumption patterns and consumption habits of consumers is in constant change, we can see from consumer behavior consumer to convey all kinds of information, for example, the pursuit of fashion sense, unique, simple sense and taste, very cast about anything do not have high loyalt

10、y and most of them have very strong impulse purchasing power. Dittmar, Beattie and Friese study found that in many developed countries, product consumption is as a kind of modern or after the connotation of modernization, the identity consciousness and performance can be obtained. Accordingly, consu

11、mer shopping behavior has evolved into a kind of entertainment primarily, is used to reflect the way of life of an activity, in now we are going to a new kind of unique Angle of view to look at it.Keywords: Experience marketing Impulse buying behavior Relationship between research目 录第 1 章 绪论11.1 课题研

12、究的背景 11.2 课题研究的意义 11.2 课题研究的目的 11.2 本课题研究的发展现状 1第 2 章 文献综述 22.1 体验营销理论综述2 2.1.1 体验营销理论国外研究综述 2 2.1.2 体验营销理论国内研究综述 22.2 冲动性购买行为理论综述 2 2.2.1 冲动性购买行为国外研究综述 32.2.2 冲动性购买行为国内研究综述 3第 3 章 研究方法33.1 研究架构 33.2 研究假设 43.3 问卷设计 4第 4 章 数据分析与结果 44.1 样本分析 54.2 调研问卷信度检验54.3 调研问卷效度检验 64.4 假设的验证 7第 5 章 研究结论及建议 85.1 研究

13、结论 85.1 管理建议 85.1 研究限制 8参考文献 9后记 10XX 大学 XX 学院本科毕业论文0第 1 章 绪论1.1 课题研究的背景随着社会的不断发展与人们生活水平的不断提高,消费者的消费模式与消费习惯也在不断地发生改变,从消费者的消费行为中我们可以看到消费者所要传达的各类信息,比如,追求时尚感、独特性、质感与品位,非常喜新厌旧,对任何事物都不会抱有很高的忠诚度而且多数都有非常强烈的冲动性购买力。Dittmar、Beattie 与Friese 的研究发现,在很多发达国家中,产品消费是作为一种现代化或者后现代化的意蕴的,由此可以获得与表现自我认同的意识。因此,消费者的购物行为已经演变成了一种以休闲娱乐为主的,用来反映生活方式的一种活动,在现在我们要以一种全新的独特的视角来审视它。关于消费者购买行为与购买决策的研究,一直以来都是作为消费者行为研究中的非常重要的部分,而冲动性购买则是消费者行为与营销活动中的主要焦点。因为冲动性购买行为是因购物的相关刺激引发的临时购买的行动,因此,冲动性购买是属于特殊的购物决策。有关消费者冲动性购买的研究已经持续发展了将近六十多年,但是一般多侧重于行为特质的描述和对其定义的表述,对进一步探讨消费者体验活动对冲动性购买行为的影响作用却是非常少的。本论文希望通过将



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