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1、路桥英才网-中国最权威的路桥行业求职招聘网站【摘 要】随着人力资源管理在中国企业界的推广和新经济时代的到来,工作满意度、工作动机激励逐渐成为组织管理理论与实践所探讨的重要问题。本研究对中国IT 行业与传统行业的工作满意度和激励因子结构进行了比较分析。550 名来自10 家不同企业组织的被试参加了本研究,其中 IT 行业被试 272 人,传统行业被试 278 人。研究采用明尼苏达满意度问卷(MSQ )和自编的激励因素调查问卷对被试的工作满意度、工作动机激励进行研究。两行业工作满意度比较研究发现,IT 行业员工工作满意度显著低于传统行业,并且两行业在工作满意度与年龄、性别等人口统计学变量之间的关系

2、上也存在一定的区别。研究同时发现,管理者的工作满意度显著高于员工,学历和任职年数与工作满意度有显著的负相关。对两行业激励因子结构的研究发现,IT 行业的激励因素可以归为“工作关系与制度条件”、“个人发展与挑战”、“核心工作特性”、“薪酬与福利”、“权力需要”、“工作条件”、“组织特性”等 7 大因子,共解释总变异的60.02%;传统行业的激励因素可以归为“个人发展与挑战”、“薪酬福利与制度”、“组织特性”、“工作特性”、“权力需要”、“工作条件”等 6 大因子,共解释总变异的 56.63%。进一步的比较分析表明,两行业激励因子结构既有一定的相似性,又存在一定的差别。本研究对中国 IT 行业和传

3、统行业工作满意度和激励因子结构的比较结果,对企业组织人力资源管理管理实务具有重要的指导意义,研究得出的激励因子结构为企业激励系统的评估提供了基本框架。【关键词】工作满意度、工作动机激励、人力资源管理路桥英才网-中国最权威的路桥行业求职招聘网站Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation:Compare Between IT Industry and Traditional Industry.AbstractThe purpose of this study was to compare job satisfaction and motivation factor s

4、tructures between IT industry and traditional industry of China. The total of 550 subjects came from 10 Chinese companies participated in this study, of which 272 subjects worked in IT industry and 278 subjects worked in traditional industry. Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) and self-desig

5、ned Work Motivation Factors Survey were used to investigate job satisfaction and work motivation of the subjects. The results indicated that job satisfaction of IT industry subjects was lower than the subjects worked in traditional industry, and there were some significant differences between the tw

6、o industrials in the correlations between job satisfaction and some demographic variables, such as gender and age. The study also found that managers job satisfaction was higher than employees, and educational degree and tenure was negatively correlated with job satisfaction. This study also analyze

7、d the structures of two industries work motivation factors. The results indicated that the motivation factors of IT industry can be classified into 7 factors, which totally explained 60.02% of variation of work motivation factors. The work motivation factors of traditional industry can be classified

8、 into 6 factors, which totally explained 56.63% of variation of work motivation factors. Further analyzed indicated that, although the work motivation factor structures of the two industries were somewhat similar, the two factor structures were different between each other. The findings of this study have some important implications to HRM practices of organizations, and the motivation factor structures provided a basic framework for evaluation system of work motivation practices.Key words: Job Satisfaction, Work Motivation, Human Resource Management路桥英才网-中国最权威的路桥行业求职招聘网站



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