中石油职称英语课文讲稿1-60第01课 (50)

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1、大家论坛中石油职称英语 http:/ http:/ Einsteins Inspiring 激励人心的 Heirn.继承人 . 爱因斯坦的激励人心的继承人、1. He is almost totally paralyzedadj.瘫痪的 , speechless and wheelchair-boundadj.被束缚的 , able to move only his facial muscles and two fingers on his left hand. He cannot dress or feed himself, and he needs round-the-clocka.一整天

2、的 nursing care. He can communicate only through a voice synthesizer语音合成器 , which he operates by laboriouslyad.费力的 tapping(tap):轻敲 out words on the computer attached to his motorized给.装发动机的 chair. Yet at age 50, despite these crushing决定性的 adversities(adversity):n.不幸 , Stephen Hawking霍金 has become, in

3、 the words of science writers Michael White and John Gribbin, perhaps the greatest physicistn.物理学家 of our time. His 1988 book, A Brief History of Time, has sold 1.7 million copies around the world. 1、他几乎完全瘫痪,不能说话,离不开轮椅,能够活动的只有他面部的肌肉和他左手的两个指头。吃饭穿衣他不能自理,白天夜晚都需要人照顾。他只能通过一个发声合成器同别人交流。这个计算机式的发声合成器固定在他那装有

4、马达的轮椅上;他吃力地操作键盘,把要说的话一个词一个词地打出来。尽管他遭此极度厄运,斯蒂芬霍金在他年已半百的时候还是成了“也许是当代最伟大的大家论坛中石油职称英语 http:/ http:/ 。(科技作家迈克怀特和约翰格里宾语)他1988年出版的时间简史一书,在世界各地共销售了170万册。单词:paralyze使瘫痪; laboriously费力的;tap轻敲; adversity不幸; 2. Hawkings choice of career was most fortunatea.幸运的 , for himself as well as for science. Rejecting(rej

5、ect):v.拒绝 the urging of his physiciann.内科医生 father to study medicine, Hawking chose instead to concentrate on math and theoreticala.理论的 physics, first at Oxford and then at Cambridge. But at age 21 he developed the first symptoms(symptom):n.征兆 of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a disorder that

6、would inevitablyad.不可避免地 renderv.导致 him paralyzedadj.瘫痪的 and incapable of performing most kinds of work. As the authors note, theoretical physics was one of the very few jobs for which his mind was the only real tool he needed. 2、霍金选择了这一职业,对科学事业和他本人都是件极大的好事。他父亲是个医生,曾敦促他学医,但他没有从命,而是先后在牛津大学和剑桥大学专攻数学和理

7、论物理。可是他在21岁的时候,出现了肌萎缩性(脊髓)侧索硬化的征兆;这一疾病不可避免地要导致瘫痪,使他很多事都不能做。用本书的两位作者的话来说, “研究理论物理是他能做的屈指可数的几件工作之一-这些工作实际需要的大家论坛中石油职称英语 http:/ http:/ ”单词:fortunate幸运的; physician医生; theoretical=理论的;inevitably不可避免地; 3. He has used that tool with consummateadj.完美的 skill. While still a graduaten.研究生 student, Hawking beca

8、me fascinateda.着迷的 by black holes, the bizarreadj.吉怪的 objects物体 created during the death throes(throe):n.剧痛,阵痛 of large stars. Working with mathematiciann.数字家 Roger Penrose and using Einsteins relativity equations等式 , he developed new techniques方法 to prove mathematically(mathematical):adj.数学的 that a

9、t the heart of black holes were singularitiesn.奇点 -infinitely 无穷地 denseadj.浓密的 , dimensionless points with irresistibleadj.无法抗拒的 gravityn.重力,引力 . He went on to demonstratev.表明 that the entire universe could have sprung from a singularityn.奇点 and, in his 1966 Ph.D. thesisn.论文 , wryly(wry):讽刺的 noted t

10、hat there is a singularityn.奇点 in our past. 3、他娴熟地使用了这一工具。还在当研究生的时候,他就对研究黑洞现象-巨大星体泯灭过程中产生的奇怪物体-入了迷。他同数学家罗杰潘罗斯合作,运用爱因斯坦的相对论等式找到了新的计算方法来证明:在黑洞的中心是一堆密密麻麻的、无边无际的、具大家论坛中石油职称英语 http:/ http:/ ”单词:consummate完美的; fascinate着迷; mathematically数学的; singularity奇异; 4. Gathering(gather):收集 momentumn.动力,冲力, as a fel

11、lown.研究员 at Cambridge, Hawking calculated(calculate):vt.计算 that the Big Bang, which gave birth to the universe, must have created tiny black holes, each about the size of a protonn.质子 but with the massn.质量 of a mountain. Then, upsetting(upset):推翻 the universaladj.普遍的 belief that nothing, not even li

12、ght, can escape from a black hole, he used the quantum量子 theory to demonstratev.表明 that these miniholes (and larger ones too) emitvt.释放 radiationn.射线 . Other scientists eventually conceded(concede):v.承认 that he was correct, and the black-hole emissions(emission):n.释放 are now known as Hawking radiati

13、on. 4、在剑桥当研究员时,他再接再励,并推测出:可能是产生宇宙的大爆炸同时也产生了那些小黑洞,其大小同质子差不多,但质量却重如一座大山。后来,他用量子理论证明这些小洞(还有大一些的)能发出射线,从而推翻了认为任何东西(包括光在内)都不能逃脱大家论坛中石油职称英语 http:/ http:/ birth to:产生;单词:gather=聚集;fellow研究员; calculate计算; upset推翻; demonstrate证明; concede承认;5. Engrossed(engross):v.全神贯注 as Hawking is with his work, the authors

14、 say, ALS is simply not that important to him. He certainly does not dwell on细想某事 his handicap残疾 . His succinctadj.简洁的 , synthesized voice comments(comment):谈论 are often laced(lace):加入 with humorn.幽默 , he enjoys socializing(socialize):交往 with his students and colleagues, attends(attend):参加 rock concerts and Sometimes takes to



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