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1、贸易术语一、单项 选 择 题1根据 INCOTERMS 2010 的 规 定 , CFR 贸 易 术 语 下 , 买 卖 双 方 风 险 的 分 界 点 是 ( B ) 。A装运港船舷 B装运港船上C目的港船舷 D目的港船上2以下哪个 INCOTERMS 版本规定贸易术语既适于国际贸易也适于国内贸易?( D )AINCOTERMS 1980 BINCOTERMS 1990CINCOTERMS 2000 DINCOTERMS 20103根据INCOTERMS 2010的规定,由卖方支付运费的贸易术语是( D ) 。AEXW BFCACFOB DCFR4根据INCOTERMS 2010的规定,由卖

2、方支付保险费的贸易术语英文缩写是( B ) 。AFCA BCIPCEXW DCFR5首钢集团公司计划按 FOB 贸易术语从澳大利亚进口铁矿砂,采用程租船运输且承担装船费用。根据INCOTERMS 2010的规定,该公司在进口合同中使用的贸易术语应该是( A ) 。AFOB LINER TERMS BFOB STOWEDCFOB TRIMMED DFOB STOWED AND TRIMMED6根据INCOTERMS 2010的规定,就买方承担的货物风险而言, ( D ) 。AC 组和 D 组术语最小,F 组其次,E 组最大BE 组术语最小,F 组和 C 组其次,D 组最大CF 组和 C 组术语最

3、大,E 组其次,D 组最小DD 组术语最小,F 组和 C 组其次,E 组最大7在我国进出口贸易中,若按 FAS 术语成交,下面说法错误的是( D ) 。A卖方要在约定时间内将合同规定货物交到指定装运港买方所指派船只的船边B若买方所派船只不能靠岸,卖方要负责用驳船把货物运至船边,仍在船边交货C装船的责任和费用由买方承担D在船上完成交货义务8江苏雄华钢卷尺厂以 CFR 术语报价出口一批钢卷尺,如果国外客户要求改为航空运输时,应采用( C )术语为宜。AFCA BCIP CCPT DDDP9若按 CIF LANDED 贸易术语成交,买卖双方的风险划分界限为( A ) 。A货物在装运港越过船舷 B货物

4、在目的港越过船舷C货物交到目的港的码头 D货物交给承运人10根据 INCOTERMS 2010 规定,由卖方支付运费的贸易术语是( D ) 。AEXW BFAS CFOB DCPT11从美国纽约进口货物,采用 FOB 术语报价描述错误的是( d ) 。A贸易术语应写成 FOB Vessel New YorkB买卖双方的风险不是以装运港船舷为界,而是以船舱为界C卖方有义务协助买方取得由出口国签发的货物出口所需的各种证件D出口税需由买方负担 12根据 INCOTERMS 2010 规定,采用( A )术语时,由买方办理出口报关。AEXW BFAS CFOB DDDP13A ccording to

5、INCOTERMS 2010, which of the following terms requires the seller to pay for the insurance?( D )ACFR BCPTCFOB DCIP14An exporter sells goods to a customer abroad on CIF and FCA terms. Who is responsible for the freight charges respectively? ( B )Aseller, seller Bseller, buyer Cbuyer, seller Dbuyer, bu

6、yer15A ccording to INCOTERMS 2010, what is the trade term when the seller doesnt undertake to pay for the cost of transport of the goods to a specified destination?( A )AFOB BCFRCCIP DCIF16A ccording to INCOTERMS 2010, when the seller pays for all charges up to (到为止)an including the loading of a con

7、signment on board the carrying vessel, the term is ( C ).ADDP BFCACFOB DCIF17A ccording to INCOTERMS 2010, under which term does the seller have no obligation to contract for carriage? ( B )ADAT BFASCCIP DCIF18What is the most appropriate term when the seller must pay the cost and freight necessary

8、to bring the goods to the named port of destination by a roll-on/roll-off vessel?( D )AFOB BFCACCIF DCPT19When the seller pays for the goods to be loaded on board the container ship, but does not pay freight or insurance, what is most appropriate term? ( C )ADDU BCFRCFCA DCIF20A ccording to INCOTERM

9、S 2000, when the seller is responsible for the arrival of the goods at the agreed place or point of destination, the corresponding trade terms are following except ( C ).ADDU BDDPCCFR DDEQ21What is the term when the consignment is delivered with all the charges up to arrival at the port of destinati

10、on paid by the seller?( D )AFOB BFCACDDU DCIF22An exporter sells goods to a customer abroad on FOB and on CFR terms by L/C. Who is responsible for the freight charges in each?( C )ABeneficiary; applicant BSeller; buyerCBuyer; seller DExporter; exporter23 ( C ) , drawn up by the ICC, provide an inter

11、nationally accepted set of standardized terms which set out where the exporters responsibility ends as regards insurance and transport of goods.AUCP BVAT CINCOTERMS DURC24According to INCOTERMS 2010, when the seller only makes the goods available to the buyer at the sellers premises, the correspondi

12、ng trade term is( B ).ADDP BEXW CFOB DDDU25Different trade terms indicate the different charges, obligation and perils taken for the buyer and seller. ( C ) is most favorable for the exporter. ACIF BFOB CEXW DFAS 二、多项选择题1根据 INCOTERMS 2010 规 定 , 卖 方 必 须 要 办 理 保 险 并 支 付 保 费 的 贸 易 术 语 有 ( AD ) 。ACIF BD

13、ATCDAP DCIP2与INCOTERMS 2000相比, INCOTERMS 2010增加的贸易术语有( BC ) 。ADAF BDATCDAP DDDU3根据INCOTERMS 2010的规定,采用 FOB 贸易术语时,卖方的义务包括( ACD ) 。A取得出口许可证或其他官方许可,办理出口报关手续B租船或订舱,支付运费C提供商业发票和证明货物已经交到船上的通常单据或电子讯息D负担货物越过船舷为止一切费用和风险4在国际贸易术语中, ( AD )风险划分以货交第一承运人为界,并适用于各种运输方式。AFCA BFOBCCIF DCIP5根据INCOTERMS 2000的规定,以下有关 DDU

14、 和 DDP 表述正确的有( BC ) 。ADDU 适合任何运输方式,而 DDP 只适合海运方式BDDU 和 DDP 都是在进口国国内交货C与 DDU 相比,DDP 术语下,卖方要多办理货物进口手续和支付进口关税D与 DDP 相比,DDU 术语下,卖方要多办理货物进口手续和支付进口关税6以下哪些贸易术语项下,卖方需承担国外运费?(BC )ADAF BDEQ CDES DFOB STOWED 7属于象征性交货的贸易术语包括( ABD ) 。AFCA BFOBCDDP DCFR三、判断题1根据INCOTERMS 2010的规定,在 DAP 术语条件下,如果卖方按照运输合同在目的地发生了卸货费用,除非双方另有约定,卖方有权向买方要求偿付。 ( )2从 2011 年 1 月 1 日开始, INCOTERMS 2010开始生效, INCOTERMS 2000自动失效。 ( )3根据INCOTERM



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