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1、國 立 成 功 大 學 證 件 申 請 表 National Cheng Kung UniversityAcademic Certificates Application Form 系所名稱:Department/Graduate Institute: 大學部(Bachelors Program)碩士班(Masters Program)博士班(Doctoral Program) 畢業年月(Graduation Date):_ (YYYY/MM)在學生(Currently-enrolled Student):年級(Grade)_退學 (Dropout):退學年月(Date of dropout)

2、_ (YYYY/MM) 學號(Student ID No.):_姓名(Name):先生 (Male)小姐 (Female)生日: 年 月 日Birth Date: (YYYY/MM/DD) E-mail:連絡電話:( ) 分機:Contact Phone Number: ext.手機:Mobile phone number:英文姓名(與護照一致) 書寫譯音全名:English name as written on your passport:*請註明收件人與寄回地址 (Please specify the recipient and mailing address):_*請附上回郵信封。 Pl

3、ease enclose a self-addressed stamped registered envelope.申 請 項 目(Item)單價Unit price份數Copies金額Amount1.中文成績單 (Chinese Transcript) 202.英文學位證明(限畢業生) (English Certificate of Degree, only for graduates) 203.英文成績單 (English Transcript) 204.英文畢業證書(限申請一份) (English Diploma, one copy only.) 1005.英文修業證明(限退學生) (C

4、ertificate of Study, only for dropouts) 206.英文名次證明(限日間部大學畢業生) (English Certificate of Class Rank, only for undergraduate students) 207.英文在學證明(限在學生) (English Enrollment Certificate, only for currently-enrolled students) 208.註冊組專用信封(寄往國外專用)Sealed Envelopes (x2) 3合計 (In total)郵資費用如下:中文版、英文版郵資(限台灣地區) (T

5、able of postage rates for domestic mail in Taiwan) 郵 寄 種 類 國 內 郵 資 (Domestic Postage) 新台幣 NT$申請書份數No. of copies enclosed1 張2 張(12 copies)3 張6 張(36 copies)7 張15 張(715 copies)16 張50 張(1650 copies)51 張100 張(51100 copies)平 信 (Ordinary) 5 10 15 25 45限 時 (Prompt) 12 17 22 32 52掛 號 (Registered) 25 30 35 45

6、 65限 掛 (Prompt Registered) 32 37 42 52 72備註:請填具本表格後,檢附現金或郵政匯票付款(受款人:國立成功大學 )及回郵信封,郵寄至 701 台南市大學路 1 號國立成功大學註冊組。電話 TEL: + 886-6-2757575 ext.50120。Remarks: Please send this completed application form with cash or a postal order payable to NCKU as the recipient for purchased items and a self-addressed stamped registered envelope to the Registrars Division, National Cheng Kung University at the address of No.1, Ta-Hsueh Rd., Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.


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