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1、摘 要四足机器人步行腿具有多个自由度, 落足点是离散的, 故能在足尖点可达域范围内灵活调整行走姿态, 并合理选择支撑点, 具有更高的避障和越障能力。对四足机器人的行走典型步态进行必要的分析比较,选择本次毕业设计四足机器人的步态小跑步态,并对小跑步态进行设计。对腿关节结构是使用电动机驱动关节运动还是使用传统的连杆机构(四杆机构、五杆机构、六杆机构等)驱动关节运动进行比较,同时对机构的自由度进行分析,选择一个自由度的斯蒂芬森型机构作为四足机器人的行走结构,并且引用了已经运用成熟的腿机构。考虑到驱动系统的安装,选择一个电动机驱动四足机器人的行走机构,通过同步带驱动四条腿,减少了电动机的数目,减轻了四

2、足机器人的负载,减少对腿关节运动的影响。本毕业设计通过涡轮蜗杆传动和齿轮传动,设计出了蜗杆二级减速器,第一级减速为蜗杆涡轮减速,第二级减速为齿轮减速。并对关键零部件进行必要计算和校核,从而得到四足机器人稳定步行所需要的速度,最终实现了四足机器人的步行。关键词:四足哺乳动物;四足机器人;机器人步态;行走结构;蜗杆二级减速器全套图纸加AbstractWalking legs of quadruped robot has multiple degrees of freedom , points of the foot are discrete , it can be flexibly adjuste

3、d walking posture within the gamut reach for the toe point , and a reasonable choice of the anchor , it gets a higher obstacle and avoidance ability . It is necessary to analysis and compare typical gait of quadruped walking robot, trotting gait is selected to be this graduation project quadruped ro

4、bot gait. To compare the driving articulation that the leg joints structure is driven by the motor or the use of traditional articulation linkage (four agencies, five agencies, six institutions, etc.), while the degree of freedom mechanism is analyzed,to choose one degree of freedom structure Stephe

5、nson type mechanism as walking quadruped robot, and refers to already is used of mature leg mechanism. Taking into account the installation of the drive system, to choose a motor drive mechanism of quadruped walking robot, by timing belt drive four legs,the number of motor is reduced , it reduces th

6、e load on the four-legged robot , it reduces the impact on the movement of the leg joints .Two worm reducer is designed by designing worm gear and gear in the graduation design , the first stage reduction is a worm and wheel reducer , the second stage reduction is a gear reducer . And it is necessar

7、y to carry out calculations and check of key components, and to get speed required of quadruped robot walking is stable , ultimately , walking of quadruped robot is achieved.Keywords: quadruped mammal;quadruped robot; gait; walking structure; two worm reducer目 录1. 引言 .51.1 步行机器人 .51.2 步行机器人的发展 .51.3

8、 步行机器人常见的连杆机构 .62. 四足机器人步态的设计 .63. 行走结构的设计 .73.1 四足机器人腿结构的配置形式 .73.2 开链式腿结构 .73.3 闭链式腿结构 .93.4 弹性腿结构 .103.5 机构自由度 .113.6 步行机构的选择方案 .123.6.1 对腿机构分析 .133.6.2 分析绞链点 D 的轨迹 .133.7 腿机构优化设计 .153.8 机器人腿足端的轨迹分析 .164. 传动结构的设计 .184.1 驱动方案 .184.2 传动方案 .184.3 驱动电动机 .194.4 普通圆柱蜗杆传动的主要参数及其选择 .204.5 普通圆柱蜗杆传动承载能力的计算 .214.5.1 蜗杆传动设计准则和常用材料 .



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