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1、 New Words earthquake n. C (also quake) a sudden shaking of the Earths surface 地震 detect vt. notice or discover sth. that is difficult to see, feel, etc. 发现;查出 experimental a. used for, relating to, or resulting from experiments 实验的;根据实验的 data n. U facts; information 资料;信息 radon n. U (Rn) 氡(一种由镭的衰变而

2、产生的放射性气态元素) wax vi. become bigger or stronger 变大;增强 n. U a solid substance made of fat or oil and used to make candles, polish sth., etc. 蜡 withstand vt. (withstood, withstood) be strong enough not to be harmed by sth. such as great heat, cold, pressure, etc. 承受;顶住 weld vt. join metals by melting th

3、eir edges and pressing them together 焊接 joint n. 1. C a place where two parts of sth. are joined together 接头;接缝;接合处 2. C a place where two bones are connected关节 a. belonging to or shared between two or more people 共有的;联合的 architect n. C sb. whose job is to design buildings 建筑师;设计师 column n. 1. C a t

4、all solid upright stone post used to support a building or as a decoration 柱;支柱 2. C a line of numbers or words written under each other that goes down a page 列;栏 horizontal a. flat and level 水平的 beam n. 1. C a long thick piece of wood or metal that supports a roof 梁;横梁 2. C a line of light 光线;光束 ve

5、rtical a. pointing up in a line that forms an angle of 90with a flat surface 垂直的;竖的 pillar n. 1. C a tall upright round post used to support a building 柱子;柱状物 2. C sb. who is important and respected within a group 顶梁柱;骨干 rod n. C a long thin pole made of wood or metal 杆;竿;棒 enclose vt. 1. (usu. pass

6、ive) surround sth. 围住;包住 2. put inside an envelope or parcel, esp. in addition to sth. else 把装入信封;附寄 cupboard n. C a piece of furniture used for storing clothes, plates, food, etc. 橱柜;壁橱 cabinet n. 1. C a piece of furniture used for storing or showing things 储藏柜;陈列柜 2. C (also Cabinet) a group of ad

7、visors chosen by the leader of a government 内阁 fasten vt. firmly close a window, gate, etc. so that it will not open 锁好;闩好 accidental a. happening by chance 偶然的;意外的 accidentally ad. by chance 偶然地;意外地 region n. C an area of a country or the world 地区;区域 gallon n. C (容量单位)加仑 bacteria n. (pl.) very smal

8、l living things that may cause diseases 细菌 receiver n. 1. C a piece of equipment that changes electronic signals into sound or pictures 接收机;接收器 2. C the part of a telephone that one picks up in order to hear and speak 电话听筒 battery n. C a device that provides power for radios, cars, etc. 电池 first aid

9、 basic medical treatment given as soon as sb. is injured or is ill 急救 spade n. C a tool used for digging 锹 extinguish vt. 1. make a fire stop burning 使熄灭;扑灭 2. make an idea or feeling stop 使破灭 extinguisher n. C a metal container with water or chemicals in it, used for stopping small fires 灭火器 handy

10、a. near and easy to reach 手边的 portable a. able to be carried or moved easily 轻便的;手提式的 boot n. C a type of shoes that covers the foot and part of the leg 靴子 fragment n. C a small piece of sth. that has broken 碎片;断片 chaos n. U a state of confusion and disorder 混乱;无秩序 arrangement n. C an agreement or p

11、lan made in preparation for sth. 安排;筹备 sensible a. reasonable and practical 明智的;合理的 crust n. 1. C, U the thick outer surface of the Earth 外壳;地壳 2. C, U the hard outer surface of bread 面包皮 probability n. C, U how likely sth. is to happen 可能性 accuracy n. U the quality of being accurate 精确性,准确性 predict

12、ion n. C, U a statement about what one thinks will happen in the future 预测;预言 occurrence n. C sth. that happens, esp. sth. unexpected and unpleasant 事情;事件 resistant a. 1. not harmed or affected by sth. 对有抵抗力的 2. opposed to sth. 抵制的;对抗的 precaution n. C an action which is done to prevent sth. unpleasa

13、nt or dangerous from happening 预防;预防措施 related a. connected in some way 有关系的Phrases and Expressions in addition to as an extra person, thing or situation to sth. 除之外还 if/when/where necessary when it is necessary 如有必要的话 agree on/upon have the same opinion about 就 达成一致意见 make a difference have an effe

14、ct on sb. or sth. (对某人或物)有影响/起作用Proper Names Hanshin 阪神(大阪和神户)earthquake n.C (also quake) a sudden shaking of the Earths surface 地震 In 1906 an earthquake destroyed much of San Francisco.1906 年,一场地震摧毁了旧金山的大部分地区。 Did you feel the earthquake a few hours ago?几个小时前,你感觉到地震了吗? detect vt.notice or discover

15、sth. that is difficult to see, feel, etc. 发现;查出 Financial experts have detected signs that the economy is beginning to improve.经济学家们已经觉察到经济开始改善的迹象。 I detected a slight change in his attitude.我察觉到他的态度有微妙的变化。 experimental a.used for, relating to, or resulting from experiments 实验的;根据实验的 The drug is still at the experimental stage.这种药还处在实验阶段。 The changes to the distribution system are purely experimental at the moment.分配体制的一些变革目前只是实验性的。 data n.U facts; information 资料;信息 The data is/are still being analyzed.那些资料仍在分析中。 How much data can we store on one disk?一张电脑磁盘可储存多少资料? radon n.U (Rn) 氡(一种由镭的


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