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1、第一题 导游人员的定义?导游员应该具备的基本素质有哪些?What is the definition of a tour guide and what basic qualities should a tour guide have?(1)A tour guide is a person who has acquired a tour guide certificate(证书) and is assigned by a travel agency to escort tourists on their travels, providing them with commentary and gu

2、iding service as well as other travel services.(2)a. moral character 良好的品质b. profound knowledge 渊博的知识c. sound ability 较强的能力d. proficient skills 较高的技能e. healthy body 健康的身体f. decent appearance 端庄的仪表第二题 导游人员的基本职责是什么?List the basic tasks of a tour guide.(1) Arrange the itinerary(路线) of visits and sights

3、eeing according to the contract(合同) signed between the travel agency and the tourists.(2) Guide the tourists to and around the sites and introduce them Chinese culture and the local tourism resources.(3) Arrange for meals, accommodation, transportation, shopping and entertainment, and ensure the per

4、sonal safety of tourists and the security of their property.(4) Answer tourists questions patiently and help them solve their problems during the journey.(5) Report tourists opinions and suggestions to the travel agency and, if necessary, help to arrange meetings for on-tour feedback.第三题 导游员应该怎样熟悉接待

5、计划?How does a tour guide get to know a reception plan?(1) The tourist group survey(旅游团概况): 1.客源地 the name of the travel agency that organizes the group in its source origin, nationalities, languages, name of the tour leader;2.组团社 name of the travel agency, name and cell-phone number of national guid

6、es;3.旅游团 name, number and standard of fees of the tourist group.(2) Members situation of the tourist group(旅游团成员情况) : the total number人数, names, sex 性别, occupations 职业 and religions 宗教信仰.(3) Traveling route and the transportation(旅游路线和交通工具): the whole route of this group 全程路线, places of departing an

7、d entering 出入境地点, transportation 交通工具 and so on. The number, time and place of the vehicles they use while the tourists are arriving and leaving.抵离本地时所乘交通工具的班次、时间和地点。(4) Tickets of transportation(交通票据情况): whether the tickets have been reserved according to plan? Is there any changes? If there is, wh

8、at is the new situation? Whether there are back round trip tickets; domestic section(国内段) of international tickets? The ticket for entering into or out of the country is ticket of OK or ticket of OPEN.(5) Special requirement and precautions(特殊要求和注意事项): Whether there is a special requirement? Whether

9、 need some director concerned to receive, meet or invite to have a dinner? Whether among the tourists there are the old, weak, sick and disabled needing to be especially looked after.(6) Whether it is needed to handle certificates ahead of time? (是否需要提前办理证件)Whether there are areas or cities that nee

10、d the tourists to handle the pass? If needed, do it ahead of time.第四题 上团前导游员应当做好哪些准备工作?List the basic preparations made by a guide before leading a tour group.(1) Be familiar with the reception program. 熟悉接待计划(2) Confirm details of transportation, accommodation and luggage delivery before the group

11、arrives. 落实接待事宜(3) Bring all necessary items including documentation-tour guide certificate and professional rating cared-local travel schedule and the tour guide banner. 做好物质准备(4) Be sure to have and use professional language skills and knowledge. 语言和知识准备(5) Be tidy, friendly and good mannered. 形象准

12、备(6) Have a positive attitude and be prepared to face complaints from tourists.心理准备第五题 旅游团抵达前导游员应当做好哪些工作?What should the tour guides do before the arriving of the tourist group?(1) Confirm the vehicle the tourist group took and the accurate arrival time: Ask clear accurate time with the information

13、office of the airports, train stations quay(码头)before setting out.(2) Fix the time and place with the tour bus driver: guarantee to arrive half an hour in advance; Tell the schedule and arrangement of time and activity to the driver on the way; After reaching the station fix the parking place.(3) Ch

14、eck the right arriving time of the tourist group once more: arrive at the airport, station or quay ahead of time.(4) Get in touch with the porter(行李员): Notify the place that the luggage is sent to, and fix the parking place with the luggage van(行李车) driver.(5) Receive the tourist group with signs or

15、 meeting boards at the station: meet the tourist at a striking(突出的) position at the station exit, indicate(标明) group name and number, leaders name or national guides name or name of tourist on the meeting board.第六题 旅游团抵达后导游员应当做好哪些工作?What should the tour guide do when the tourist group arrives?1. Loo

16、k for the tourist group at a striking position at the station exit, confirm the information of the tourist group to ensure receiving the right group.2. Check out the number of tourists: If there are more or less than the planned persons, the guide should contact reception agency in time suck as appearing,3. Count the luggage collectively 集中清点行李: And the leader, accompanied completely, the porter checks the luggage together, check whether t


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