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1、考研英语阅读 A 部分应熟练掌握的单词TEXT 1habit mindless relax unconscious comfort unfamiliar routine reflectnegative implication paradoxical creativityinnovation research parallel entirelyThought innovative tracks dismissCreature instead inherently bother doing sth.Kill off rut procedure be worn intoDeliberately by

2、pass fascinate wonderAuthor taught possibilities exploreThrough unaware capacity approachChallenge primary analytically relationallyCollaboratively adolescence preserve decadeOr so current emphasis standardizeHighlight analysis major beliefSystem explain excellence liePerpetuate foster commonness vi

3、ewBe characterized by casual mechanical formationPredict regulate trace trackSeries characteristics connection decisivenessDerive fantastic curiosity activateComment prevent from no longer emphasizeMaintain comply with TEXT 2Wise boost paternal wisdomConfirm at least local purchaseAvailable prescrip

4、tion range adoptTrack down passionate genealogist require Swabbing potential candidate compareObserve skeptical false precisionHawked claim ancestor individualYet lineage either or revealInherit genetic even though criticsArgue commercial collection referenceSample database rely on systematicallyLum

5、p differ depend on in additionEstimate patent be subject to peerEvaluation availability flexibility householdLocate promote genetic identifyAccuracy disorganized overlapping excessiveLack of appropriate Fors and Againsts TEXT 3Formal economic misunderstand economistPolitician alike social convention

6、alPriorities performance require institutionConsistently radically standard ironicallyEvidence appear recession peakDeride poor primary causeProductivity counterpart examine constructionIlliterate despite complexity suspectAfter all gather wonder besidePotential increase competitive environmentIn tu

7、rn afford advanced povertyConstrain substantially foreseeable on the contraryConstraint groundless victim biasDowngrade overestimate challenge prioritySufficient labor force discipline emergePrior to TEXT 4Thoroughly intellectual minister philosophyColonial attached to intellectual pursuitsEstablish

8、 theme unfold dominantTradition approach normally theologicalDistinctive neglect consider originalAdjusting to circumstance scene episodeCivility virtuosity impressive extensivelyAtmosphere earnestness let alone obviousSuperstitious quality emigrate an account ofConfusion frustration religious meanwhileCommitment confront mock dominateEncourage endeavors liberal obsessAbandon sermon frustrate engageMotivate illusory prospect 2008TEXT 1Catching up to sphere desirable undesirableCategory be suscept


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