[高一英语]高中英语模块二Unit3 测试题

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1、1模块二 Unit3 试卷II. 单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C 、 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项21. -Whose Chinese vase is it?-I have no idea, but Im pretty sure it_ the old lady.A. doesnt belong to B. belongs to C. isnt belonging to D. belonged to22. The man _ you talked on the street the day before yesterday is my

2、uncle.A. to whom B. to who C. who D. that23. -What do you think of that dress?-Well._, it really isnt your style.A. I think B. In my opinion C. I believe D. I suppose24. This is the house _ I spent my childhood.A./ B. which C. that D. where 25. Would you consider _ your homework first before you go

3、to the cinema?A. finishing B. to finish C. being finished D. finish26. -Who is _the TV show? She seems to be talented.-Mary Green, who used to be a famous actress.A. opening B. hosting C. playing D. seeing27. Im going to _ a charity party. Will you _too?A. take part; take part B. take part in; take

4、part inC. take part; take part in D. take part in; take part 28. Do you know a concert _in our hometown next month?A. will be held B. is going to be held C. is to be held D. all A,B,C29. -Is a new modern gym being built in our city now?-Yes, and it _next year.A. has been finished B. finishes C. will

5、 be finished D. will finish30. Im fond of music while my sister likes reading novels. It seems that we have nothing _.A. in like B. in common C. in same D. in similar31. My little brother never does any reading in the evening, and _.A. so does Mike B. Mike does so C. Mike doesnt too. D. nor does Mik

6、e32. -The floor is dirty.-Yes. It _for two days.A. hasnt swept B. didnt sweep C. hasnt cleaned D. hasnt been cleaned33. -Sorry, I got a bad cold yesterday.-Every time you are absent, you _ an excuse.A. take up B. give up C. send up D. make up34. There is no doubt _ they all passed the examination.A.

7、 if B. which C. that D. whether35. We _lie on the grass, staring into the sky and talking about _ we had done.A. were used to; all that B. used to; all what C. were used to; what D. used to; whatIII. 完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)While I was waiting to enter university, I saw in a newspaper a teachin

8、g job wanted at a school about ten miles from where I lived. Being very short of _36_ and wanting to do something _37_, I applied(申请), _38_, as I did so, that without a _39_ and with no experience of teaching, my chances of getting the job were slight._40_, three days later, a letter arrived, _41_ m

9、e to Croydon for a _42_ with the headmaster. It proved to be a difficult journey; a train to Croydon station, a ten-minute bus _43_ and then a walk of a quarter of a mile. As a result, when I arrived there, I was feeling too hot to be _44_. It was clearly the _45_ himself that opened the door. He wa

10、s short and round.The school, he said, was made up of one _46_ of twenty-four boys between seven and thirteen. I should have to teach all the subjects except art, which he taught himself. I should have to _47_ the class into three groups and teach them _48_ at three different _49_, and I was _50_ at

11、 the thought of teaching maths, _51_ I wasnt very good at school. Worse perhaps was the _52_ of having to teach them on Saturday afternoon because most of my friends would be _53_ themselves at that time._54_ I had time to ask about my salary. He got up to his _55_. “Now,” he said. “Youd better meet

12、 my wife. She is the one who really runs this school”.( )36. A. money B. time C. experience D. advice( )37. A. honest B. secret C. funny D. useful( )38. A. hoping B. wondering C. fearing D. considering( )39. A. knowledge B. degree C. subject D. skill( )40. A. However B. And C. Also D. Therefore( )41

13、. A. sending B. suggesting C. calling D. inviting( )42. A. lecture B. meeting C. discussion D. sightseeing( )43. A. ride B. riding C. cycle D. running( )44. A. excited B. interested C. nervous D. thirsty ( )45. A. teacher B. headmaster C. student D. door- keeper( )46. A. group B. row C. score D. cla

14、ss( )47. A. connect B. divide C. teach D. join( )48. A. in class B. in order C. in turn D. in time( )49. A. classes B. subjects C. places D. levels( )50. A. excited B. angry C. surprised D. disappointed( )51. A. which B. at which C. that D. in which( )52. A. idea B. job C. ways D. time2( )53. A. wat

15、ching B. studying C. helping D. enjoying( )54. A. Before B. Hardly C. Until D. Since( )55. A. legs B. leg C. feet D. footIV.阅读理解(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)(A )Tug-of-war is not only popular in China , but in many other countries . Their tug-of-war match is a little different from ours . They have eight men for each team , while we may have the match bet


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