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1、外文摘要The Cultural Differences in Business Negotiation between China and AmericaAbstract: Many differences exist in the intercultural negotiations. Cultural and value divergence will leads to misunderstandings, even conflict in business negotiation. So it is very important to understand other parties

2、cultures, and adapt themselves to that. Thus, negotiation can be more effective. The negotiation between China and America is chosen as a model in this article. As the biggest developing country and the biggest developed country, there are huge differences between them. This article pays attention o

3、n analyzing cultural differences in the two countries business negotiation, and instructs us to know, to understand, and to respect others differences. Only when negotiators have a good knowledge of it, can negotiation processes smoothly and come to a satisfactory end.Keywords: cultural difference;

4、business negotiation中文摘要中美商务谈判中的文化因素摘 要:受不同文化的影响,商务谈判风格差异很大,不同的文化价值体系加深了双方在谈判过程中的分歧,甚至引起冲突,因此,在国际商务谈判中,懂得和正确处理文化差异,对于提高谈判效率是十分重要的。本文选用中国和美国之间的商务谈判为研究模型。作为最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家,中美两国之间存在着较大的文化差异,甚至文化冲突。本文分析了影响两国商务谈判的文化差异因素,提出了如何正确处理在谈判过程中的文化差异。只有正确认识这些问题,谈判才能顺利进行,达到理想效果。关键词:文化差异;商务谈判Contents1 Introduction1

5、2 Negotiation and Culture.13 Cultural Differences in Business Negotiation.13.1 Greeting behavior.13.2 Negotiation Techniques.23.3 Group and Individual Behavior23.4 Status23.5 Time Concept.23.6 Ethic and Law.24 Reasons Result in Cultural Differences.24.1 Cultural Background24.2 Different Values.34.3

6、Nationalism.35 Conclusion.3References.41 IntroductionWith the rapid development of economic globalization, international business becomes increasingly intercultural. As international business relations grow, so does the frequency of business negotiation among people from different countries and cult

7、ures. And that can create considerable challenges for business representatives unfamiliar with the cultures of different groups. Negotiation can easily break down because of a lack of understanding of the others cultures in the negotiation progress. Therefore, to the successful negotiators, business

8、 persons should have a good knowledge of their opponents culture and learn to honor and respect others cultures. China is the biggest developing country with a long history and complicated cultural system, she is the representative of eastern cultures. While, American is the biggest developed countr

9、y. As a developed capitalist, she is the representative of western cultures. Huge differences exist between China and America. It is important to understand the cultural difference and to modify the negotiation tactics accordingly.2 Negotiation and cultureWhat is negotiation all about? Negotiation i

10、s at the heart of every transaction and, for the most part, it comes down to the interaction between two sides with a common good(profits) but divergent methods.(Xie Xiaoyin: 2009, 2) These methods must be negotiated to the satisfaction of both parties. Most of us do tend to think of negotiation in

11、terms of win/lose scenarios. The essence of negotiation is that it is not about winning or losing. It is about striking a deal which is satisfactory to both sides.Culture is ubiquitous, multidimensional, complex, and all-pervasive. Many definitions have been suggested for culture. Bates and Plog pro

12、pose a descriptive definition on which scholars currently agree: culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of a society use to cope with their word and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.(L

13、arry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter and Lisa A. Stefani: 2007, 36)3 Cultural differences in business negotiation3.1 Greeting behaviorOnce a meeting has been arranged, it is important that the greeting protocol of the host culture be observed. Americans tend to be informal and friendly. Both man and w

14、omen shake hands on meeting and leaving. A small kiss on the cheek or a hug is appropriate between women or between man and women who have known each other for a long time. First names generally are used with the exception of senior persons or formal situations. Business cards are exchanged in busin

15、ess settings but not in social settings. China offers a contrasting example. Here, Westerners normally receive a brief handshake on meeting, but a more common form of greeting is a nod or bow from the shoulders. Chinese greetings are formal and used titles and last names. First names are used only among close friends. Again, business cards are translated into standard Chinese and are routinely exc


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