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1、河北省保定市高阳中学 2014 届高三英语下学期周练试题(二十二)新人教版阅读理解一The beginning of a Frank Sinatra song drifted across the dance floor and I knew my dad would call out and request that, which for most people is very 36 .As he walked towards me to ask for the first 37 , I could see there were 38 in his eyes .I grasped the s

2、ide of my chair, 39 myself up with my arms ,and grabbed the two metal sticks which keep me 40 as I stood to take his hand.It took all my will to 41 my own tears and inside a voice kept 42 : “Dont fall over ,Martine.” We grabbed each other and in some way shuffled(穿梭)out a dance for the whole of the

3、song.For my dad, it was a turning point. He had 43 his friends on his 70th birthday he would lead his daughter in the first dance, 44 he had done so many times before .Almost a year after the suicide bomb on the London Underground train which blew 45 both my legs above the knee ,I had managed to rea

4、lize his 46 .Like so much that has happened over the last 12 months, there was something 47 about the moment.Today, on July 1, as I face the first anniversary of the terrorist 48 , I am preparing to leave the country for a while. I know I 49 be celebrating the fact that I am alive, 50 I do not feel

5、able to remain in London for the event.Psychologically, I am a different person. I am very body conscious. When I go out I am 51 that children will make fun of me on my artificial legs. In my wheelchair I cover my lower half with a blanket 52 what remains of my body draws 53 glances.Despite my brave

6、 claims of what I would do when I left the hospital in March ,the reality is that I will 54 be able to do many things .I thought I would be able to wear my artificial legs all day ,to run ,to go out alone. But that is just not possible.I keep asking myself, 55 does it become normal? Is this normal n

7、ow?36Abelievable Bdifficult Cinteresting Dsimple37Apermission Bdance Caction Dtime38Asmiles Bhopes Ctears Dsorrows39Atook Bcarried Craised Dturned40Abalanced Bsupplied Cexperienced Dequipped41Akeep up Bhold back Cput away Dsend off42Asaying Bconcluding Cringing Dsuggesting43Apersuaded Bpermitted Cpl

8、eased Dpromised44Aso Bbut Cas Dwhile45Aaway Bdown Cover Dout46Aattempt Beffort Cdecision Ddream47Apositive Bunreal Cpleasant Dtrue48Aattacks Bactivities Caccidents Dsituations49Acould Bshould Cmust Dmight50Aand Bor Cbut Dwhile51Aastonished Bguilty Cpuzzled Dscared52Ain time Bon purpose Cin case Din

9、need53Acontinuous Bsteady Cangry Dcurious54Anever Bseldom Cnearly Dalmost55Awhether Bwhen Cwhy Dwhere阅读理解二During our two months on the road, Bennett and I had a really 36 experience with a good, honest 37 and some helpful mechanics(机修师).We were driving east on Highway 10 when our “chick engine” ligh

10、t came on. We limped(拐) of a (n) 38 into Las Cruces. We had a real car 39 .Bennett nursed the car into a local garage. By this time the car was missing(熄火)so 40 it was shaking all over .This was the 41 time to arrive at a garagelate Friday afternoon. Service adviser Scott was busy 42 paper work and

11、customers as we 43 our problems. 44 he was already “ten cars behind”, he told us to pull the car into the garage.Lincoln, who we later 45 was one of the too motor technicians, took 46 of our car repairing. He and Scott and some other mechanics stayed several hours after closing, 47 the car. Early th

12、e next morning (the shop was officially closed on Saturdays), Lincoln finally located the 48 and fixed it easily within only 49 .Later Scott 50 out to us that it was our attitude that helped . “You didnt come into the place demanding this or that. You showed an 51 of our problems on a busy Friday af

13、ternoon. Customers attitude means a lot.” He was right in some way, customers should show 52 and understanding to people who 53 them. 54 people were extremely busy ,they found way to at least try and help when they are met with politeness.The pleasant experience I had shows that 55 for other people

14、can always help.36Aawful Bpleasant Cwonderful Dterrible37Astation Bstudio Cfactory Dgarage38Aexit Bturning Ccrossing Dentrance39Adifficulty Bexamination Ctrouble Ddisaster40Abusily Bbadly Cquickly Dweakly41Ahighest Beasiest Cluckiest Dworst42Aat Bon Cwith Dby43Aexplained Bintroduced Crepeated Dexpre

15、ssed44AAs BBecause CEven DThough45Alearned Bunderstood Crecognized Dthough46Acare Bcontrol Ccharge Dpride47Abuilding Bexamining Crepairing Ddriving48Aproblem Bdisease Cdanger Dwound49Adays Bhours Cmonths Dminutes50Aspoke Bpointed Cbroke Dblew51Aunderstanding Bignorance Cappreciation Dawareness52Acruelness Bfairness Ccalmness Dpoliteness53Acomfort Bprotect Cserve Drescue54AEven if BEven as CEven so DEven then55Aobedience Brespect Cpatience Dme



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