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1、来,做几个小题!Module 1一、完成单词th_s_nd m_ll_nk_l_m_tr_ m_ght二、短语翻译离近 all of too long 一万多于 millions of颐和园 五千公里三、完成句子1. Tell me _ the Great Wall.2. I want _ there.3. When you _ me in China, we_go.4. It is ten thousand li _ .5. It is _than two thousand years old!6. The moon is _ years old.Module 2一、 给出动词的过去式go

2、speak eat seehave areare like二、 用正确的介词填空1. Im going to send an email _ Mum.2. Theres a big Chinatown _ New York.3. There were lots and lots _ Chinese shops and restaurants.4. The food was different _ Chinese food _China.5. We saw Chinese dancing _ the street.6. He really wants to go_ the Great Wall.

3、三、 翻译短语have a big surprise 许许多多讲中文和英文 an American Chinese restaurantdifferent from 在街道上中国舞 Chinese food四、 用单词的适当形式填空1. Im going _an email to Mum.(send)2. There _ Chinese people everywhere yesterday.(are)3. He wants _China and _ Chinese.(visit, learn)4. The food was different from _food in _.( China)

4、5. He _ wants to go to the Great Wall.(real)五、 写出动词的过去式go_ write_meet_ say_六、 英汉互译match to 十三陵lots of books about America 在周末do sport stone animals七、 用适当的介词填空We went _ the Ming Tombs yesterday.There were lots _ books_ America.I wrote one email _ my friend.I am very happy here _ England.Guess what I

5、did _ the weekend.Simple Simon said _ the pear man.Module 3一、 英汉互译Some stamps from Canada Chinese stamps集邮 好主意Make an album put into二、 完成句子1、 I am putting my stamps _ my album.2、 These are some stamps _ from Canada.3、 You dont send me letters, _ I havent got _ Chinese stamps.4、 I will send you lots

6、of Chinese stamps _ your album.5、 You can make an album _this book.三、 词形变化Put (现在分词) I (宾格) 四、 英汉互译Hainan Island the Five-Finger MountainsCoconut trees from 1988五、 用单词的适当形式填空This is my favourite _(China) stamp.We need _(sleep).Hainan Island is _(we) favourite place.These stamps _(be) from 1988.Modul

7、e 4-1一、 英汉互译American festivals in November have a lot of fun in Americaevery year Chinese festival二、用适当的介词填空1. Can you tell me _ American festivals?2. We say thank you _ all good things we have.3. We have a lot _ fun.三、用单词的适当形式填空1. I _ (write) a poem about Thanksgiving.2. Do you want _ (hear) it?3.

8、Thanksgiving _ (come) every year.4. _ (family) are together.5. What _ (happen)?Module 4-2一、按要求做题Here(同音词) country(复数)Eight(序数词) 圣诞节(英语)在二月(英语) Chinese New Year(汉译)On the twenty-fifth of December (汉译) 在街上(英语) put in (汉译)二、用适当的介词填空1. Its a very important festival _many countries.2. It is _ the 25th of

9、 December.3. People put special trees _ their homes.4. There are lights _ the streets and shops.5. Its a very big country _ New York _ Tennessee.三、用单词的适当形式填空1. Its a very important festival in many _ (country).2. People _ (put) special trees in _ (they) homes.3. There _ (be) lights in the streets an

10、d shops.4. Can you tell me about _ (China) New Year?Module 5-1一、 按要求做Pal(近义词) pretty(近义词) Write to(汉译) in English(汉译)外国朋友(英译) visit(现在分词)二、 用单词适当的形式填空1. to meet you.(please)2. Do you _ here? (live)3. Are you _? (visit)4. I really want a _ pen pal. (China)5. This is _ address.(she)6. You can write to

11、 her in _. (England)7. You can _ my Chinese pen pal. (are)三、用适当的介词填空1. Hes _ China.2. Im visiting Simon _ the summer.3. Can I write _ her?四、完成单词1. How f_ !2. Here is her a_.3. This is her p_.4. She is p_ .Module 5-2一、按要求做ask for(汉译) learn(近义词)can(否定形式) come from(汉译)二、用单词的适当形式填空1. I can speak some _ . (China)2. I _ English now.(learn)3. I want new _ in China. (friend)4. Do you want _ my pen pal ?(are)5. She _ a Chinese pen pal.(want)


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