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1、it 的用法用作人称代词:1、指代事物: Whats this? Its a cat. 2、指代人:常用于不知对方性别时,比如:询问敲门人或打电话时询问对方是谁,或者用来指代婴儿。(1)Whos it?Its Sam. (2)Whos the baby in the picture? Its my younger brother. 二、用作非人称代词:指代天气、时间、季节或距离等,此时的 it 无意义。(1)Its two oclock now. (2)Its very cold in spring in the northern China. (3)Its about 100 kilomet

2、ers from our town to the big city. 3、用作替代词:it 可作形式主语、形式宾语,可代替不定式、动名词或从句。(1)It is not known where she has gone. (2)Its bad for your eyes reading in bed.(3)It is clever of him to work out the math problem. 4、用于强调句,构成“It+be +被强调部分 that”结构。如:Its in the small shop that I bought the important book. 5、在初中英

3、语教材中,出现了许多由 it 引导的固定句式,现归纳如下: (一)Its time for sb. to do sth. / Its time for sth.意为是(某人)该干的时间了、到的时候了。例如: 1. Its time for supper to have supper.该吃晚饭了。2. Its time for me to study.我该学习了。(2)It takes (sb.) some time to do sth.意为(某人) 花 时间做某事 。例如:1. It takes twenty minutes to go to school by bike. 骑自行车上学要花二

4、十分钟的时间。2. It took me a week to finish reading the book. 我花了一周时间读完这本书。 (3)It is ones turn to do sth.意为 轮到某人做某事了。例如:Its your turn to be on duty tomorrow. 明天轮到你值日了。 (4)It is has been 时间段since 一般过去时,意为 自从以来已过了( 时间)。例如:1. It is / has been four days since I caught a cold. 我感冒已四天了。 2. It is / has been two

5、weeks since we met last. 自从我们上次见面以来已过了两周。(5)It seems seemed that 从句,意为 看起来好像。例如:It seemed that our team was going to win. 我们队看起来好像要赢了。 (6)Its表语to do sth.。例如:Its a good idea to go out for a walk. 出去散步是个好主意。 (7)Its adj. that 从句。例如:Its true that I may fall behind the other students.我真可能落在别的学生后面。(8)Itsa

6、dj. of(for)sb.to do sth.。对于这个句型究竟用 of 还是用 for,主要取决于前面的形容词。如果形容词是描述不定式行为者的性格、品质等的,如 kind,good,nice,clever 等用 of;如果形容词仅仅是描述行为的则用 for,这类形容词常见的有difficult,easy,hard, important,dangerous 等。例如:1. It is nice of you to come to see me.你能来看我真好。2. It is dangerous for children to play with fire.对小孩儿来说玩火是危险的。 典例

7、( )1.Whos knocking at the door? I dont know. Maybe _ is my uncle. A. he B. that man C. it D. She( )2.I have only two dollars with me. Oh, _ enough to buy this book.A. its B. thats C. youre D. theyre( )3.Whos that baby in the photo? _ me. I was only two years old that year. A. Thats B. Its C. Im D. T

8、he babys( )4._ five years since I left that town. A. Thats B. Theyre C. The times D. Its( )5._about ten minutes walk from my home to the factory. A. The way is B. Its C. The road D. Thats( )6.Something is in the box, _ ? A. are they B. arent they C. isnt it D. isnt something ( )7._ said that the str

9、ange man lives in the deep forest. A. Its B.I C.He D. Someone( )8._ take me much time to write that paper. A, Its B. Itll C. Thatll D.Ill( )9.I found _ easy to swim across that river. A. it B. that C. me D. itsIt 放在 found 动词后面做宾语 -形式宾语,代替 to do 这个不定式结构( )10.Whos that speaking? _ me, Tom. A. Im B. Th

10、ats C. Its D. Its提高训练: 完成句子 1. 从学校到工厂需要步行 20 分钟。_ 20 minutes walk _ the school _ the factory.2. 这个婴儿才两岁,需要人照顾。The baby is only 2 years old. _ needs _ _ _ after. 3. 快点!要下雨了。_ _ ! _ is going to rain.4. 桌上有些面包,吃起来挺香的。deliciousThere is some bread on the table. _ tastes _.5. 要完成这项工作至少需要 20 天时间。Finish at least_ will take _ _ 20 days _ _ the work.


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