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1、compositionMaster the supreme rightHave a happy and harmonious family is also a successfulthere is some controversy about this topicSome people are constantly challenge themselves to break through the limits of selfthey are free from the worry of food and clothesI must get rid of the bad habit of ca

2、relessnessI should not indulge in updating micro-blog and playing video gamesperform academically wellI should go on a diet and exercise more to keep healthyI hope the plan can be implementedWhich,to a great extent, caused the rapid growth of population.The population of London remained unchangedFro

3、m 1970 to 2000, the population of New York increased by nearly three timesShanghai added 1000000 to its population every 20 yearsWe can choose freely in a wide variety of goodsWe can put the shopping process as a pastimeOne eyewitness is better than two hearersCET 6As graphically depicted in the abo

4、ve picture.Resell him the ticket at an inflated price.Its a good way to regulate ticket sale and crack down on scalpers.The real-name system for ticket may lead to the information disclosure of ticket holders.Which is done for the sake of peoples safety.While opponents argue that our life might get

5、into trouble for overreliance on robots.Robots can aid human beings to finish risky tasks in the dangerous environment or the inaccessible places.However,under no circumstances could we ignore negative effects of robots on society.Too much reliance on robots will lead to the decrease in creativity.T

6、hus,controversy over the major concern of education appears.A lot of examples show that what our students lack most is not knowledge,but the basis principles of lifeHow to solve this issue has arisen great concern.To some extentThe soaring petrol price will cut down the number of cars used by indivi

7、duals to reduse exhaust emission.Environmental problem cannot be tackled by merely raising the fuel price.I believe that the tomorrow of our environment will be definitely brighter.TranslationEvery dynasty has its great calligraphers whose styles come to symbolize their age.Traditional Chinese paint

8、ing is characterized by unique forms of expression.Thus the three are integrated,pro.iding a richer aesthetic connotation.The recorded history of chopsticksis more than 3000 years.And chopsticks made of precious metals are not uncommon among the wealthy in the ancient times.The partial tone of chops

9、ticks is often used by people as a metaphor ai weddings to indicate a blessing for the couple to have a baby soon.A pair of chopsticks implies the meaning of”harmony is what matters”It is reported that every year smoking causes millions of death around the world.Some smokers claim that their rights

10、are infringed if smoking is forbidden in public places. Britain launched a war of aggression against china in 1840.which was a national betrayal and humiliation .China was guadually relegated to a semi-colonial semi-feudal country.Its population accounts for about 22 percent of worlds total.Economy

11、society .account for about 22 percent of worlds tatal.。 。 。占了世界总量的百分之多少。Be plagued by poverty 被什么所困扰。Lagged behind because of restraints of因为什么什么的制约而落后。Economy of.grew dramatically 哪里的经济快速地增长。The government has implemented a large-scale program.政府已经实施了大量措施Help them be free from the worry of food and

12、 clothes.帮助他们解决温饱问题。Work on the program fo development-oriented poverty relief.致力于扶贫开发项目With the rapid economic and social development. 随着经济社会的飞速发展Achieving an 11% increase compared to the previous years. .比前几年增长了多少Imports form EU grow by 16%进口增长了多少多少The two economy are strongly complimentrary to ea

13、ch other.两国的经济有很强的互补性The development of economy maintains a good momentum.经济发展势头良好Our countrys international status keeps on improving.国际地位不断提高Top-tier city 一线城市 second-tier city 二线城市。Reform and opening up 改革开放 ecological and environmental damage 生态环境破坏 The enormous gap between rich and poor.贫富分化 su

14、stainable development 可持续发展 rational utilization of mineral resources 资源的合理利用Exploit resources. 开发资源 capital 资本 capitalism 资本主义 the modernization program 现代化建设。National strategy 国家战略 manufacturing industry 制造业 urbanization 城镇化 economic globalization 经济全球化 aging of population 人口老龄化 nationwide census

15、全国人口普查civil servants 公务员 territorial integrity 领土完整 inflation 通货膨胀culturethis tradition can be traced back a long time ago.这个传统可被追溯到多年以前enjoy the glorious full moon 赏月 contain a profound cultural and artistic connotation. 包含深刻地艺术文化内涵 enhance the joyous atmosphere 增加喜庆气氛。 Auspicious 吉祥的 Symbolize com

16、pleteness and reunion 象征着圆满和团圆。sweep away ill fortune and bring in good luck 为驱厄运、迎好运symbolizes good luck and prosperity in the year to come 象征来年的好运和繁荣with themes of 以什么为主题 originated from the Han Dynasty 起源于汉朝Mid-autumn festival is an occasion for viewing the full moon. 什么节日是干什么的 the four treasures of the study(brush ,inkstick,paper,and inkstone)文房四宝(笔墨纸砚) be full of friendliness and genuine humanity. 充满了友爱和人情味。That two areas are geographical n


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