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1、潍坊科技学院本科毕业设计题 目 浅析米莎贝尔食品公司月饼的促销策略 院 (系) 工商管理学院 专 业 市场营销 学 号 201116100108 学生姓名 郝娜 指导教师 马江红 起讫日期 2015.1.5-2015.5.25 设计地点 潍坊科技学院 浅析米莎贝尔食品公司月饼的促销策略0摘 要近些年我国经济的迅猛发展为我国的食品行业营造了一个很好的经济环境。而糕点类行业正是趁着这股东风获得了成长。可持续发展之路为我国经济的健康发展指明了方向,因此得到了政府格外重视。月饼生产企业为响应政府政策也开始向着包装简单化方向发展。为了能在新的竞争环境下占据一席之地,月饼生产商、批发商、零售商都要及时调整


3、是为了了解月饼行业发展中的新模式,在行业内实现强强联合、强强合作。在市场调研过程中应该重视观察网络等新型营销模式的积极作用和发展趋势,重视品牌化运营,挖掘消费需求,提升产品价值,提高竞争门槛,摆脱区域限制,进而做大做强。调查研究的作用不仅可以使行业实现有序竞争,是企业实现多元生存,更可以实现市场扩容,使整个行业市场得到升级。本文的内容分为五大部分:一、论述了本文研究的内容意义及其方法 二,传统节日食品的特点和市场发展趋势.三,公司促销策略影响因素与 SWOT 分析四,米莎贝尔食品公司现有促销策略、存在的问题及其原因五,米莎贝尔食品公司促销策略的完善对策主要应用理论:本文主要是针对在月饼如何实施

4、促销管理进行讨论。因此主要应用 swot 分析等等相关理论。同时,本文涉及到了与月饼相关市场研究、管理信息等方面的内容,主要探讨了理论的实践方法。关键词:月饼、促销策略、问题及方法浅析米莎贝尔食品公司月饼的促销策略1AbstractThe Chinese economy after several years of development, has maintained a high growth rate, China bakery industry has also ushered in a period of vigorous development. The Chinese gover

5、nment has always adhere to take the road of sustainable development, emphasis on thrift and issued corresponding policies, continue to increase the intensity of supervision of saving, moon cake production enterprises have begun to develop in the direction of simple packaging, in order to occupy a pl

6、ace in the new competitive environment, the moon cake manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers must adjust the marketing strategy to adapt to the environment and development. Thrift is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, with the development of society, economy has increasingly become a socia

7、l trend. Now people pay more and more attention to the health conscious consumer, thrifty, so the traditional packaging based on gift moon cake has become increasingly difficult in consumers eat. In order to adapt to the development of the situation, a wise choice of marketing and strategy to improv

8、e the packaging products, reduce the cost of simplicity and environmental protection to further tap the cultural connotation, and create a festive atmosphere of moon cake. And carries on the investigation to the supplier of raw materials, varieties of moon cake production, packaging, marketing, sale

9、s and so on, to understand the Shijiazhuang moon cake market situation and characteristics and laws, and the use of the questionnaire survey to understand the consumer response to the price of moon cakes, variety, quality, packaging, etc, so as to grasp the consumer preference, provide direct basis

10、for product positioning in the market.At the same time to conduct market research, but also to explore new mode of enterprises in the industry development of the industry to achieve the combination of strong cooperation. Study on the new marketing model, the positive effect and the development trend

11、 of new marketing mode, attach importance to the network. Pay attention to brand operation, tap consumer demand, enhance the value of the product, improve the competition threshold, from regional restrictions, then bigger and stronger. To make the industry disorderly competition from entering the or

12、derly competition, multivariate survival, to achieve market expansion and industry upgrading.The content of this paper is divided into five parts:First, introduced the content and significance of this study and its methodTwo, the characteristics and the development trend of market of traditional fes

13、tival food.Three, analysis of the impact of factors and the SWOT company marketing strategyFour, Misha Bell food company marketing strategy, the existing problems and its reasonsFive countermeasures to perfect the promotion strategy, Misha Bell food companyThe main application of theory: This paper

14、is aiming at how to implement the promotion management in the moon cake is discussed. Therefore, the main application of SWOT analysis and related theory. At the same time, this paper involves the related market research, information management and other aspects, mainly from the practical point of view to explore the implementation of these aspects.Keywords :moon cake promotion strategy problems and method浅析米莎贝尔食品公司月饼的促销策略2目 录摘 要 .1Abstract.21 引言 .11.1 背景 .


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