八年级下 教材知识点复习巩固练习

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1、1八年级下 教材知识点复习巩固练习Unit 1 Whats the matter?1. have a +_-ache = have a sore + _.ache 通常指身体某部位的_,常与身体部位的名词连用。如:头痛_, 牙痛_, 耳痛_, 胃痛_, 背痛_, 痛心_vi.疼痛 hurt n. C 创伤,痛苦。通常指(刀等弄的)伤, (语言,行为造成的精神上的)创伤,伤害。vi. vt.伤害,危害,使受伤,使疼痛Although I wearing warm clothing, I still felt that my feet were cold and my hands _.I hope

2、 I havent _ you.Bob _ his leg when he fell.The failure was a great _ to his son.interest- interesting, interested2. -ed 型 -ing 型形容词surprise- surprising, surprised还有哪些学过的此类单词呢?amazing amazedamusing amusedboring boredexciting excitedencouraging encouragedpleasing pleasedtouching touchedmoving movedTir

3、ing tiredworrying worried -ing 型形容词主要用于修饰_,表示事物的性质或特征,常译为“_”。修饰_时, 则表示此人的具有此性质或特征。The story is very_.( interest) The man is very _. (interest) ed 型形容词常用于说明人的 _, 常译为“_” 。修饰_时,则多修饰以下单词:air (神态),smile, feeling, appearance (容貌), cry, face(表情), voice, mood, look(表情), eye (眼神)等显示人的情感状况的名词。He had a _(pleas

4、e) smile on his face.He told me the news in a very _(excite) voice.3. run out run out of run out 不及物动词短语,主语常是“_、_、_”等无生命的名词, 无被动run out of 及物动词短语,主语通常是_, 或是某种消耗物品的机器,译为“用完了”4. see sb. doing sth. see sb. do sth. 类似用法的动词还有 notice, watch, observe, 2hear 等。He heard the wind _(blow) outside.I often hear

5、him _(sing)Peking opera in the early morning.5.used to be/get used to/used to _ He used to _ (play) football, but now he doesnt.be/get used to _ He is used to _ (get) up early.be used to _ A book was used to _ (fan) her face.6. because because ofbecause of 后接名词、代词、what 从句;只作状语;位于句首或句尾。due to 多作表语,状语

6、也可以;一般不位于句首。thanks to “幸亏” , 只作状语;表示正面意义,有时也表示讥讽含义。I am glad _ what you did.The failure is _ his carelessness._ you, everyone knows about it now.7. should 表示责任和义务。 表示建议或命令You should help him because he is in trouble.You should finish the work in three days.8. 基本词组感冒 量体温 发烧 冒险放弃 做决定 对感兴趣 和一样同意做某事 get

7、 off right away take breaksin time get out of be in control of keep on doingUnit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks1. hope to do sth. Eg. He hopes to get the driving license.“希望某人做某事”_. Eg. I hope _. 符合 v.+ to do 结构的短语还有?2. v.+ up 短语pick up_, stay up_, set up_, wake up_, put up_, take up_, cut up

8、_, cheer up_3. v.+ away 短语go away_, put away_, give away_, stay away_, far away_4. give 短语3give up doing sth._, give out_, give away_give in _, give back_5. put 短语put off_, put away_, put out_, put up_, put on_6.“ 疑问词+ 动词不定式” 结构what, which, where, when, how+ to know/ tell/ ask/learn 之后作宾语 = 疑问词引导的从句

9、。I dont know what to do next.= I dont know _.He didntell me when to go there.= He didnt tell me _.7. such a strong feeling of satisfaction 属于“such a/an + adj.+ n.”的结构。= “so _”. such 和 so 用法区别?用法 so 用来修饰 adj./ adv. such 用来修饰名词 互相转换 so+_+可数名词单数 = such+_+可数名词单数注意点 当名词前有 many, much, few, little 修饰时,要用 s

10、o.不用 such 8. make it + adj.(+ for sb.)+ to do sth.,其中 it 是_。类似这种用法的动词还有 think, believe, find.My teacher made _ easier for me to work out the problem in his way. make a big/ great difference ( to sb/sth.) 对有影响His words made a great difference to my work.9. 动词不定式作宾补想要某人做某事 要求某人做某事告诉某人做某事 建议某人做某事鼓励某人做某

11、事 邀请某人做某事警告某人做某事 希望某人做某事 不定式还可以做句子的什么成分?(作状语)表目的、结果、原因He gets up early to catch the first bus.He rushed to the bus station, only to find the first bus had already gone.We are never too old to learn.The hall is large enough to hold 200 people.I am glad to meet you.10. could 的用法You could write him a l

12、etter.I couldnt read until 8.Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?1.time 短语4all the time at timesin no time from time to timefor the first time in timeon time have a good time2. 目的状语in order to , in order that 前者接动词原形,句首句末均可;后者接句子so that 接句子so as to 接动词原形,只在句句末3. pay, spend, take, costPay 主语是人, S

13、b.+ pay+ some money+ for sthSpend 主语是人, Sb. + spend+ some money/ time on sth./(in)doing sth,Take 主语是 it 或 sth., It + take+ sb. +some time +to do 或 Sth. + take +sb.+some timeCost 主语是物, Sth.+ cost+ sb.+ some money4. neither, either, both 作代词,作主语或宾语。作主语时,谓语动词的单复数? 作形容词, 修饰的名词的单复数形式? 作连词, 构成的结构有? 作主语时谓语

14、动词的单复数和人称的变化?5. provide , offerprovide provide sb._ sth.= provide sth._ sb.Offer offer to do ; offer sb. sth. = offer sth _ sb. 6. 一般过去时的被动用法He discovered my secret. _ 被动语态的主要时态?现在 过去 将来 过去将来一 般 am/is/are given was/were given shall/ will be givenshould/would be given 进 行 am/is are being given was/were being given 完 成 has/have been given had been given shall/ will haven been given should/woul


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