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1、中考英语复习- with 词组总结go with中考 伴随,与 协调 with great care中考非常小心 agree with sb.中考同意某人的意见 agree with sb/to+V.中考同意某人的意见某事 be angry with中考 对(某人)发脾气 be angry with sb.中考生某人的气 be busy with / doing sth.中考忙于做某事 be careful with中考 小心 be covered with中考被覆盖 be fed up with中考 厌倦 be friends with中考 对 友好,与 交上朋友 be pleased wi

2、th中考对感到高兴 be strick with +sb/in +sth中考对谁某事严格 begin with中考 从开始 come up with中考赶上,提出 communicate with中考与交流 compare with中考与比较 deal with中考处理 decline with thanks中考婉言谢绝 do with中考 处置 , 处理 fall in love with中考相爱,爱上 fill with中考用装满 get on well with中考与 相处融洽 go on with / doing sth.中考继续做某事 help sb. with sth.中考帮助某人

3、做某事 in line with中考 与 一致,按照 interference with中考妨碍,打扰 keep company with中考与 交往,与 keep/hold pace with中考 跟上,与 同步 make friends with中考与交朋友 meet with中考遭遇 play with中考以 为消遣,玩弄 quarrel with中考 (和某人)吵架 shake hands with中考与握手 take up with中考和 交往,忍受,采用 talk to / with sb中考 与某人谈话 talk with中考与 交谈 with delight中考 欣然,乐意地

4、with one voice中考异口同声 with ones own eyes中考亲眼(目睹) with pleasure中考 愉快地 with respect to中考关于 with the exception of中考除 之外 with the help of中考在的帮助下 with the help of /with ones help中考 在的帮助下 with the purpose of中考 为了 work out come up with中考 做出, 算出, 制定出 to start with中考 首先;作为开始 chat to / with sb.中考 和某人聊天 get on

5、(well) with中考 与相处( 融洽) go on with ones work中考继续某人的工作 help sb. with sth. help sb. do sth.中考在方面帮助 帮助做 play with snow中考 玩雪 agree with sb.中考赞成,同意某人的意见 with ones help中考在某人的帮助下,由于某人的帮助 with the help of 中考在的帮助下 with a smile中考面带笑容 in step with中考 与.一致/协调 chat with中考和聊天 be filled with anger中考 满腔怒火 argue with

6、sb. about sth.中考与某人争论某事 get on well with sb.中考和某人相处的很好 go to the hill with sth.中考带着东西上山 come alongcome with sb.中考跟上来 make friends with sb.中考和某人交朋友 say with a smile中考微笑地说 Whats wrong with you中考?=Whats the matter with you? 你怎么了? move to Washington with his family中考和他全家搬到华盛顿 help sb. with sth./help sb.

7、 do sth.中考 帮助某人做某事 argue with sb. = have an argument with sb.中考与某人争吵 have a fight with sb.=fight with中考 与某人打架 get on /along well with中考 与.相处很好 argue with .中考 和.争吵 be busy with sth.中考 忙于. be filled with中考 充满 be popular with sb.中考 受某人欢迎 be strict with sb.中考 对某人要求严格 be strict with sb. in sth.中考 某方面对某人严

8、格 catch up with sb.中考 赶上某人 chat with sb.中考 和某人闲谈 fall in love with sb. /sth.中考 爱上什么 get along well with sb. = get on well with sb.中考 与某人相处得好 get along with sb. = get on with sb.中考 与某人相处 offer / provide sb. with sth.中考 给某人提供 sb. spend sometime with sb.中考 花了多少时间陪谁 talk with sb.中考 和某人说话 travel with sb.

9、中考 和某人去旅游 with the help of sb.中考 在某人的帮助下 have a conversation with sb.中考 与.谈话;交谈 be cross with sb. at sth.中考 因某事和某人发脾气 with the development of industry中考 随着工业的发展 be familiar with sth.中考 对.而熟悉 with great force中考 用很大力气 play a joke with sb.中考 和某人开玩笑 be mad with joy中考 欣喜若狂 meet with a storm中考 遇到风暴 have n

10、o money with sb.中考 某人身上没(带)钱 have nothing to do with中考 与.无关 be patient with sb.中考 对某人有耐心 play with sb.中考 与.一起玩 have something to do with中考 与.有关系 supply sb. with sth.中考 向某人供应提供 have a word with sb.中考 和某人说句话 agree with高考同意,与.取得一致, 与.相一致; 适合 along with高考 同.一道(一起) assist sb. with sth.高考帮助某人做某事 be acquai

11、nted with高考 开始认识;开始了解 be busy with高考 忙于. be comparable with高考与.可比较的 be concerned with高考关心,挂念;从事于 be familiar with高考对.熟悉 be generous with高考用.很大方 be in love with高考跟.恋爱 be satisfied with高考 对.感到满意 bear with高考宽容;耐心等待 check with高考 与.相符合 combine with高考使结合;使联合起来 come out with高考发表,提出 ;公布 connect with高考连接;相通,

12、衔接 consult with高考 与.商量(协商) end up with高考 以.而结束 equip with高考 装备,配备 fall in with高考偶尔遇到;同意,赞许 feed with高考加上(油、煤等) finish up with高考以.结束; 最后有. get away with高考 侥幸做成; 侥幸得手 get in with高考参加,加入;与.交往 go along with高考 赞同;附合,支持 go off with高考拿去;抢走;拐走 have done with高考做完;和己 .无关 have sth. to do with高考和. 有关;和.打交道 have

13、 to do with高考与.有关; 和.打交道 hold with高考同意,赞成;原谅 in accordance with高考与.一致; 按照,根据 in comparison with高考与.比较 interfere with高考打扰( 某人) ,妨碍 join hands with高考 互相合作,携起手来 keep friends with高考与.保持友好 keep in touch with高考 和.保持联系 keep up with高考跟上,不落后(某人或某对手) make a deal with高考 与.做买卖;和.妥协 make away with高考携.而逃 ;摧毁; 浪费

14、make peace with高考(与.) 讲和 make progress with高考在.方面取得进步 put up with高考忍受,容忍(讨厌的人) run away with高考(感情等)战胜 run over with高考充满;洋溢着 to begin with高考首先,第一 together with高考和;加之;连同 with might and main高考使劲地,全力地 with regard to高考 关于,至于 with system高考有秩序地,有规则地 with the view of高考 以.为目的 with young高考怀胎 go on with高考继续(动副介型短语动词,通常接名词或代词作宾语) good with高考善于使用,处理某物或对待某人 have a word with高考和.谈谈,说几句话 have words with高考(=quarrel with )和.发生口角,与 .争吵(用于贬义) satisfied with高考对.满意( =pleased with) shy with高考在.面前害羞 start with高考以.开始,从.着手,将.作为开头 with safet高考安全地,不冒任何风险地 was please


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