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1、成才成长成功中考复习资料第 1 页 共 4 页九年级英语中考复习 1中考选择题练习1. My birthday is coming up. Daniel will send me _ e-dog as my birthday present.A. a B. an C. / D. the2. Mary will arrive Nanjing the morning of July 5 by plane.A. to; on B. in; on C. in; in D. at; in3. There is salt in the kitchen. Would you like to go and g

2、et _, Tom?OK!A. little; some B. few; some C. a little; some D. a few; any4. Whats your favourite Chinese traditional festival?Its .A. April Fools Day B. Fathers DayC. Christmas Day D. the Spring Festival5. Oh, theres someone knocking at the door._ must be that naughty boy.A. He B. This C. It D. That

3、 6. Happy Teachers Day! Here are some flowers for you. beautiful flowers they are! Thank you!A. How B. How a C. What D. What a7. What do you think of the new bridge?I have n ever seen _ before.A. so a l ong one B. so long one C. such a long one D. a such long one8. I think Mr Zhang may be in his off

4、ice.No, he be there. I saw him just now.A. neednt; left B. mustnt; leaving C. cant; leave D. shouldnt; leave9. He is so careless that he often his school things at home.A. puts B. forgets C. takes D. leaves10. Would you mind me how this physics problem ?A. telling; to solve B. telling; solve C. to t

5、ell; to solve D. to tell; solve11. I am waiting for my friend. , I will go swimming alone.A. If he doesnt come B. If he wont comeC. If he hasnt come D. If he isnt coming12. He told me that he _ here for five minutes.A. has come B. had arrived C. had been D. came成才成长成功中考复习资料第 2 页 共 4 页13. Where have

6、you been, Ann? You on the phone just now.A. wanted B. are wanted C. had wanted D. were wanted14. Could you tell me _ the Sports Center?The day after tomorrow, I think.A. when will you visit B. when you will visitC. when would you visit D. when you would visit15. Why not come and join us in the game?

7、_, but I must meet Mr Smith at his office now.A. Id like to. B. Lets go C. Yes, please D. Its a pleasure中考 B 卷练习一、完成对话 (一空一词) 。Iris:Hey,Your new shoes look good _1_ you.Alex:Really?A little bird told me they are very in _2_.I:It seems that you always buy shoes every two months.Tell me why you are so

8、 interested in shopping.A:Just because!I:Do your parents _3_ with you?A:I live _4_.My parents work in Beijing.I:Are you scared in the evening.A:Of course not.I am no _5_ a baby you know.I:How lucky you are!I live with my parents and I often have an _6_ with them.A:How come?I:I have no idea.They alwa

9、ys complain that I _7_ too much time on playing and watching TV. Usually,it takes me 3 hours to watch TV.A:Are you crazy?Thats _8_ your parents often argue with you.You should say sorry to your parents as _9_ as possible.I:I will,but not today.Because these day I am under a lot of _10_.A:Whats the m

10、atter?I:May I borrow 10 RMB?I am so hungry.A:Oh come on,fashion baby. 二、短文填空。how, follow, ring, year, mean, learn, thing, old, give, thin ,thick ,this We know that trees are useful in our everyday life. They 1_ us many things, such as wood, oxygen, rubber, medicines and many other 2_. They can also

11、tell us a lot about our climate. The 3_ are the reasons. If you cut down a tree, you can see that it has many rings. Most trees grow one new ring every year. Because of this reason, we know how4 _ a tree is. A tree over a hundred years old 5_ that it has more than a hundred 6_. When the climate is d

12、ry or very cold, the trees 成才成长成功中考复习资料第 3 页 共 4 页do not grow very much and their rings are usually7 _. When it is wet or warm, the rings are much thicker. If the rings are suddenly very thin or suddenly very thick, this means that the climate changed suddenly. If we look at the rings on this tree,

13、we can 8_ about the climate for a hundred 9_. We can see 10_ our climate is changing today.三、阅读理解。A.六选五(2015成都)Have you ever taken photos by using mobile phones with selfie sticks(自拍杆)? 1 However, a pair of US artists from New Mexico, Arie Snee and Justin Crowe believe they have invented a better on

14、e and they call it “selfie arm”. 2 It makes those people in the pictures seem to be holding handswith a loved one.The pair say it offers a far better experience than using a straight stick. The selfie arm makes people feel they are not alone when they take photos.3 They think their invention solves the main problem that the selfie stick has people look alone while they are taking pict


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