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1、五年级英语上册期中复习练习班级: 姓名: 一、英汉互译1.我们的动物朋友 2. the other 3.跑跑跳跳 4.红色的眼睛 5.look out 6.cold and wet 7.滑冰好 8.一个新朋友 9.sunny weather e out 11.carry an umbrella 12.in Australia 13.看电影 14.他们两个都 15.be good at basketball 16.喜欢唱歌 17.双胞胎姐妹 18.谈论他们的爱好 19. 在森林里 20.在房子里 21. 刚刚好 22.在她前面 23. be afraid 24.在两个窗子之间 25. 一些玩具小

2、汽车 26. beside the bridge 27.can not see 28. a soft sofa 29.树上的小鸟 30. cold and hard 31.一个新学生 32. show her around 33. 在二楼 34. 一间美术室 二、按要求写词1. have (三单) 2.do (三单) 3.arm(对应词) 4.body (复数) 5.their(同音词) 6. those(单数) 7.swim(动名词) 8. write (同音词) 9.in front of(反义词) 10.soft(反义词) 11.happy (反义词) 12.near( 近义词) 13.

3、too (同义词) 14.theres (完整形式) 15.lets (完整形式) 16. three (序数词) 三、用 there be 与 have 区别专练1. This desk four legs.2. some books on the desk.3. Everyone an English storybook in my class.4. no chairs in the room.5. I a new sweater.6. some flowers and a desk in the room. 四、根据首字母或所给词填空1. All of the people have t

4、wo f .2. The monkey has a long t .3. The fish has no a or l .4. The bird has two w , but the fish doesnt h any.5.It is white. It has two long e .What is it?-Its a rabbit.6. It is black and white . We can see it in a zoo. It runs very slow. It is from China. Its a p . Is it fat? , .7. It is brown. It

5、 likes climbing trees. It has a long tail.It is a m .Does it like eating bananas? , .8. It is white. It can run fast. Its ears are very long.It is a r .What colour are its eyes? .9. It is yellow and green. It can talk. Its mouth is big.It is a p .Can it fly? , .10. A: Hi, Ben. Come and look the phot

6、o of my school.B: Wow. a nice !A: Thank you. many classrooms in my school.B: there a library in your school ?A: Yes. on third floor.B: the music rooms?A: Theyre behind the library.五选择填空( )1. My sister two good friends.A. have B. haves C. has( ) 2. The students some fruit. A. has B. have C. are( )3.

7、She toys.A. has no B. dont have C. doesnt has( ) 4. What Nancy have?-She a toy monkey. A. does , has B. do, have C. does, have( ) 5.You can see in Australia.A. pandas B. polar bears C. kangaroos( ) 6. I have two friends . One is Cinese and is English.A. the other B. another C. other( ) 7. It has no

8、mouth eyes.A. or B. and C. also( ) 8. How many legs an elephant have?A. does B. do C. is( )9. Helen does not any toy cars, but Jim many. A. has, has B. have, has C. have, have( ) 10.What do you like doing ?-I like .A. playing the basketball B. playing footballs C. playing the piano( ) 11.What does h

9、e like doing?- A. He like sing. B. He like riding a bike. C.He likes drawing. ( ) 12.Liu Tao likes basketball. He football.A. also like B. also likes C. likes also( ) 13.I usually play table tennis my brother after class.A.with B. and C. or( ) 14. like talking about our hobbies.A. Mike and I B. I and Mi C. Mike and me( )15. My sister any new dolls.A. doesnt has B. dont has C. doesnt have( ) 16.Liu Tao likes playing football,but Wang Bing A. dont B. doesnt C. isnt( )


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