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1、 第 页1 2010 年 4 月上海市高等教育自学考试旅游英语模拟试题(课程代码:7055)考试时间:2 小时 总分:100 分I. Single Answer Choice1. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlaws discrimination on the basis of the following except _.A. race B. religion C. sex D. national origin2. The difference between high-context cultures and low-context cultures l

2、ies in the degree of reliance on _A. the linguistic and social contextsB. the spoken and written wordsC. the cultural values and beliefsD. the conversational cues3. It has been suggested that tourist destination development from a sociological perspective follows five basic phases. Local resentment

3、first appears in the _ stage.A. discovery B. conflict C. confrontation D. development4. _ , located in Madrid, Spain, is the only organization that represents all national and official tourist interests.A. WTTC B. IATA C. PATA D. WTO5. The essential concern of the marketing management is _ .A. profi

4、ts B. sales C. customer satisfaction D. supply and demand6. Which of the following is irrelevant to the definition of destinations?A. Particular area B. Travelers C. Size D. Time7. Hotel can be classified according to the following factors except _.A. revenue B. the rate structure C. location D. typ

5、e of guests8. _ functions as a retail store, providing suppliers with a link to the public by selling to the customers the products offered by travel suppliers.A. Wholesale company B. Travel agency C. hotel management company D. Theme park 9. The following are classified as direct providers in the t

6、ravel industry except _.A. airlines B. hotels C. travel agencies D. tourism institution10. According to the overall view, the tourism product is to be considered as an amalgam of the following elements except _.A. attractions B. facilities at the destination C. tourists D. accessibility of the desti

7、nationII. Multiple Answer Choice1. The design of tourism product largely determines the following _.A. the price B. the form of distribution C. the distribution channel D. the customers buying decision E. the destination2. The development of a hotel usually needs to go through the following steps _

8、.A. government approval B. feasibility study C. determination of the availability local resources D. opinion poll of the clientele E. adequate funds3. There are certain measures of airline efficiency including _ .A. overbooking B. yield management C. load factor 第 页2 D. labor cost E. cost per availa

9、ble seat mile4. _ are the significant factors influencing a growing market for travel.A. more long-term leisure timeB. increased disposable incomeC. more incomeD. adequate development in infrastructureE. higher levels of education5. The economist Robert Herlbroner identified certain means of organiz

10、ing a society and dealing with its economic problem . They are_.A. the market system B. marketing research C. traditionD. command E. wholesales6. The following factors including_ decide the costs and earnings of an airline.A. the economy B. labor cost C. fuel prices D. operating efficiency E. price

11、war7. Which of the following belong to the basic procedures of a travel research that will produce a good result? _A. Conduct an information investigation B. Develop a formal research design C. Tabulate and analyze D. Interpret E. Follow up8. Todays theme parks offer a wide range of recreation activ

12、ities and events: _A. roller coaster ride B. theatrical performances C. exhibits D. movies E. celebrity appearance9. The marketing mix is composed of the following factors including _A. timing B. brands C. images D. advertising E. selling10. A variety of stand-alone applications may be interfaced wi

13、th an installed property management system. These interface may include _A. point-of-sale system B. call accounting systems C. electronic locking systems D. energy management system E. auxiliary guest systemIII. Reading Comprehension(1)Numberless public housing blocks grace the Singapore sky-line. T

14、hese public housing units provide homes for more than 70 per cent of Singapores population.The old Singapore with its two-storey Chinese shophouses and idyllic Malay thatched roof or kampung houses is very quickly disappearing. Every day, more and more people are resettling in blocks of simply designed flats. These are concentrated in a dozen new towns scattered all over the island.The new towns are, in fac


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