when is your birthday 教学设计

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《when is your birthday 教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《when is your birthday 教学设计(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 When is your birthday ?一、设计理念采用任务型教学法,通过教师给学生设置一系列的任务:1、同学生日册;2、寻找共同喜欢的日子 3、班级活动安排日历 4、制作带有自己生日的卡片等活动,学生复习旧知识(基数词, Personalcard)进一步学习序数词的用法,一年十二月份的名称,日期的表达方法,学习一些新的活动名词,如郊游,英语晚会等,理解生日含义并学会谈论自己、同学以及父母家人的生日,懂得如何交际和关爱他人,学会合理的安排自己的作息时间,做时间的主人。二、学习目标1、学习序数词 1-31 的表达法。2、学会一年十二个月份的名称及日期表达法。3、理解生日含义并

2、学会谈论自己、同学以及父母家人的生日。4、学会合理的安排自己的作息时间,做时间的主人。5、通过和同学合作、交流学会如何交际和关爱他人。三、教学重点、难点:1、月份的使用、序数词的使用。2、when 引导的特殊疑问句。四、教学准备:多媒体、歌曲“Happy Birthday” 、自制序数词卡片(131) 、日历(挂历) 、磁带。五、教学时间:本单元共 4 课时。六、教学过程:Unit 1 When is your birthday ? 第一课时Sing the “Happy Birthday”song.T: Whats the Chinese meaning of birthday?S: 生日.

3、T: My name is . My birthday is December 11th.When is your birthday? Can you say it in English?Lets learn the words of the twelve months.Step 1、The months of a yearSection A 1a 1、Play the recording the first time. Students only listen as they follow along in their books.2、Play the recording a second

4、time and look at the pictures.This time ask students to listen and repeat each word.3、出示带月份名称的挂历,让学生凭记忆说出各个月份的名称。将挂历的顺序打乱,多个学生练习。Step 2、教序数词。1、复习基数词,老师用汉语说数字,学生给出相应英语。这个环节要多练,确信学生反应迅速又准确。2、Section A 2a Play the recording and ask the students to listen and repeat each word. 引导学生发现并找到其中的规律,一般的以-th 结尾,

5、1,21,31 都以-st 结尾,2,22以-nd 结尾,3,23 以-rd 结尾。2、将事先准备好的序数词卡片打乱顺序,分发给每名学生。3、拿卡片同学以最快速度按对应顺序排好队,然后按一条龙顺序坐到座位上。4、从 11th 开始到教室最前面向其他同学展示,并报数。Step 3、学生用英语介绍自己的生日.让学生们拿出事先准备好的带有自己生日的卡片。 1、Let the students tell their ture birchdays with the new words.2、Teacher asks,the students answer.3、Ask the students to wor

6、k in pairs.4、Ask the students to act out.可能用到的句型:When is your birthday?My birthday is.Step 4、听录音,看动画,将对话排序。1、2b Listen and number the conversations13on P1.2、Divide the students into pairs. Ask everyone to take turns asking the questions in the three conversations and answering the questions.3、Ask se

7、veral pairs of students to perform the conversations for the class.Step 5、Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 2a on P2.Step 6 、Homework 制作班级生日册互相询问对方的生日,做好小组记录。用到的句型:When is your birthday?My birthday is/Its April 10th.Name Birthday第二课时Step 1、汇总班级生日册,并做简单统计。如:同一个月生日的人数,同一日期生日的人数。所需用到的句型结构:When

8、is your birthday?Its April 10th.My birthday is December 2nd.Her/his birthday is December 2nd.Five students were born in October.Three students were born on the 2nd.Step 2、听录音,看动画,将名字、月份和日期连线。1、 Listen to the recording then draw a line connecting each persons name with the month and date of his or he

9、r birthday.2、 Teacher asks, students answer.T: When is Leilas birthday?S: Her birthday is T: When is Nicks birthday?S: His birthaday is T: 3、 Ask several pairs of students to present their conversations to the class.Step 3、Pairwork1、将全班分成四人一个小组,以小组为单位制作一个 2003 年的英文小日历,要求学生用英文标上各个月份的名称,并在日历上标出本组成员喜欢的

10、日子。2、 展出各个小组的英文日历,并说出在刚过去的 2003 年中本组成员最感兴趣的日子,为什么?3、各小组汇报本组的情况,寻找同学们共同喜欢的日子。所需用到的单词和句型结构:Months of the year,Ordinal number lst-3lst.(Which day do you like best?)I like November 26th.Alice likes December 25th,because it is Christmas Day.Jack likes March 14th,because it is his birthday.Steve likes Oct

11、ober 1st,because it is National Day.I like February 12th,because it will be Spring Festival.We like.,because.Step 4、Homework:完成 2d。填写下表:First Name Last Name Birthday Age Telephone numberFavourite Food Favourite ColorFavourite NumbersMothers birthdayFathers birthday第三课时Step 1、 四人的小组活动,让学生记录本组同学的档案所需用

12、到的句型结构:My telephone number is.I am 13 years old.I like.(food)My favourite color is.My mothers birthday is.My fathers birthday is.Step 2、推选出一名代表上台把本组认为写得最有意思的念出来,但不许说出该同学的姓名,让全班同学来猜,他/她是谁?所需用到的句型结构:His/ Her telephone number is.He/ She is 13 years old.He/ She likes.(food)He/ She likes.(color)His/ Her

13、mothers birthday is.His/ Her fathers birthday is.Whats his/her name?His/ Her names.Is it (Ann/ Tom)?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Step 3、PairworkChoose an ID and make a comversation like this:When is you birthday,John?Its March 21st.How old are you?Im fifteen.Step 4、The Birthday Game.1、 Divide the class int

14、o groups of four.T: Lets play the Birthday Game. Talk to the students in your group. Ask about birthdays and ages.2、 Line up from youngest to oldest like the picture on P3.Step 5、Homework:新学期又开始了,班级需要制定下半学期的活动安排。学生四人一组,为班级设计下半学期的活动安排,看一看哪一组设计的活动安排最合理,最受同学们欢迎。所需用的单词:basketball games, speech contest,

15、birthday party, school trip, volleyball games, class meeting.Activities Dates第四课时Step 1、 收集学生填写的表格,分组讨论班级下半学期的活动,把组员们都喜欢的活动,进行合理的安排。所需用到的句型结构:Lets have a basketball game.When is the basketball game?Its on October 30th.When is Sallys birthday party?Its October fifth.When is the English speech contest

16、?Its October 7th.Step 2、 各组进行汇报,并评选出活动安排最合理,最受同学们欢迎的活动安排。所需用到的句型结构:Our school trip on October 30th.English speech contest is on January 5th.Step 3、 Section B 3b Say: We have a music Festival in December. Do you know what other festivals we have in our school? If you dont know, please say ”I dont know.” If you know, please say ”We have a/an” Then ask:“When is it?”Step 4、Gr



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