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1、上册L1 Rock SuperstarsB.Translate the following into Chinese:1.他说:“贾格尔拿着装有半加仑水的罐子沿着舞台前沿跑动,把水洒到前几排狂热的观众身上。2.你如何看待这种赞美和英雄崇拜? 3.你是不是莫名其妙地被这个怪异的小丑所吸引,因为他表现出你最疯狂的幻想。4.一些社会学家认为你对这些问题的回答很能说明你在想些什么,你的社会在想些什么。换句话说,就是可以说明你和社会的态度。5.只不过是艾尔维斯设法体现了 50 年代青少年那种失落的精神风貌。6.感情,作为任何音乐形式的一个组成部分,是个永恒的主题。 7.这一乡村气息,赫罗威次感到,帮助听

2、众表达了一种“逃避现实” , “重归往昔”的愿望。8.在 1972 年进行的一次全国性民意调查中,有 10以上的高中男生和 20以上的女生把摇滚巨星视为自己的偶像。F. Translate the following into EnglishRock music began in America in the late 1950s. It was not only a new musical form, but a debating forum for the American youth to express their ideas of the world and life. In thi

3、s forum, the stars sang out the attitudes of the youth towards civil rights, war arid peace, the disaffection of their society, and a range of emotions between love and hate. All in all, in this forum, the American youth redefined the beliefs and feelings of their society. The typical representative

4、s of the early rock music were Elvis Presley, singer and poet Bob Dylan, the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones and so on. They were the culture heroes whom the young people worshipped.L2 Four Choices for Young PeoplsB.1很显然他所说的代表了许多同龄人的想法。2在过去的几年中,戏听到过许多大学内外的年轻人的谈话,对于成人世界,他们也有同感。3他们愿意自食其力,并对社会大众做些贡献。他们

5、不喜欢文明的环境,也就是说,不喜欢那种丑恶、紧张的城市生活。4一些极富有的乡绅可以回到农村的田园生活。5对他们来说,这有一种传奇的色彩,通常是以某个有闯劲、魁力超凡的人物为代表。6即使革命成功,他们胜利的曙光也从未照耀在他们梦想的,清除了人类一切卑鄙行经的灿烂的新世界上。7革命的机器、无论贴上什么样的政治标签,还得由市场销售,卫生工程、官僚机构的行家们来操作,而不是由那些极端的浪漫主义者们去操作。8这种方法的唯一优点是,它有时真的有效,在一个特定的时间和地点,与其他可选的策略相比,它可以改善世界上一些倒行逆施的行为。F. The American young people in the 196

6、0s belonged to a rebelliousgeneration. They saw that America, the affluent society was full ofpoverty, inequality and hypocrisy.They didnt believe in this adultworld which did not belong to them, and refused to follow itsbeliefs and values. Many young people took active part in the warsagainst pover

7、ty, against racial discrimination and against VietnamWar.Some young people even attempted to overthrow the establishmentby force.While many other young people expressed their disaffectionin a passive way, and they. used drugs, lived a parasitic lifewithout taking any responsibility in society, or es

8、caped to theunspoiled country to live a rather primitive communal life.L3 The Use of ForceB.1我到她家时先遇到她的母亲,她一副惊讶、害怕的表情。她穿着很干净,只是礼貌地说,您是医生吗?就让我进去了。2他试图站起来,我示意他不要麻烦,脱去外套,开始检查。3像往常一样,在这种情况下,他们不会告诉我更多情况,而是理应由我来告诉他们。4我尽量露出我的职业微笑,询问小女孩的名字。我说,过来,玛蒂尔5此时我已厌恶地咬牙切齿,要不是他们使用“伤害” 这个词,我可能早就采取行动了。6在接下来的斗争中,他们变得越来越可怜

9、,被制服,甚至精疲力竭,而小女孩由于害怕我而产生的狂怒却达到了顶点。7她的嘴张开了一下,我还没来的及看清楚,她又闭上了嘴,紧紧地用臼齿咬住木压舌板。我还没来的及将它拔出,她已把它咬成了碎片。8那个可恶的小家伙很愚蠢,但我应当保护她,此时我对自己这样说。F. Mathilda had been; ill for, three days, Her mother gave her somemedicine, but it did no good, so a doctor had to be sent for.Because there had. been, a number of cages of

10、diphtheria in theschool to which Mathilda went and two children died of it, thedoctor wanted to look her throat over first after he arrived at theOlsons. She wouldnt open her mouth no matter how he coaxed her,then the doctor had to get the tongue depressor into her mouth, butMathilda should reduced

11、it to splinters.To protect Mathilda herselfand other children, the doctor must find out whether she had caughtdiphtheria, so that he. could, give her timely treatment. Then hetold Mathildas father to hold both her wrists while he himselfopened her mouth up with effort and found that she did catchdip

12、htheria. The story reminds us of such a thing: some of thethings in life cant be done by ones willingness and in some cases,using certain force seems essential.L4 Die as You Choose B. 1现在迫切需要制定有关安乐死的法律。 2在荷兰,安乐死已被医疗机构接受,并于每年公开实施数千次。 3这场有关安乐死的辩论将持续到秋天,直到加利福尼亚人投票表决了一项 提议,使安乐死合法化。 4许多人认为用所能使用的医疗科技来延长死亡

13、前的痛苦是悲哀的、不高尚的、可怕的。 5这种主动实施与被动使用安乐死的区别还能维持多长时间呢? 6如果他使用足够数量的止痛片来为其实施安乐死就有错了吗?医生采取行 动,就应当受到谴责吗? 7这不是一种巧合,当时荷兰医生就英勇反抗用人体做医学试验。 8不间断提倡思想和行动自由的国家对主动实施安乐死进行限制性规定,就没有什么可担心的了。 F. The need for laws on euthana sia, cant be dodged for much longer. Euthanasia is a taboo in most countries. In these countries doc

14、tors can only practise it secretly. But it is openly practised in. somecountries, such as Holland. Right now more and more countries aregoing over me arguments about legalizing euthanasia.When a patient suffers from illness for a long time and there isno hope of curing it,why do we let him prolong t

15、he throes? Why cantwe practise euthanasia to stop the throes?But if we legalize euthanasia,there will be a danger. Someone mayuse it for killing. AH in all, euthanasia is the question we cantdodge. L5 Id Rather Be Black than FemaleB. 1我是第一个克服这两个不利因素的人。 2美国白人一一一包括那些自认为开明的自由主义者需要很多年的时间来发现,并消除他们所有的种族主义

16、态度。 3在这样的职位中。她们可能会获得几次免费参加抑或全国会议,或民主党和共和党各自召开的全国代表大会。她们所做的也只是按照男主席的方式投一样的票。 4当一位聪明的女学生毕业后开始找工作时,为什么第一个问题总是:“你会打字吗? ” 5每一次我试图再上一个新台阶时,许多人会劝我回到妇女的职业,做一名教师,把政治留给男人。 6但直到这些发生我们知道这不是今年或朋年的事因此我们所要做的是要更多的妇女进人政界,因为我们对此有特殊贡献。 7妇女善解人意、宽容,具有很强的洞察力、耐心和毅力这些都是我们与生俱来或由于受男人的压制而形成的品质,女人能把这些品质带到政府中来。 8目前,我们的国家也许在政治上比其他任何领域更需要女人的理想主义和决心。 F. American women contributed


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