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1、1致力于、从事于:be committed to 、engage in、embark onWe will work to、look to、seek to 、endeavor to、strive to 我们要努力We will adopt +nBear :承担,具有,结果,支撑,向左(右)转,携带Score:赢得,得分,二十,报复,了解Mark:标志,庆祝 ,表明,评价Boast:吹嘘,拥有Endow:赋予,资助Harness: 利用,马具发展、提高、促进、增加等意思:develop, upgrade, enrich, improve, advance, pursue, move forward

2、, forge ahead, enhance, sharpen, widen, broaden, quicken, accelerate, speed up, step up减少裁员: slash, cut(down), shed, downsize, diminish, dwindle、eliminate超过 exceed 、surpass 、 top、 overtake、transcend、go beyond保卫、支持: safeguard、uphold 、support利用 maximize、fully leverage、fully unleash、give full play to、m

3、ake best use ofshowcaseappearemergerepresentdeliver:实现,履行,发表,represent: 代表,表现,象征,回忆on the rise、 on the decrease、on the decline(在衰退中 )gear to 适应,配合prevail: 战胜,盛行embrace:包含,接受,拥抱cherish seize、 grasp、grapple withburden、saddle with Difference、 disparity 明显差异、 discrepancy 差异矛盾usher 引领,开辟 carve out 创业,开拓,

4、雕刻 identify 发现,确认,标志,使易于辨认。blaze 燃烧,公开宣告channel 引导 mobilize 动员footagenegotiate 越过surge 激增,巨浪2do sb a good turn 对某人有益节约 cut down on、economize on 、live frugallyfollow ones bentkick the bucket 一命呜呼reduce to 被迫as a last resort 最后一招in a fix 陷入困境It stands to reason 当然as good as 与。 。 。几乎一样三笔真题笔记presentunfo

5、ldmark、 identifyuphold、safeguard利弊 : rewards and dangerspursueconductprevailbe determined to pose a threat topush for、press ahead with、move forward withvigorous secure 获得,招致link to、interlinked with、bound up with、interconnected with、integrated withbear in mindnow and foreverrefrain from 抑制,忍住boomente

6、r into a business/an agreementin a fashion=in a wayon the rise、 on the decline、on the slideshoot up、soar、surgewitness、experience、embracerecordunwavering 坚定的,毫不动摇的unleash、unlock、liberateexceed、topestablish、identify、set、outline、lay out a goal刺激:galvanize、stimulate、spursustainpromise产生:produce、generate

7、shake off poverty、lift out of poverty、shake off/shed off poverty3可观的,数量大的:enviable、remarkable 、considerable、measurable 、visible、substantial、sizable、impressiveinstrumental、vital、crucial 、critical、pivotalbinding targetexpert panel人祸:human error成就 success、achievement、gain、accomplishmentdraw on 吸收,利用cou

8、ple with 伴随self-seclusion 闭关自守be home torun from to 持续引导:direct、guide 、divert、channel促进/加快/支持/鼓励培育/:boost、facilitate、bolster、encourage 、uphold、underpin 、foster 、fuel、cultivate、nurtureelevate、 promoteenact 制定,颁布coincide with ,conform with , in line with,a growing trend of keep afloat 勉力维持compoundshap

9、e、formscale uprobust、strong、buoyant显示,证明:testify、indicate、demonstratedaunting 艰巨的,使人气馁的资源禀赋:resource endowmentprimary energy 一次能源carbon sinka host of,a group of强调:highlightseek partnershipas of 截止到for ones part state-of-the-the-art、cutting edge、pace-settinghandsome, luxuriant, bountifulmomentumsyner

10、gyramp uppop up 突然出现promising、 optimistic、encouraginglandmark、milestone、epoch-making4是代名词/相等:be synonymous with certified with, identify with迎合:cater for、to登上顶峰:scale the heights be powered、 driven by以。 。 。为特色:feature被称为:be touted as、crowned as =be dubbedbe blessed with、be endowed withdiffer in 、 va

11、ryin the context of 、in the backdrop of 在。 。背景下 in face of 、facing 面对。 。 。major global playersrange froma wealth of = a store ofas a way to do=as a way of doingin an attempt to = in an effort toas it works to as it looks to 应对处理:address, handle, tackle, counter, deal with, cope with, grapple with, m

12、anage解决:solve, resolve, settle, work out, figure out充满:fraught with, full of , filled with, brimming with展开/推出:roll out 详细阐述:elaborate on 有益于:be conducive to淘汰:phase out, weed out, eliminatea leveling-play fieldrun counter to, be contrary to紧跟发生:ensue 实施:carry out, put in effect, implement, practice

13、, exercise, enact, put into force, apply, bring into force插入语:meanwhile, at the same time, hence, therefore, to this end, going forward, moreoverHuman rights violationHuman traffickerPrey on Yearn forBe central to = be at the heart ofGrouped togetherOn the frontline of Pay tribute toOn this occasion 值此之际Quality education 素质教育Hold many answers5Be at the cutting edge 处于时代最前沿EmpowerCarry special importance


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