必修4 moudle3单元检测题 综合检测(三)

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1、综合检测( 三)Module 3Body Language and NonVerbal Communication(满分:120 分;时间:100 分钟).单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)1Will you _me _favour to carry the box upstairs ,boy?Agive;the Bdo;theCoffer;a Ddo;a2The pupils nervous expression _ himself _ when he told a lie that he was ill.Agave;off B. gave;outCgave;away

2、 Dgave;up3(2013太原高一检测 )Lucy was so thirsty that she made a _for some water.Adecision BfaceCliving Drequest4With the development of the company,it has made another _ with Japan and made lots of money.Aprogress BdealCeffort Dconcept5_difficult the problem is,you have to try your best to solve it.AAlth

3、ough BWhateverCHowever DNo matter6Who was _ when the thief broke in?Sorry,but I dont know.Aon show Bon businessCon a visit Don guard7The prices of meat _ greatly with seasons.Avaries BvariousCvary Dvariety8When I was doing some cooking,I cut my finger_.Aby the way Bby accidentCby chances Din the way

4、9Most people prefer a _ show to a recorded one.Aliving BaliveClively Dlive10If you have any questions to ask,please _ your hands.Ahold out Bhold upCput on Dput out11I think being _of ones shortcomings helps one to make more progress.I cant agree more.Aconscious BunconsciousCinformal Dformal12If you

5、are good at English,you will find it easy to_people in a foreign country.A communicate to Bcommunicate withCagree to Dagree with13When the earthquake happened,the young man _and went under the bed.Apanicked BpanicedCthreatened Damazed14Whenever I see my neighbours,I always _ them.Asay hello for Bsay

6、 goodbye toCsay hello to Dsay goodbye for15How about going climbing this weekend?Well,there are too many dangers_.Ainvolving Bhaving involvedCto involve Dinvolved.完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)More than a hundred years ago,a college student was travelling by train.He found himself _16_ by the side

7、of an old man who seemed to be a _17_ peasant,well dressed.He was holding a rosary(念珠)to _18_ and moving the beads(珠子)with his fingers.“Sir.do you still _19_such outdated things?”asked the student, “Yes,I do.Dont you?”asked the man.The student burst into _20_ and said, “I do not believe in such _21_

8、 things.Take my advice,_22_ the rosary out of this window, _23_ learn what science has to say about it.”“Science?I do not understand this science.Perhaps you can _24_ it to me.”The man spoke humbly(谦恭地)with _25_ in his eyes.The student saw that the man was_26_ moved.So to avoid further hurting the_2

9、7_of the man,he said, “Please give me your_28_ and I will send you some books to _29_ you learn about this.”The man_30_ the inside pocket of his coat for a moment and gave the boy his visiting card._31_ glancing at the card,the student_32_his head in shame and became_33_.On the card he read, “Louis

10、Pasteur,Director of the Institute of Scientific Research,Paris” _34_,Louis Pasteur was a great French scientist.His _35_ that most diseases are caused by germs(细菌),known as the“germ theory of disease”,was one of the most important advances in medical history.16A.stood BattractedClaughed Dseated17A.p

11、oor BrichCprofessional Ddisabled18A.organise BactCpray Dspeak19A.believe in Bcare aboutCthink of Dplay with20A.song BjoyClaughter Dexcitement21A.silly BharmfulCcommon Dserious22A.take BleaveCthrow Dput23A.but BorCand Dso24A.give BexplainClend Dbring25A.doubts BdifficultiesCtears Dtroubles26A.deeply

12、BhighlyCclosely Dsincerely27A.thought BfeelingsCideas Dmind28A.hand BbookCplace Daddress29A.make BleadCimpress Dhelp30A.touched BlookedCsearched Dexamined31A.On BInCDuring DAbout32A.nodded BraisedClowered Dmoved33A.negative BsilentCpeaceful Dnaughty34A.Finally BActuallyCReally DObviously35A.wonder B

13、behaviorCfact Ddiscovery.阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)AEven a child knows that nodding(点头)the head means“Yes”But some people will probably be puzzled when they first come to India.When they talk to an Indian,he often shakes his head.They might think that the Indian does not like what he said,but on_

14、the_contrary he is expressing agreement.The Indians have a habit of shaking their heads slightly when they talk to somebody.It doesnt mean“No”,but“Yes”If a person doesnt know this,it might cause misunderstanding.At one time a foreigner in India told his driver who was an Indian to take him to his of

15、fice.The driver shook his head.The foreigner repeated his request and the driver shook his head again.At last,the foreigner shouted angrily, “Drive me to my office at once!”The driver said in a low voice, “Yes, sir, ”smiling and shaking his head again at the same time.36Generally speaking,nodding the head means _,and shaking the head means _.AYes ;No BNo;YesCYes;Yes DNo;No37According to the


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