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1、高一上Unit 1 Review of tenses Simple present Present continuousSimple futureSimple pastPresent prefectPast continuousPast perfectUnit 2 Sentence elements:(I)subjects,verbs and objects(II)complements and adverbialsUnit 3 The passive voice (被动态)Unit 4 Adverbial clauses of time after,before,while,as,since

2、,until ect.Adverbial clause of reason because as sinceUnit 5 Modal verbs have to, must,should,ought toUnit 6 Relative clauses with relative pronouns as subjects who,that,which (主语从句) Relative clauses with relative pronouns as objects which,who,whom,that(宾语从句)高一下Unit 1 Gerunds as objects use a gerund

3、 as the object of a verbUse a gerund as the object of a prepositionUnit 2 不定式的用法 to donot to do to have done to be doingUnit 3 Relative clauses with prepositions and whom or which Relative clauses with why,when or whereUnit 4 Present participle phrases after nouns i.e scientists are trying to develo

4、p a material having similar properties Present participle phrases used as adverbialsAdv of time Adv of reasonAdv of mannerUnit 5 Infinitives and ing verb forms after perception verbs Preception verbs:feel find hear listen to notice see watchPreception verb+-ing verb form preception verb+bare infinit

5、ive Infinitives and ing verb forms after other verbs Stop remember forget regret meanUnit 6 Object clauses with that know,believe,agree,etc+that Object clauses with question words know,think,believe,explain,etc+what,where,which,who,why,how高二上Unit 1 Adverbial phrases and clauses of purpose in order (

6、not) to/so as (not) toSo that/in order thatIn case Adverbial phrases and clauses of concession despite/in spite ofAlthough/though/even thoughUnit 2 The present perfect continuous tense The present perfect continuous tense and present perfect tenseUnit 3 Restrictive and non-restrictive relative claus

7、es Non-restrictive relative clauses that use which to refer to a whole clause Non-restrictive relative clauses with one of whom,some of which,etc.Unit 4past participle phrases used as adverbials(-ed 分词表原因,时间,状态等)Unit 5 Past participles as attributives before nouns(前置定语) Past participle phrases after

8、 nouns(-ed 分词做形容词) Comparing past and present participles as adjectivesUnit 6 If-clauses (主将从现) Other word and expressions to introduce conditional clauses as long as/unless高二下Unit 1 Partial inversion used in short replies so do I Neither/nor do I Partial inversion in longer sentences(否定词提前和 only 的倒

9、装句)Never,hardly,rarely,little and seldom onlyUnit 2 None clauses used in apposition i.e. I have no idea whether/what/when/where/who/how.announcement/evidence/opinion/chance/wish/conclusion/decision/rumour/belief/idea/possibility/warning/feeling/news/factUnit 3 Noun clauses as subject introduced by t

10、hat (it is (adj) that.) Noun clauses as subjects introduced by question words (it is why/who/where/how/what)Unit 4 Modal verbs+have+past participle may/might have done Cannot/could not have doneCould have doneMust have doneUnit 5 Reporting statement said/add/explain thatUnit 6 Absolute construction

11、as an adv of time,condition,reason or attending circumstances高三上Unit 1 It as an empty subject(形式主语 it) It as a preparatory object (形式宾语)Unit 2 Adverbial clauses of manner and result i.e. women can do heavy,physical work,and do it well ,in the same way as men doso+adj/adv+thatso many/few+countable no

12、un +that or so much/little+ UN+thatsuch+adj+noun+that Review of adverbial clausesTime before,after,while,as,sinc,untilReason as,since,becausePurpose so that ,in order that,in caseConcession although,though,even thoughManner as,in the same way asResult so.that,such.thatUnit 3 The subjunctive mood in if-clauses Unit 4 The subjunctive in noun clauses(省略 should 动词用原型)Suggert,insist,demand,propose,require,ask,advise,order,recommend,requestImportant,necessary,natural,strange,essentialSuggestion,proposal,idea,advice Other uses of the subjunctive Wish/would rather .that As ifIts high time that


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